A azure glow on the boundless South China Sea crossed the sky and then moved towards the depths and flew straight to the depths. It was Yi Tian's deity that escaped the light.

After the wedding banquet between Eldest Miss and Fat Dog in the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains in the south, he cancelled the master-servant contract of the two Spirit Pets in public.

This action immediately stunned Fat Dog and Chi Yanju, but they didn’t expect that they had been taken care of by themselves for so many years, and they didn’t know how to go in the future. Up.

To be honest, Yi Tian also has his own considerations. The new Monster King of dignified Tianlan continent turns out to be the Spirit Pet of Human Race cultivator. If this is said, it will smash a big basket. If it is serious, it may lead to the hostility of human and demon races and cause large-scale animal chaos.

The lightest will also sweep the majesty of the fat dog, which will affect his dominance. Think about the fact that the dignified Monster King still has to take orders from the Human Race. In this tone, the other morphing monsters may not be able to bear it, and they will inevitably develop rebellion over time.

After the two demons cried out, Yi Tian still insisted on breaking the contract between the master and the servant, and then gave him a spare time for the Zhong Prefecture Trigram Fire Sect Elder. In this way, they can be regarded as calming their hearts, and even the Great Sky Monster King and the Golden Retriever King greatly admired Yi Tian's actions.

I think they also held the position of Sect Elder back then, and they also have traces on the sect disciple's name spectrum, ranking behind the four Head Disciple.

Yi Tian immediately took out the new sect name book that had been prepared, and added the names of Fat Dog and Chi Yanju directly after the current Sect Master Qu Yifeng, which is considered to be the two of them.的名分.

Then the two demons also dripped blood next to their names on the spot, leaving a unique and unmatched blood imprint, so this matter was considered a perfect solution.

After returning from Southern Border, Yi Tian handed over the sect name score to Sect Master Qu Yifeng for safekeeping, and he went to the Qi Pavilion to find Huo Chi practice together to refine the defensive Spiritual Artifact.

After holding more than a dozen pieces of seven-level top-tier treasures in their hands, the two mobilized all the treasures available in the Trigram Fire Sect to design and refine Spiritual Artifacts.

According to Yi Tian's estimation, at least eight to ten seven-level Spiritual Artifacts can be refined. Didn't expect sect. There are indeed many treasures of mobile phones in the past few hundred years. In addition, she uploaded a book and informed her teacher Qian Wei, and asked her to open the treasure house of Spirit Sect and take out all the collections of thousands of years.

Afterwards, with sufficient financial and material support, Huo Chi Lian filled up the seven vacancies of the Lihuo Ten Soldiers three thousand years ago. And most of them are refined into Spiritual Artifacts of the sixth-level peak or the seventh-level elementary.

Yi Tian selected many top treasures to refine nine seven-level defense Spiritual Artifacts, although the ranks vary from middle to top. But it is a rare treasure for those cultivators that need to ascend.

Be aware that every additional piece of defense Spirit Treasure at the time of ascension will give you an extra chance of success.

During this period, Yi Tian also revised several books and stated the requirements of the Flood Dragon King and Nanhai Zhangxian. Of course, the price is that every sect can get a Spirit Treasure.

At first, these sect great cultivators did not directly agree with this matter. Fortunately, in the letter, he also revealed that he also refines a Six Paths world wheel as a backup, so it has no effect on everyone.

In this way, one more defense Spirit Treasure can be obtained for no reason. Every great cultivator has more confidence in the ascent. Everyone benefits from a win-win situation.

A few years later, the Monster King and the Golden Retriever King arrived as scheduled, and the news of the two ascending was also communicated to the Sect Masters of Great Sect in advance.

After having the first experience, Yi Tian directly gave two places to observe the ceremony. The Monster King of Sifang also received two representatives of various sects to witness.

In addition, the Flood Dragon King and Nanhai Zhangxian also received an invitation letter to take an entourage to visit the hinterland of Qi Yaoshan in Zhong Prefecture.

For such an extremely rare opportunity, the two big monsters of course fully agreed, and rushed to the cultivator of the same class of Zhong Prefecture Peak in Qi Yaoshan within the agreed time to witness the two Monster King's ascension.

The results this time are obviously better than the first time. After the bitter lessons of the Soul Eater Mouse King, both the Giant Monster King and the Golden Retriever King are well prepared. And they were also unprecedented this time and adopted the method of soaring together.

In this way, the two Monster Kings can work together to support each other when passing through the void storm. Of course, Yi Tian disagrees with this, although this method can reduce the probability of falling and greatly increase the probability of success.

But when the two Monster Kings ascend to the upper bound, they need to split the divine light in half, so even after arriving at the Monster Realm, there is less Monster Qi infusion than in the normal ascension situation. . I'm afraid it will take thousands of years to fill up the other half of Monster Qi's body for cultivation.

Fortunately, the two Monster Kings also left the Soul Lamp. After bidding farewell to Qingyu Eldest Miss, Fat Dog and Chi Yanju in tears, Yi Tian personally opened the ascending platform to bring the two Monster Kings. Sent into the void channel between the interfaces.

Then the Soul Lamps of the two Monster Kings were as usual. First, the flames in the Soul Lamp were much dim and shrunk to half of the original size. After the hour is ignited and restored to its original appearance, everyone will know that they have arrived at Monster Realm unharmed.

The success of the King Sky Monster King and the Golden Retriever King greatly encouraged the cultivator present. Especially the Flood Dragon King and Zhang Xian two monsters, they must take this very seriously when they booked the places for the next ascent.

After watching the ceremony, the two demons also visited the crowd one after another one after another. First, they were familiar with each other, and second, they could exchange their cultivation experience in private.

After agreeing on the time for the next ascent, everyone dispersed. Yi Tian calculated that the time was just one hundred and fifty years away. For yourself, you can do a retreat, or look for the opportunity from the breakthrough to the Divine Transformation Stage.

After entrusting all the things inside the sect to Qu Yifeng, Yi Tian alone moved towards the depths of the South Sea.

According to the map given by Zhang Xian, set off from the southern cape of Southern Border and moved towards Southwest for a few months to reach there.

After using the sundial Luogeng to determine the position on the chart, after nearly a hundred days and nights of continuous flying, the outline of the island finally appeared.

Flying forward and getting closer to the island, Yi Tian found that the Fire Element in the air gradually increased in activity. Just 30 miles away is comparable to Scarlet Yang Sect Lava Cave.

When flying over the island, Yi Tian swept the ground below with divine sense and found that the entire island was exactly similar to what Zhang Xian described. The ground is covered with a layer of pitch black bushes, and the leaves on those trees are the same as Zhang Xian took out before.

After three breaths, the brow furrowed slightly, and there was a spot in the divine sense that could not be fully detected. The whole island was silent, without any trace of animal activity, so Yi Tian also boldly let go of the divine sense and began to unscrupulously cover the whole island.

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