The second shopkeeper Ji Wenzheng in the backyard wing room of Heavenspan Pavilion received Yi Tian's visit together with her girlfriend Hua Yuxin. After reading the Spirit Realm's list of evil spirits, Yi Tian also bluntly asked Wang Wei the details of the lone wind thief.

In Hua Yuxin's opinion, this is completely indifferent. The inspection department of Sunset City and the lone wind thief who are a few far away a thousand li are completely different people.

A soldier and a thief are two kinds of people who do not interact with each other, but Captain pays great attention to this. But Ji Wen's face remained unchanged, but the worried expression in her eyes grew deeper.

I searched for it in the storage ring, and soon took out a bundle of jade slips and handed them to Yi Tian: "My Heavenspan Pavilion knows the power of Spirit Realm large and small. , Here is all the information of the lone wind thief, I hope it can help you."

Yi Tian is also polite to reach out and take this jade slip over, and put it on his forehead quickly with divine sense Read it happily.

The complexion on his face after ten breaths is solemn, but there is a look of be eager to have a try in his eyes.

This jade slip describes all the members of the lone wind thief. The most powerhouse is the cultivator that is the last on the list like Wang Wei.

As for the other members who have already seen Blue Yaksha, Xu Youcheng and Wang Fan, who has been killed by himself, are both cultivators of Deity Transformation Middle Stage.

There are a total of five people in this group, and there is a Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivator called Ying Ai, but this person is not strong and has few shots. It is estimated that the cultivation base is too bad. Ranked last in Wind Pirates, everyone thinks he is a cumbersome.

Understanding that Yi Tian's heart is relieved, he is full of people from the inspection department here in Sunset City. The Lone Wind Pirates are all wanted criminals. I don't think Wang Wei would be really stupid to come to Sunset City to find his revenge at that time.

In addition, I did it cleanly and did not leave any footwork. Even if Wang Wei had doubts, he couldn’t find any real evidence, and he couldn’t be sure that the younger brother Wang Fan was in his own hands. .

When I thought about it, I was in a great mood, and then returned the jade book to Ji Wen, saying: "Okay, everything I want to know is already clear. Ji shopkeeper's favor is Yimou remember. "

Ji Wen said with a smile after the jade book: "What did Yi Captain say? Thanks to you in time to get back in time to shock Huo Jiong and his group, and then slightly Shi Xiaoji asked them to all in vain."

Hua Yuxin also followed: "I also lost a lot of Spirit Stone. See that the second generation ancestor will dare to fight for Ji's elder sister in the future. Yeah."

Yi Tian hearing this knew what they were referring to, and quickly waved his hands and shied away: "Where and where, the two of them have praised me, if it weren't for the colleagues of the Inspection Department to surround Huo Jiong and the others. , Plus Huo Qing’s Old Guy refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases. I dare not hurt you. I’m afraid I can’t do all the work."

Hua Yuxin is A look of as it should be by rights appeared on his face and said: "Of course, he doesn't look at who my brother is. If Huo Qing touches me at all, be careful that my brother comes back and beat him alive."

The second generation of Xiu Yi Tian, ​​who is so unreasonable, just laughed. Hua Yulin, who wants to come to the 80th place on the list, is her own brother. It's just that Heavenspan Pavilion Three Great Families may not have no one on the list, and their strength is more than that.

On the Huo Family alone, you will not be afraid of him Hua Family, but Huo Qing is also a thoughtful person who knows the background of Hua Yuxin. He didn't want to make trouble for himself, so he didn't move Hua Yuxin. It would be hard to tell if he met a powerful master who was not afraid of Hua Yulin.

The information that needs to be understood at hand has been thoroughly understood, and Yi Tian then said goodbye to his children and hurried back to Cave Mansion.

When she left, Hua Yuxin stared at what she was about to say for a long while, but in a blink of an eye she could only see the back of her departure.

And Ji Wen beside her also said with a heart-warming voice: "Is Yuxin sister fancy Yi Captain? To be honest, others are really good. Ascending cultivator is innocent, and she will pass the Thunder Tribulation after entering the world. After that, you can choose sect closed-door cultivation. With his strength, his achievements will be limitless in the future, and younger sisters have to hold fast to this potential cultivator."

Hua Yuxin has two cheeks in an instant. In her mouth, she said disdainfully: "What's the use of how great he is, compared with that person's vast distance. And for the Hua Family, I must fight for the selection ceremony 300 years later. If I can get in. People’s Dharma eyes, the future path will naturally be smooth sailing."

After hearing this, Ji Wen frowned slightly and said: "Jade core younger sister, I know that this concubine selection ceremony cannot be discouraged. What about you, since you choose to fight for Hua Family, just let it go. And if you choose this path, don’t show mercy to others. Know the strict rules of Lihuo Palace. Once you have the opportunity to enter it. Of course it is ascending to the skies with a single leap to get countless resources, but you have to give up a lot of things accordingly."

Divine light in Hua Yuxin’s eyes dimmed: "Of course I know this. Once entering the palace gate is as deep as the sea, and the lover is a passerby since then. Since I chose this path, I will definitely try to go on, and if my brother hadn’t been to Qingtiansi to help me calculate my fate, I wouldn’t decide next time. "

"Speaking of your brother looking for sect Qing Tiansi to divination of your Hua Family's fortune, it cost a lot of money," Ji Wen asked, changing the subject.

Hua Yuxin nodded replied: "That's natural. It took him nearly a hundred years of merit points to get the first discipline of Qing Tiansi to take a shot. And afterwards, it also cost a lot of management."

"This is an early investment. As long as the younger sister of Yuxin can stand out in the concubine selection ceremony, the Lihuo Palace in the future will be worthy of serving the Chi Wuji as the tide rises, the boat floats," Ji Wen said jokingly.

"The eight characters have not yet been shaken. To become the Dao Companion cultivation base of the Promise Young Sect Master, you must at least reach the Nascent Soul Late Stage. Then you have to participate in the Sunset City test, each before the city. The third person is qualified to go to Lihuo Palace to enter," Hua Yuxin said so, but his face showed a look of ambition, as if she must be one of the three places in the Sunset City. .

Naturally, Yi Tian could not hear the private conversation of the two women. At this time, he did not leave the backyard of the Heavenspan Pavilion, but walked around in the front hall of the first floor. , I selected a few pieces of Spiritual Artifacts with a preliminary character and bought them.

This time the plentiful harvest, but all on hand are some unseen Spiritual Artifacts. One of the shields and a black armor had to be repaired before being used again after being pierced by the Taiyuan Sword.

I have learned about the prices and refining techniques in Sunset City before. To be honest, the price is deceptive, and the skill is just right. But it's not as good as doing it by yourself.

At first, Yi Tian still wanted to directly purchase raw materials to refine and repair, but he didn't want to be too ostentatious so as not to be noticed by those who are interested. In the end, I decided to spend more time to buy some Spiritual Artifact, go back to disassemble and decompose, and purify the raw materials by myself before using it in the refiner.

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