Heavenspan Pavilion has been upset recently. The caravans outside have encountered demonic beast attacks on several roads. This account was directly charged to the current second shopkeeper Ji Wen, who always arranged the outgoing freight.

As a responsible Ji Wen, it is natural to have such a big mistake. In addition, there are rumors within the Heavenspan Pavilion that if Ji Wen fails to improve the current situation, he can only be transferred back to the headquarters after that year.

I want to come here to transfer back to the headquarters, it means that Huo Family arranged it alone, as long as Ji Wen goes back, she will definitely face the Huo Family's proposal, and then she will not be able to do her own thing.

This time, Ji Wen personally escorted a batch of extremely important materials to Maple Leaf City four thousand miles away. The third shopkeeper of Heavenspan Pavilion was supposed to be in charge, but in view of the troubled autumn, Ji Wen, the second shopkeeper, stepped up to take up the burden.

The materials transported this time are not very valuable, and they are mainly ordinary commodities in trade. In view of the fact that the previous few times have ended without a problem, the volume of this shipment is three times more than before, mainly due to some special products and spirit plants of Sunset City.

These things are insignificant in the eyes of Nascent Soul Cultivator, but they can be used for Foundation Establishment and even Golden Core cultivator. There are even more than 80% of the materials needed by mortals.

In addition to the guards of the original Heavenspan Pavilion, the entire transportation team also specially invited a group of escorts from Mingyue Escort to accompany it. The cultivation bases of these darts are mostly in the Nascent Soul Middle Stage, and they usually take on some valuable escort missions.

It's rare to bet on darts like this. If the second season shopkeeper hadn't come forward and talked about the price dart board in person, it might not have been accepted.

This delivery is not only to deliver materials to Maple Leaf City, but also to show the world that Heavenspan Pavilion is fully capable as a large business. Trifling twice can't be considered, but the reputation of Heavenspan Pavilion cannot be slandered.

The transport team departed from the entrance of Heavenspan Pavilion and slowly exited the city through the east gate of Sunset City. As the team leader this time, Ji Wen is naturally sitting in the middle of the town in a car pulled by the ground.

At this time, there were two other girls sitting beside her in her car. They looked like they were dressed in the costumes of the Maid of Heavenspan, but there was an angry look in their eyes, staring all around. As if secretly guarding, these two were dressed up by Mei Xiner and Hua Yuxin.

This time, the inspection department mobilized three herringbone flag squads all at once into the transport team. Except for the two female cultivators who pretended to be maids hiding in Ji Wen's car, the others were all dressed up as escorts or small servants.

As for opening the way in the front, it is Yi Tian who has been dressed up carefully, because it is an ascending cultivator with a very face, but he is not afraid of being recognized.

Moreover, it is appropriate to suppress the cultivation base in the Nascent Soul Middle Stage as a pioneer officer. In addition, when I was not involved in the cultivation in the White Horse Gang, I did not do less darts. Thousands of years, but it is not unfamiliar to do.

Lian Feixiong turned into Ji Wen's steward after disguising and guarding in the last few transport vehicles. The three captains of the herringbone flag occupies the three parts of the head, the middle and the tail respectively, and the other twelve players are lurking in them to play the role of dartist or home.

The route of this journey is also arranged in advance from Sunset City, then go straight south along the main road, cross the Canglan River, cross the Xieyue Valley, and then pass the crystal frost forest to reach the Maple Leaf City. .

On the way, there are only these three places where people can be ambushed. It is also clear in my heart that I have prepared, but the next road is quite smooth.

Two days later, the Battallion came to the Canglan River, and then the families in the Heavenspan Pavilion all started to unload the goods from the rhinoceros, and then cut down the trees to build a raft to prepare to cross the river.

As the leader, Yi Tian is also looking bored at this time, patrolling all around and alert. Looking at the busy state of the Heavenspan pavilion guys, Yi Tian walked away to the Canglan River, and then released Yunmeng Toad with a slap on the Yu Beast's bag.

This Little Brat has been stuck on the Jiu Xian pot that he is attached to, and Yi Tian is also quite helpless about this. After having the experience of raising Spirit Pet, I know that I can't just pet them blindly, and sometimes I have to let them come out for activities and activities to absorb some popularity.

After this Yunmeng toad came out, it landed on the palm of the palm, and then stayed in that motionless. Yi Tian couldn't help but think it was dragging it out and disturbing Qingmeng.

I was wondering that suddenly Yunmeng Toad jumped into the water with a plop, swam around in the wide Canglan River of ten zhang, and then jumped back.

When Yi Tian turned around and was rushed back to the transportation team, Yunmeng Toad opened his mouth and screamed for "gu gu". At first, Yi Tian didn't feel any abnormality, but when he approached the Canglan River, the call frequency of Yunmeng Toad was several times faster.

At the moment, Yi Tian felt uncomfortable in his heart for a moment. These Spirit Pets have a sense of Heaven and Earth several times stronger than ordinary people, so it seems to remind themselves that the crisis is right in front of them.

In the blink of an eye, the transportation of battallion has already begun to cross the river. If someone attacked at this time, it would really be beaten above seven inches.

Yi Tian immediately became suspicious. He thought that the chance of suffering in Xieyue Valley or Crystal Frost Forest would be higher. He didn't expect that the people of Huo Jiong were so impatient and prepared to do it early. Up.

Then hurriedly hurried to the side of Ji Wen’s ground rhinoceros pulling the cart and shouted directly: "There’s something wrong with Ji Master’s house."

The window opened in response, and he stuck his head out to ask. Said: "What happened to Yi Dangtou?"

"The situation is not right, I think something will happen and it is not a good thing," Yi Tian was talking, suddenly some noise came from his ear.

Looking back, it was those mortal families and coolies who were yelling. In the blink of an eye, they swept across the upper reaches of the Canglan River and saw a white waterline rushing towards the ferry.

Yi Tian's eyes were light flashed, staring at the white line and glanced at it, and suddenly realized that it was formed by the gathering of water waves of about three zhang high.

It is obvious that this spellcaster is proficient in Water Element cultivation technique, and there seems to be a blue light flashing in the water waves, and someone should be hiding in it.

A violent whistle was blown. The people who had not yet crossed the river stopped their work and hurriedly drove the rhinoceros to the shore, while a group of guards jumped into the air. Stand up.

The waves swept across and were divided into two within a distance of less than hundred zhang and moved towards the caravan swept away on both sides of the bank.

At the same time, there is a Divine Transformation Stage spiritual pressure fluctuation in the wave of water. After three breaths, a cultivator with a blue skin all over came out, holding two Trident moved towards the ground rhino cart where Ji Wen was located. It was obvious that the other party's purpose was to kidnap people.

I don't know who opened his mouth and yelled: "It's Jiang Yang thief Lan Yaksha, everyone, run for your life," the whole scene suddenly became chaotic.

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