The Southern Border Monster Race gathering place recently held a big banquet. When you come to Monster Race, you will always see the feast of the Sky Monster King.

The host of this banquet is Qingyu Eldest Miss and his Husband, Monster King Bingli Old Ancestor.

This banquet is also divided into three or six nines. The alien morphing monster and Human Race loose cultivator can only pay homage to the two newcomers in the great hall, and then Qin Fei sent The maid led out one by one.

The two newcomers who are fortunate enough to sit in the same room with the two newcomers are all Sifang Monster Race bosses or Human Race Peak cultivator. Speaking of this Bingli Old Ancestor, it is also very mysterious. According to rumours, it is rumored that he is the brother who has been personally recognized by King Wanying who has ascended to Monster Realm. Although it is not a descendant of the Eagle clan, the entire Dong'ao Eagle clan now looks at his horse.

Even the Eagle Clan patriarch Zhiying Ambassador also publicly admitted that the Ice Glass Monster King will be the Eagle Clan’s greatest support.

This time, Dynamite Monster King married his baby daughter to Bing Li Old Ancestor, which also means to entrust it. It is said that the Great Sky Monster King is also preparing to fly to the Monster Realm soon. As for the Golden Retriever King, it seems that he will also go with him.

As a result, the Monster Race power pattern on the entire Tianlan continent will surely usher in a big wash. All the demons don't know what the temper of the newly promoted Ice Glaze Monster King is, and whether they will wait for the two Monster Kings to ascend and begin to purge the original Monster Race forces.

When the monsters lined up to go to worship, suddenly there was a roll-call little monster outside the door shouting: "Western Wilderness Monster Race Golden Retriever King Association His Highness the Crown Prince He Bingli Monster King Qingyu Young Master has been in good harmony for a hundred years, and a thousand years of sleep."

As soon as the words fell, the door of the main hall was opened, and then a bunch of newcomers in red wedding robes walked out of the hall to greet them in person.

Two figures appeared in front of the demons in a flash. It was the Golden Retriever King of Western Wilderness who had been famous for a long time. Behind him was a red flame horse with a flame spiritual power. At this time, the cultivation base was already half. Stepped into the category of seven. Quan transformed into a human form and dressed in Spirit Armor, looking really majestic.

Qingyu and Fat Dog smiled and opened the mouth and said: "pay respects to Third Brother, Second Brother, my mother has been waiting for a long time."

The King of Golden Retriever nodded The voice arrived: "Okay," and then turned to Chi Yanju and said: "I'll go first, you haven't seen it in many years, take the time to have a good chat."

Chi Yanju hurriedly replied respectfully:" Adoptive Father, please, the child and the big brother sister-in-law will come after a while."

In just a few words, all around, a week of demonic beasts, everyone starts to look at this Western Wilderness Monster Race Crown. Prince is here. He didn't expect that he and Bingli Monster King were inherited by brother. In the future, it is only his two who have the final say on the Monster Race site in this world.

The new couple Shaoqing welcomed the Golden Retriever King and Chi Yanju into the hall together, and then the larger main entrance was closed again, and visitors could only enter from the side hall.

At this time, the demons, including the fat dog Qingyu and Chi Yanju, didn't notice a slight spiritual power fluctuation and flew in before the main hall door was closed. Then, behind the Golden Retriever King, he slowly walked directly from the back of the great hall to the palace of the Great Monster King.

I saw the Golden Retriever King walked a distance before arriving at the entrance of an inner hall and then turned his head to face the void behind and said: "Sect Master is here, please show up."


A spiritual power flashed out of thin air to draw out a personal appearance. After three breaths, it turned from virtual to real, and it was Yi Tian dressed in azure clothes daoist robe.

He arched his hands in a salute and said: "I trust you have been well since we last met Elder."

Golden Retriever Monster King laughed and flashed sideways and stretched out his hand to do it. With a please gesture, he said: "Fortunately, Sect Master misses the old man without any problems, Sect Master asks first."

Yi Tian walked forward without pretending to walk in with the Golden Retriever King. The bedroom of the Monster King.

Later, I saw the Monster King sitting on the bed in the middle of the inner sanctuary. When the two arrived, he opened his eyes and slowly got up to do the archway: "The two came very quickly, this time I’m really lucky. It’s painful."

"Qingtian Elder is polite," Yi Tian stepped forward and stretched out his hand to indicate, then chose a seat next to her and sat down and asked: "I don’t know this time. What's important, but for the ascension."

The Great Sky Monster King first asked the two to sit down before slowly opening the mouth and said: "No, it’s not because the ascension is involved. Half and the other half are also related to Sect Master."

Hearing this, Yi Tian was taken aback, and it seemed that this matter was mostly related to himself. If you think about it carefully, it is Southern Border Sea Clan that can have a relationship with yourself. I didn't expect the repercussions left over two hundred years ago, but this time I still dare to come here.

Then he asked: "Could it be that chapter Xian has come to trouble again?"

The Monster King gave a wry smile and then said: "Sect Master guessed it right. Zhang Xianxiushu and I want to find you and ask for another Grade 7 Medicine Pill."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian glanced over the Golden Retriever King who was on the side and saw that his eyes also flashed a trace of bright light, but didn't speak directly, just sat and listened silently.

Yi Tian said directly after seeing him: "There should be a first-come-last-come in this matter. If you want to say that refining such medicine pill, you must first respect the golden retriever Elder. As for him, he can wait and wait. Now."

After hearing this, the Golden Retriever King said with a smile on his face: "old man have what skills and abilities can make Sect Master caring, it is really a sin."

Yi Tian stretched out his hand to indicate Then he said: "The golden retriever Elder is polite. At this time, it was originally part of the sect. I want to remember the ascension of the Mouse King back then, but now I have to make all-out preparations. With this medicine pill, I am going through the void. Under the storm, you can instantly increase your power to the strongest Peak state, which is a great help for your ascent."

The two Monster Kings looked at the name of the Soul Eater Mouse King. A gloomy, then a hint of determination flashed. The fall of Mouse King back then was more or less a reminder for the two of them. Mo was at peace with the cultivation for thousands of years, and this ascension cannot be sloppy.

Fortunately, there are examples of Wanyingwang's success that have increased his confidence a lot. After a while, the Monster King took care of his thoughts and then said: "Reporting to Sect Master, Zhang Xian is also prepared this time, and it is difficult to cope with."

Seeing her solemn expression Yi Tian heart startled secretly thought: "Is it possible that this South Sea Demon Race still has an idea to ascend? This is quite interesting."

Then his face remained unchanged, and he asked: "Could it be that he has other Do you want to ask for it?"

Qingtian Monster King complexion changed only to confess: "Then Zhang Xian didn't know where to learn that the Wanying big brother had ascended to the upper realm. This time, I didn't just want to ask for it. Take medicine pill and have a soaring quota."

Yi Tian corner of mouth twitching said with a sneer: "Is he a lion's big mouth? I don't know if he has this ability. Everyone wants it. Ascension, you can still see your strength in the end."

The King of Golden Retriever said: "Yes, things have been cheaper for him last time. I want to be unsatisfied this time. You have to know that the Six Paths world wheel is If he has used the number of times, why should he occupy a place."

Speaking of which, even the Golden Retriever King can’t pass it, but the Sky Monster King is sighed and said: "You two don’t know, this Zhang Xian also didn't fight an unsure battle, so this time he joined the East China Sea Flood Dragon Race patriarch and gave a courtesy call to ask for a meeting. This time, people have done enough preparations after the salute, but I'm afraid this will not be troublesome."

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