Good exchange has become a gambling stone, which Yi Tian didn't expect, and to be honest, the spirit-clearing method of his own cultivation was all-seeing before.

But this time, I can only roughly see the approximate location of the deep-sea kyanite contained in this stubborn stone. There are two pieces of different sizes on the left and right sides of this stubborn stone.

As Bo Yunzi said, as long as it can produce fist sized treasures, it is enough, but it is not enough to replace it with three Jianmu fruits, even if it is The mined ore factor is only worth two at most.

I couldn't help sighing in my heart.

I want to stop sighed and said: "The two Fellow Daoists are not the ones who want to bargain. The ore in this is about five inches in size. Although the treasure is rare, it seems a bit too much to exchange for three Jianmu Fruits. "

This is a point to say, Zhang Xian listened to the complexion changed, but he couldn't say anything, only his lips moved quickly. You don't need to look at it to know that it must be a private sound transmission with Bo Yunzi.

At this time, after receiving Yi Tian's look, the Monster King directly stepped forward and stroked the piece of ore and said: "So and so, we agree to exchange two Jianmu Fruits."


"No, it must be three," Zhang Xian said suddenly and firmly.

The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became tight, and even Wen Xin Great Elder was a little surprised, but he was also entrusted to be this witness, and at this time he didn't know how to speak well.

Later Jin Mao Wang and Yi Tian looked at each other and slowly opened the mouth and said: "In this case, Fellow Daoist also has any heavenly material earthly treasure that can be exchanged for a price. Okay."

As soon as this statement came out, the tense atmosphere on the scene went loose, but Zhang Xianhuan around for a long time and couldn't think of anything to exchange. Even if the two Monster Kings opened their mouths, if the Southern Border Sea Clan monster couldn't afford the price, it would be impossible to talk about it.

This time it’s Bo Yunzi’s turn to show his face. Although the deep-sea blue gold diamond is the sixth-level top-level treasure, it is very useful. As long as one or two, you can get Spiritual below level seven. Artifact is raised by one level.

If the amount is sufficient, a fist sized spirit mine can also directly upgrade the level six Spiritual Artifact to level 7.

But that Jianmuguo is also a treasure that may come by with luck, but not by searching for it, and has an irreplaceable use for the evolution of the transformation of the monster. But one is consumables and the other is actually used in refining Spiritual Artifacts, and its value cannot be clearly evaluated.

Only this time they have to lower their stance because they are asking for two Monster Kings. Later, after the two discussed, Zhang Xian took out a three-foot-high silver scale coral and a five-inch diameter night pearl again to hand over to Yi Tian.

Then he said with no anger in his mouth: "Evaluate the price of these two distinct things. Any one of them is a six-level top-tier treasure to exchange for a Jianmu fruit."

When the two Monster Kings saw these two distinct things, a trace of bright light flashed in their eyes. These two distinct things are definitely good. Even Yi Tian was moved, knowing that it is not difficult to find a three-foot-tall coral, but this silver coral is a top grade one in a thousand.

Most of the Jianmu fruit that year was used to refine the demonic beast to Erdan, now Ning Ning also passed away the refining of the medicine pill, but for a while, no suitable Pill Master could be found.

Yi Tian secretly thought: "Since things are in their hands, they will never be vomited so easily. At worst, I personally go to battle. I think that Wuye Sect Founder also asked me to pill technique. And to promote it, the descendant of Spirit Realm Lihuo Palace is not a pill. At worst, find two Monster Kings and get a few more Jianmu fruit for use."

Think of it directly Sound transmission gave his thoughts to Dyna Sky Monster King and Golden Retriever King. didn't expect this crossing Erdan also has a lot of attraction for the two Monster Kings.

Since the death of Ning Ning, no one has been able to refine O'dan for a hundred years. As a result, the vacancy in this area has caused Sifang Monster Race to encounter the situation that Jianmu Guo is not enough, so Qingtian Monster King will specifically ask the Golden Retriever King to come to help his punches.

After hearing the message from Yi Tian, ​​the two Monster Kings looked at each other and revealed a trace of bright light.

Then Sky Monster King sound transmission replied: "Since Sect Master can shoot, we can’t ask for it. This time a total of 20 pill will be refining into a pill, as long as there are fifty. It’s enough for the entire Monster Race to be divided."

Yi Tian was stunned after hearing this. The two old slickers were not easy to provoke, and he wanted to take advantage of it. Ordering treasures did not expect to work for them in vain to refining the fruit-building coefficients into a pill.

Seeing Yi Tian frowned Jin Mao Wang thought that this matter is still difficult, and hurriedly sounded transmission and said: "Sect Master does not need to worry too much. I have collected and prepared the supplementary materials for the pill concocting in the early years. "

Now Yi Tian realized that he was really tying himself up and stopped on the bar. Now if he doesn't agree, I'm afraid the two Monster Kings in front of him will have a lot of criticism.

Fortunately, the demonic beast Pill Recipe is still there, and it only needs to be refined into Fifth Level medicine pill.

Although I haven't practiced the pill technique hard in recent years, I still have basic skills, and I have practiced medicine pill. There are not a few medicine pills. For this refining medicine pill, I need to strengthen a little skill.

Following a nodded sound transmission, he said: "Well, then I will make a medicine pill once."

The Great Sky Monster King then smiled and said to the other party:" Okay, we have all accepted this stuff."

"Are you willing to exchange four Jianmu Fruits?" Bo Yunzi asked in surprise.

"It is not four Jianmu fruit, but eight demonic beasts. It is also extremely beneficial for you to be able to use it eight times," Golden Retriever King opened the mouth untimely and said.

"medicine pill," Zhang Xian asked in amazement: "Is this Fellow Daoist Yi a Pill Master?"

"It is true," Qingtian Monster King said: "We will give him all the fruit building coefficients for refining. Of course, we have prepared all the supplementary materials for pill concocting."

"After the pill is completed, you will first take eight. It is considered that we have done the best of the landlord. Friendship," King Golden Retriever continued.

This time, Zhang Xian was amazed, and then he said to Yi Tian: "I don’t know that Fellow Daoist is a high-level Pill Master. Please forgive me for the irrationality just now. So those two treasures are good. Let’s exchange it into medicine pill together."

Wen Xin Great Elder hearing this first looked at Yi Tian and then echoed: "This is a joy for everyone. Everyone takes what they need and avoids unnecessary fights."

Yi Tian now only has brace oneself on it. On the one hand, he maintains his image as a Trigram Fire Sect master. On the other hand, he can pretend to be a high-level Pill Master while also cultivating the pill technique. After calming down my mood, I replied: "Since you are so worthy of you, then I will make one shot."

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