After King Wanying flew into the interface channel, the beam of light in the valley where the ascending platform was located slowly contracted, and the channel gap above the sky began to close rapidly.

After a while, Heaven and Earth recovered to its original scene, and there was no way to see that the space channel that had been opened up from here once soared to the upper realm.

After Yi Tian returned to the waiting area fifty miles away, three Great Demon Kings greeted him directly. The leading Monster King stretched out his hand and handed Wang Yingwang's Soul Lamp over and said: "This thing should be collected by Sect Master in Ancestral Hall in Sect."

After Lamp's gaze swept away, he saw that the flames inside seemed to have become a little languid, but anyway, it proved that King Wanying was still alive at this moment. Although I don't know how strong the Void Power in the space channel is, judging from the appearance of the Soul Lamp of the King of Eagles, he must have encountered a lot of trouble at this time.

The wick of a normal Soul Lamp is about an inch high, and the flame in front of it is only half of the usual. Turning their heads and scanning the bottom, the people in front of them found that they were all dignified, and they seemed to be a little worried.

Then Yi Tian said: "You don't be impatient, wait for now. There is a void storm in the two passages. If King Wanying wants to reach Monster Realm smoothly, he must cross this storm. Fang Ke. I am quite confident about this, so why not wait for a while."

"Yi Sect Master said, then I'll look forward to it," Hehuan Old Demon replied aloud.

So everyone in Monster Race didn't say much, everyone waited quietly, but from time to time they turned their eyes to the Soul Lamp in Yi Tian's hands.

After waiting for most of the day in the waiting area, the flame on the Soul Lamp flickered a few times and then slowly dimmed. The expressions on everyone's faces became extremely unsightly. Especially the three Great Demon Kings, Zhiying and Fat Dog's entire faces are staring motionlessly at the flame on the Soul Lamp with grim expressions.

Yi Tian also wondered in his heart that the secretly thought should be that the King Wanying encountered some great trouble in the passage. If he can't fly to the upper realm with his strength, then this world is also impossible. Can succeed.

Suddenly Qingyu Eldest Miss yelled: "Look, the Soul Lamp flame is lit up again."

A shout attracted everyone’s attention. At that time, I saw that the flame in the Soul Lamp slowly bloomed with strong vitality from weak to strong. Not only did it return to its previous half-inch appearance, it also gradually brightened and became its original one-inch-long appearance.

Needless to say, the sight of Wanying King will only appear after successfully reaching Monster Realm, so the faces of the three Great Demon Kings are full of ecstasy. If Wanying King can succeed, they can do it.

At least the Soul Eater Mouse King is the happiest one, because it will be his turn soon.

The owner of Human Race cultivator also showed joy on his face. The successful arrival of King Wanying on the other side of Monster Realm shows that the construction of the ascending platform was not in vain. At least everyone has hope in front of them, as long as one step into Spirit Transformation one day, there will be a chance to ascend to the upper realm.

Subsequently, the people headed by the abbot without cause also stepped forward to greet the three Great Demon Kings. After three thousand years, Acquired Lancontinent has appeared ascending cultivator again. Although it is Monster Race, it also proves that this world no longer exists in isolation, and there is a chance to go to the higher Spirit Realm.

As for Du Ziheng and Huo Chilian, they both smiled even more. The success of the ascent platform built by them is proof of its ability. Moreover, the two Zhong Prefecture Number One Array Master and the first Refiner Master will definitely deserve their name.

Yi Tian didn't say much in his eyes at this time, just looking at the Soul Eater Mouse King carefully. Although he was the second one, there was still a gap between his strength and Wanying King. I really didn't know how he would face that void storm.

Later, I saw the Soul Eater Mouse King stepped forward confidently and said: "Sect Master, I am ready too, please open the channel."

The words fell. The noisy scene suddenly quieted down. The eyes of the two Monster Kings, Qingtian and Golden Retriever, also flashed a gleam, as if he wanted to talk but stopped.

Yi Tian just said slightly nodded after seeing it: "Will Mouse King leave Soul Lamp?"

"That's natural, please also Sect Master to enshrine the oil lamp in Ancestral Hall ," Soul Eater Mouse King took out a simple brass lamp after speaking and then handed it to Kinte Monster King.

"Then let's go," Yi Tian stretched out his hand and opened the entrance of the protective Formation again after saying that, then the silhouette flew in.

The Soul Eater Mouse King immediately turned into a beam of black light and plunged into it.

numerous cultivators are still waiting quietly in the waiting area. After all, every ascent will benefit everyone here, and no one wants to miss such a good opportunity.

After one hour, when Yi Tian's silhouette appeared outside the Formation again, another white light shot out from the valley, opening the space channel above the head.

After three breaths, the Soul Eater Mouse King flew directly into the passage under all eyes, and the silhouette disappeared after a flash.

After returning to the guest area, Yi Tian found that the expressions of Monster King and the others were wrong, and walked forward to find the Soul Lamp flame left by the Soul Eater Mouse King only for a moment. After that, it began to dim, much earlier than Wanying King.

Needless to say, he must have been involved directly after encountering the void storm, so it seems that the situation is very bad.

The eyes of numerous cultivators of Human Race also showed a nervous look. You must know that the power of the Soul Eater Mouse King is slightly stronger than that of them. If you fail to break through, then I don't know how many Human Race cultivators can successfully reach Spirit Realm.

Everyone sat down and waited with dignified faces, and the divine sense in their eyes stared at the Soul Lamp. After half a day, the flame in the Soul Lamp was getting darker and darker. Suddenly, it shrank into a fire star with a sound of'pu chi', and it went out after a few flashes.

As a result, the entire waiting area was suddenly messed up, and everyone at Monster Race looked frustrated and said some comforting words to each other. Especially when the eyes of Qingtian Monster King and Golden Retriever Wang Er shed tears, they said, "Fourth brother, your heart is the avenue, but it may not be forced to soar. You must know how bumpy the road can be. Ten does not leave one."

When they heard the complaints of the two Monster Kings, everyone also chose to be silent, just as they said how difficult it is to fly. It is the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses crossing the single-plank bridge, accidentally on both sides of the ten thousand zhang, the abyss will place itself in the land of eternal damnation.

I saw Qingyu Eldest Miss looking for the fat dog and crying and asking: "Are you going to go this way in the future? Is there such a big temptation to fly?"

Fat Dog was asked and couldn't answer. He just turned his head and looked at Yi Tian, ​​trying to find the answer from the owner.

This time the soaring one win and one defeat really shocked everyone present. Even Yi Tian was shocked in his own heart. Needless to say, his heart will definitely receive a big impact. Seeing everyone’s gazes looked towards myself, I couldn’t stay out of the matter, and then said solemnly: “Ascension is imperative, even the roughness of the future will not hinder my pursuit of longevity. Instead of consuming life essence in this world, it’s better to go to the ascent channel. Strike inside."

A remark immediately attracted the attention of the originally frustrated cultivators on the scene, and many of them gradually revealed a trace of determination in their eyes.

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