Heavenly Dao Sect Sect Master Du Ziheng, after visiting the Trigram Fire Sect, publicly declared that the two families will always support each other. After the news came out, the location of the Zhong Prefecture Trigram Fire Sect was as stable as Mount Tai. From a newly resurrected sect, it instantly jumped to become a first-class sect force on the territory of Zhong Prefecture.

Since establishing the sect must delimit the area under its jurisdiction, the Trigram Fire Sect was so powerful that sect was divided into three places. Now Yi Tian has unsealed all these three forbidden places, and appointed Huo Chi Lian as the first of the Pavilion.

Wu Xing, the original first Wu Xing in the place of Pill Hall, was unable to break the pill into a baby because of the limited aptitude. It had already escaped into reincarnation as early as a hundred years ago. After I returned this time, I heard Qu Yifeng mentioned the entire process of development.

When his Dao Companion Ning Ning cultivated to Golden Core Great Perfection, unfortunately, he never read the Nascent Soul Heavenly Tribulation, and it ended in a dead end.

In retrospect, the only partners I knew when I first started, are only Qu Yifeng alive now, and the others have escaped into reincarnation.

It is the golden blade broadsword of the Iron Sword Sect who successfully formed the baby. Now they have become the late Nascent Soul rookie who needs Xuan Jianxin and Mo Wentian outer sect.

This time after the Zhong Prefecture Trigram Fire Sect resurrected, Yi Tian also specially seconded them to help sit in the hinterland of the sect and become the master of the guardian sect precepts.

Mo Wentian was also eagerly in favor of this matter. Originally, the two Hengjian Badao were serving as Sect Law Enforcement Elders under Ji Xuanyuan, the old man from Lihuo. Now they just got what they wanted.

Wu Min and Chouren Jiu are not well-known abroad, but fortunately, they are powerful enough to make them small. In addition, the husband and wife can have an overwhelming advantage against the same number of Nascent Soul Early Stage cultivators, and even the Nascent Soul Middle Stage cultivator can have the upper hand.

Finally, I considered repeatedly that Hu Yiyuan was transferred to the center of Pill Pavilion. Although he was not born as a Pill Master, his cultivation for hundreds of years is placed there. Besides, he only needs to sit here. As for cultivating the Sect Pill Master, he has his own Golden Core dísciple to contribute.

In addition, the mortal kingdoms within a thousand miles of the outer sect family are all under the control of Trigram Fire Sect, and many Foundation Establishment cultivators are sent to visit these mortal palaces in turn. Served as a guard. At the same time, they are also responsible for selecting outstanding children with spirit root aptitude for sect to continuously enrich sect's background.

After all, the cultivator of Cultivation World still needs continuous mortals to supplement, and Trigram Fire Sect must be mortal in order to maintain this momentum. Try to beckon spirit children to enrich the Qi Refinement Stage dísciple of sect. .

As long as it is properly operated, it is believed that this system will be able to make Trigram Fire Sect truly and completely rooted on the Zhong Prefecture continent after a hundred years.

After arranging the sect and everything, Yi Tian explained to Qu Yifeng and then Alone embarked on the journey again. This time, Ying Wanying Wang Zhiyao went to the top of his eagle's nest to retrieve the structure of the small flying platform.

I remember that I visited once two hundred years ago, but I haven't studied those formation marks in detail. The document records and formation mark maps found in the Trigram Fire Sect Hidden Scripture Pavilion can only literally understand the structure of the soaring platform.

Now in Zhong Prefecture, only the Ten Thousand Eagle King is trapped in the eagle's nest, and there is such entity Formation in the depths of the eagle's nest. So for many years, when the Four-Great Demon Kings gathered at Dongao, I had already asked King Wanying about this in private. Once I made time, I would visit the Eagle's Nest again.

The Trigram Fire Sect in the Middle Continent is also far away from the territory of King Wanying. In order not to attract attention, Yi Tian just concealed his whereabouts and flew quickly in the high altitude.

