In the sky, several rays of light flew around the restricted Formation of Qiyao Mountain forbidden area, as if observing the ascending platform in the valley. Then, looking for the direction of the Trigram Fire Sect emblem lit by Yi Tian, ​​it fell directly.

The visitors from all quarters did not deliberately converge on their cultivation base, so the seven Human Race cultivators present will be easily identifiable in the future.

It's just that the people here seem to be more than Four-Great Demon Kings, and Yi Tian has discovered some familiar auras from their escape. After the rays of light faded, the silhouette of the Four-Great Demon Kings appeared. Except for the Soul Eater Mouse King, the other three Monster Kings are accompanied by Monster Race. Behind Wanying King are Fat Dog and Zhiying Ambassadors.

I saw the two demons walk up to the ceremony with Yi Tianxing and then retreated directly behind Wang Wanying. Trifling has not seen a fat dog for a hundred years. At this time, the cultivation base has reached level 7 and the realm is stable. Needless to say, this is the result of the careful teaching of King Wanying.

Behind Qingtian Monster King is the maid Qin Fei and his daughter Qingyu Eldest Miss. It's just that Qingyu Eldest Miss has not been able to break through the appearance of level six, but after seeing the people of Yi Tian, ​​he hurriedly stepped forward and paid respects to in turn.

As for the Golden Retriever King behind him, it is undoubtedly the Red Flame Horse, and there is also the Western Wilderness four Monster Race guards, the first black three. The red flame horse is now as if the cultivation base has also been upgraded to the sixth intermediate level. Because I have never received Mengxin’s True Blood blessing, my life’s cultivation base is determined to be impossible to surpass the fat dog. Fortunately, the Golden Retriever King will definitely leave behind so that Chi Yanju's strength can quickly rise, otherwise it can't shake the Western Wilderness so many Monster Races.

Especially Hei San, the head of the four major guards around him, has already refined the appearance of a six-level high-level. Chi Yanju's current strength alone can hardly overwhelm him, and there are still three people under the Golden Retriever King with such strength.

The two demons also stepped forward after being informed by the Golden Retriever King to have a face-to-face encounter with everyone present. It's just that Hei San always looked unconvinced after seeing Yi Tian, ​​and then rolled his eyes to look at the corner of Chi Yanju's mouth and twitched unconsciously.

Yi Tian also knows that he is not convinced in his heart, but the situation is pressing. Chi Yanju's current identity is not what it used to be, and given time, he will definitely be able to surpass his black three.

I am sure of this, but the question is if the Golden Retriever King’s ascension, it is unknown whether Chi Yanju can directly control the situation of Western Wilderness.

I want to stop moving my mouth a few times and secretly sound transmission to the Golden Retriever King: "I don’t know whether the Golden Retriever King has arranged everything after the ascension?"

I saw the Golden Retriever King’s face full of face. He shook his head with a smile, and then sound transmission replied: "I still have a lot of life essence, so I don't need to rush to ascend for the time being. Sect Master can rest assured that I will discuss the ascendant after Chi Yanju's cultivation progress reaches the seventh level. It's not too late."

After listening to Yi Tian's heart, he thought that the Four-Great Demon Kings would fly up together, didn't expect the Golden Retriever King to stay deliberately. Although it was unexpected, it is definitely a good thing for Trigram Fire Sect. If you lose the support of Four-Great Demon Kings at the same time, I don't know what will happen to Monster Race on Tianlan continent.

The current fat dog's cultivation base can barely be regarded as the level of the big demon, and it is even slightly inferior compared with that of the Flood Dragon King of the East China Sea. The last time I dealt with the Thunder Dragon King, had it not been for the high-level Spiritual Artifact I refined, I am afraid it would not have been so easy to win.

When he thought about it, he said directly: "Ascension platform is ready, I don't know how the four Monster Kings are going to use it this time?"

The Wanying King at the head came forward. Facing Yi Tian, ​​he first offered salutes with both hands, and then approached in the etiquette of Human Race. Then slowly opened the mouth and said: "Report to Sect Master, we have discussed that only me and the fourth brother will use the ascent platform this time."

After that, I saw the Soul Eater Mouse King strode up. He came to the scholar Wanying King and bowed to Yi Tian, ​​and then said: "This time the Wanying big brother will try first, and then this king will come again. As for the second sister, Third Brother, they feel that the best time to ascend has not yet been reached, so I will choose to try again later."

Yi Tian's brows didn't expect that even the Great Sky Monster King has delayed his ascension to the upper realm. Is there anything she hasn't done yet. Hearing this turned around and glanced over Qingyu Eldest Miss, and then understood.

Qingtian Monster King is really eager for her lover. So far I would rather my own ascent later than Qingyu’s cultivation progress. At the same time, she will try her best to facilitate the marriage of Fat Dog and Qingyu before ascending.

I think she still looked down on Fat Dogs back then, but now the times change, the cultivation base of Fat Dogs after three-four hundred years has passed, the future king of monsters is not him. It must be. Therefore, the Monster King will completely entrust Qingyu's affairs anyway before facing the soaring Heavenly Tribulation with peace of mind.

The rest of the people behind them also showed their looking thoughtful expressions when they heard the words of King Wanying. From now on, Dongao and Northern Plains Monster Race have lost the control of Monster King. I don’t know what will become in the future. appearance.

The King Wanying is also good at observing words and colors. When you see Human Race great cultivator, your face must be worried about what will happen after him. Then he smiled and opened his mouth and said: "Everyone, please feel at ease. After the king ascends, Zhiying will take care of all the affairs of Dongao. After the cultivation progress of the king of monsters, everything will be regained in the Eagle clan."

After hearing this, everyone underestimated: "Dare to ask the Eagle King, who is the king of the demon king?"

Before Wanying King could reply, the fat dog was lazy. I walked up to look at the next few talents replied: "It's me, after the Wanying big brother and Mouse King leave, I will take full responsibility for the control of the Northern Plains Monster Race."

This statement came out. The people present including Qin Fei, Qingyu Eldest Miss, Chi Yanju and Hei Sandu showed incredible eyes. They looked at the fat dog and showed different looks on their faces.

Chi Yanju and Qingyu Eldest Miss were full of surprises, and they all congratulated each other: "Congratulations, big brother, you will be honored in Monster Race on this Tianlan continent in the future."


As for Hei San and Qin Fei, they are speechless, the former is full of surprises, and the latter is ecstasy. Qin Fei knows the identity of the fat dog very well, so Qingyu Eldest Miss is not the future queen of all monsters, but Qin Fei has become the aunt of the queen of all monsters.

Yi Tian was also stunned and understood Four-Great Demon Kings' plan, and let Fat Dog start his home in Northern Plains first. There is a piece of iron barrel originally operated by the Soul Eater Mouse King. Few Human Race cultivator set foot in Northern Plains.

Then the ambassador of Zhiying took charge of all the Eagles on his behalf, and when the fat dog's strength increased to the First Rank, he could justifiably take over Dongao. As for Western Wilderness Henan will be two areas, presumably Golden Retriever King and Qingtian Monster King also plan to clean up dissidents, and clear the way for Chi Yanju and Qingyu Eldest Miss to take over.

In this way, under the control of Fat Dog, Chi Yanju, and Qingyu, the Quartet Monster Race will become a vengeance, and it is also a great external aid to Trigram Fire Sect.

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