This time Yi Tian also did a lot of preparatory work before ascending. First, I left the sect token flame inscription ring to Qu Yifeng. I have only replaced a newly refined storage ring, but this newly refined storage ring is completely developed by engraving the veins on the original flame inscription ring.

It leaves only a faint trace on the hand, which is difficult to detect if you don’t look closely.

Qu Yifeng took the Clear Sky Mirror and the flame inscription ring to be regarded as collecting all the treasures in the hands of Old Ancestor from the fire.

Yi Tian only carried his own Zixiaozhan as the necessary Spiritual Artifact for the Trigram Fire Sect spell. In addition, there are also the Jingling Bottle left by Qianlingzi and the Taiyuan Sword refined back then as a self-protection Spiritual Artifact.

As for many Spiritual Artifacts that were sacrificed back then, all were returned to sect for future use.

There are some Ghost Face Flower seeds that can bring up the realm. These are the necessary psychic mediums for Wood Element spell, so I have enough. There are also white jade lotus root and purple golden bottle gourd seedlings picked from Cloudy Skies Sect Secret Realm in the waters of Wandao.

Spiritual Qi is thin on Tianlan continent, and these heaven-defying spirit plants cannot be planted on a large scale, so let's bring them to Spirit Realm and think of a solution.

I have experimented with the benefits of white jade lotus root for several times. As for the purple golden bottle gourd seedlings, the existing spirit plant records on the Tianlan continent can’t be used to the fullest, so I have to prepare myself. Let Spirit Realm find the spirit plant records there.

In addition to these, there is Spirit Pet Yunmeng Toad, who was newly acquired over a hundred years ago. This little thing love wine as one's life. Fortunately, my own brewing skills are not inferior to others. In addition to brewing a batch of high-end spirit wines, I also specially made time for Yunmeng Toad to tailor and refine a jug, whose shape is particularly not like the common long handle. The vertical pot is more like a chubby teapot.

Put the spirit wine in it and place Yunmeng Toad on the lid, just to let it sit firmly. Since then, this Yunmeng Toad has stubbornly relied on the wine jug and will not come down anymore, and is now included in the new imperial beast bag by Yi Tian for later use.

It’s luck to count, even fat dogs don’t have the same treatment to ascending to the skies with a single leap to Spirit Realm.

After waving goodbye to everyone, Yi Tian silhouette flashed into an azure glow and then directly followed Huo Chilian into the valley Formation.

When I came to within the valley, I saw that the array was ready. Then I reached out and took out the jade slip that I had prepared and gave it to Huo Chi Refining Dao: "Junior Brother has been working hard all these years. This is Six Paths. The detailed method of making the world wheel is the best if it can’t be used."

Huo Chilian took the jade slip and quickly scanned it, and then a terrified look appeared on his face: "didn't Expect this world wheel refining involves so many things. It seems that when Senior Brother Nian was refined through many twists and turns, the younger brother is disrespectful."

Yi Tian clicked nodded Then he said: "After I leave, you will have to worry about sect affairs. Yifeng's limited potential may not be able to train to the later stage, and since childhood, there have been few and hardships, unlike you and I who are living in a foreign land but can find success in adversity."

"Senior Brother, don't worry, I have nothing to do with sect. I will definitely try to continue the orthodoxy in the future," Huo Chilian said immediately.

After listening, Yi Tian showed a gratified smile on his face, and then he said: "Well, this time I want to personally host the ascension, and you should leave first, and witness it together in the Houke District."

Knowing Yi Tian stand by one's word, Huo Chilian immediately heard the voice "Senior Brother treasures all the way." Then he cast his escape technique and hurriedly withdrew from the valley Formation.

To be honest, Yi Tian's own secrets are too many to reveal to others. If the seal in the body comes out again to cause trouble when he is ascending, it would be really worth the loss.

After waiting for divine sense to detect that there is no one left in the Formation, Yi Tian stretched out his hands to form the seal and slowly started the ascent platform. After a white light flashed on the ascending platform, the Six Paths world wheel shot a beam of white light on Yi Tian.

This time it spun up quickly after a long time and did not stop. Yi Tian divine sense swept only to see that the Six Paths world wheels were in Spirit Realm, Asura World and Buddha Spirit Realm. Make a pause. It seems that it is impossible to determine which realm to go to.

So Yi Tian hurriedly released the spiritual power of the whole body and revealed the Trigram Fire Sect Source Power. After the Six Paths circle found the target, the words Spirit Realm stopped at the top after three breaths.

After a beam of light hit the sky directly, it opened a void channel one mile wide, and a lot of Spiritual Qi swarmed down from the channel. Yi Tian glanced at it and knew the so-called void storm But it is caused by the backflow phenomenon caused by the great difference in the richness of the spiritual power of the two interfaces.

Obviously, I have to withstand the spiritual power from the upper Spirit Realm to the remaining spiritual power and go upstream to cross this passage to the other shore.

Looking at the sky rolling Spiritual Qi down Yi Tian, ​​the corner of his mouth smiled, and then the silhouette of the whole body under the spiritual power flourished, moved towards the void channel entrance and flew away.

The gathering of thunderclouds at the entrance of the passage should be the first difficulty of Feishengjie. I want to take out a Spirit Armor and put it on my body to cover the whole body, leaving only the eyes empty.

After the silhouette passed through the entrance of the passage, I only felt that the strength of Thunder all around moved towards myself, and the arc hit on the armor and immediately sparked out. But he easily passed through the thundercloud area without a trace of feeling.

Then I only heard a loud roar behind me, turning my head and looking at the sound of the void gap being gradually narrowed.

After ten breaths, after the back road is completely cut off, Yi Tian knows that he has only one way forward now.

There is strong wind blowing everywhere in the interface channel, and the strong wind speed blowing on oneself can feel the pressure doubled.

On the one hand, he must continue to use his escape technique to continue flying, and on the other hand, he must avoid the attack of the wind in time. After flying for a while, I found a tiny spot of light in the distance. In Yi Tian's heart, he was happy that it should be the exit on the other side of the interface channel, as long as he could fly there, he would be regarded as going to Spirit Realm.

Under great joy, the spiritual power in the body accelerates and moves towards the place where it keeps flying away.

But I didn’t fly far, I just felt that a strong hurricane was coming, and I was directly involved in it. The Spirit Armor blown by the rapid gust of wind made the sound of ding ding dong dong.

Yi Tian hurriedly stabilized his figure after seeing the bleak, both hands forming seals displayed Buddhist Sect's corona golden sun method, and suddenly a layer of golden rays of light appeared on the skin. In this way, it can be regarded as holding the figure in the hurricane, and then slowly moving the foreign aid moved towards this hurricane.

After one hour, I finally got out of the danger zone without any risk, and then reached out and took out a few medicine pills and put them in my mouth to replenish the lost spiritual power. Then Yi Tian didn't dare to care about it and could only maintain a constant speed moving towards the exit direction of the interface channel and flew away.

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