Along the way, I saw a lot of Golden Core cultivator spatial flight or loose cultivator fighting with each other in the wilderness, Yi Tian swept past without blinking his eyelids.

To this day, I don’t need to worry about these things anymore. Cultivation World has its own Cultivation World rules. The so-called weeding out the weak and staying in the strong can only be reversed by myself. of.

After leaving the boundary of Zhong Prefecture, he entered the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains in the east. During this section of the road, Yi Tian saw another scene. Under the reign of King Wanying, this Monster Race field is not very peaceful. The level of Monster Race is very strict, unless it is the demonic beast that is born with Bloodline Strength and can be a higher rank challenge.

On this road, I also saw a lot of scenes of Monster Race fighting each other, often because of some exotic flowers and rare herbs.

Fortunately, these demonic beasts are limited to those below level 6. As for the High Rank Monster Beast, they have their own territory, and generally they will not infringe upon others at will.

With a cultivation base like Yi Tian, ​​as long as it is not the Four-Great Demon Kings that can be revealed, even the Four-Great Demon Kings may not be able to easily discover their whereabouts, let alone the following little demons.

Flying at the height of the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, suddenly it was discovered in the divine sense that there seemed to be a Monster Race fighting three hundred miles away. After investigating, I found that the movement was not small, it should be the demonic beast in the transformation period.

Yi Tian beware of wondering, secretly thought: "In the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, any demonic beast will be attached to the Four-Great Demon Kings. Everyone should know each other. And Four- The Great Demon Kings will also forcibly restrain the doormen to avoid fighting, but the in a frenzy that seems to be fighting far away did not evade the Monster King's ban.

Since the first battle of Dongao, his own Chi Yanju has followed. The Golden Retriever King went to the Western Wilderness mountain, and Qingyu Eldest Miss was also sent back to the Monster King. Now only the fat dog is by his side. If you want to stop, you can shoot the fat dog summon out.

A red and blue aura flew out and stopped not far in front of you. In the aura, there was a face that was eight or nine points similar to yourself, but with white hair on top of the forehead. A tuft of red hair above is very conspicuous.

Yi Tian opened his mouth instructed: "I am going to investigate the site of the ascending platform at the appointment of the King Wanying. There seems to be a demonic beast in front of you. If you can persuade you, you can avoid unnecessary trouble. "

The fat dog replied disdainfully: "You just want to be a good old man and peacemaker for more than five hundred years. It hasn't changed for more than five hundred years. According to the habits of Monster Race, since you have done it, you will have to win. "

Yi Tian hearing this Fei had a violent chestnut in front of him and taught the fat dog: "If you ask you to go, don't think that you can regardless of the law and of natural morality if you get Mengxin three drops of True Blood." , In front of me you are still the ice-glazed fox back then. "

The fat dog endured the pain and shouted: "You will bully people. You have been bullied for 600 years. "

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll go first, go and see don't make trouble for me, after you get it done, the Eagle's Nest will find me," After saying that Yi Tian didn't talk much and moved towards Tianni Mountain and flew away. I left the fat dog alone there.

After most of the day, Yi Tian flew in the air and looked ahead and found that beyond a thousand li appeared a ten thousand zhang high dangerous peak. He secretly said in his heart happily: "Almost to the sky Nishan is gone. "Then all around divine light flashed silhouette turned into once the afterimage moved towards that day Yishan flew away.

After a short while, the light flew to the vicinity of Tianni Mountain, and I found Wanying from a high altitude. In the king’s eagle’s nest, the lights and the festivities are like welcoming distinguished guests.

Yi Tian wondered in his heart that he didn’t notice the king of Wanying before coming this time. It was purely a matter of zero hour. That's so. So it seems that the eagle's nest is like a distinguished guest, so there will be such a sight.

With the idea that more is better than less, Yi Tian didn't want to directly expose his whereabouts and pinched in the air. Secret art concealed his silhouette, and then slowly dropped the head of the cloud and swaggered in from the main entrance of the eagle's nest.

After arriving at the eagle's nest, I really realized that the king of eagles was indeed welcoming this time. Distinguished guests, Zhiying and Yingxiao and the others who rarely go out normally appear in the eagle's nest. What are they busy preparing.

Based on their current cultivation base. It's already much higher than them. Now even if you pass by them, as long as you don't show the weak spot, you won't be spotted by them.

Along the way, I found that these people didn't even know their arrival, even the Eagles. I also didn’t notice the all around abnormality at all. But when he passed by the ambassador Zhiying, he seemed to be a little alert, and he recovered after three breaths. The reason should be that his cultivation base is much higher than the others. In addition, the natural induction seems to be able to achieve this performance.

Fortunately, even if I constrained and gently moved away from him, he cut off his weak induction.


After bypassing the front hall of the Eagle’s Nest, Yi Tian walked straight to the half-mountain side of Tianni Mountain, the deepest part of the Eagle’s Nest, according to the path that Wanying King had walked along in his memory.


As soon as I stepped into the palace, I saw the humanoid King Wanying sitting on the futon in the middle and slowly opened his eyes.

Then stared at himself. An azure light flashed in his eyes and hurriedly stood up to greet said with a smile: "The unknown Sect Master is coming, old man excuse me for not going out to meet you. "

After listening, Yi Tian's face appeared in a daze, and then he bowed his hands and said: "The Eagle King is polite, and this sect does not want to reveal his identity, so I came here quietly. Don't blame it if there is any interruption." "

The King Wanying hurriedly asked Yi Tian to sit down and then stretched out his raised hand to open the imperial palace, and then slowly said: "Sect Master came by coincidence. This time there are overseas visitors coming up and down from my house. People are preparing, if Sect Master intends to meet them together. "

"Overseas visitors, not just who?" "Yi Tian asked kindly.

The King Wanying said with a straight look: "It is the Flood Dragon King and Thunder Dragon King of the East Sea Dragon Race. "

"The two of them, I have seen them a few years ago. But this time I made a special trip for the ascending platform ruins, so it's not good to waste time on these people. The Six Paths circle is the key to the ascent platform. I need some time to comprehend the Spirit Realm formation mark on it. "Yi Tian replied.

Heard Wanying King's expression on his face, the matter of ascending to the platform is what he is most concerned about right now, so when Yi Tian mentions it, he will naturally cooperate fully.


Shaoqing stood up and led Yi Tian out of the back door of the bedroom. The two went up the mountain path for one hour and then went straight to the top of Tianni Mountain.

Coming again Within the great hall of this ascending platform, Yi Tian swept his gaze and locked the divine sense firmly on the Six Paths world wheel.

The whole body is carved from a huge meteorite iron. It is one foot square and one foot thick. On the front of the pattern, six Spirit Realm patterns are depicted.

Among them, the Asura realm, the Monster Realm, and the human realm are drawn separately, and the other six realms are drawn separately. They are portrayed together in pairs.

The most interesting thing is that the Demon Realm of the Buddha Realm turned out to be the Yin-Yang Two Sides style portrayed together. This also confirms the saying of the Buddha and Demon.

When I glanced over the back of the Six Paths world wheel, I found a Spirit Realm inscription on it. Take a closer look at the style of the inscription on it, and compare what I learned in my mind After passing the Spirit Realm formation mark quickly, only about 80% of the inscriptions can be recognized.

It is not difficult to find most of these inscriptions after careful consideration of the existing inscription styles. They are all styles of space inscriptions, and some of them are similar to teleportation inscriptions.

Seeing here, Yi Tian knows that this is not a simple matter that can be solved in a car, and then he opened his mouth to Wang Ying Wangdao: "I'm here to comprehend Six Paths. It will take some time. You don't have to wait on the sidelines. Since the eagle's nest is here, you can wait for the guests for the time being, and I will notify you when I finish comprehend. "

Wan Ying Wang replied after listening: "So please Sect Master to consider it slowly, and the old man will retire first. If you need anything, Sect Master can directly contact me. "

Yi Tian clicked nodded and motioned, then turned his head and cast his gaze on the Six Paths circle wheel and began to recognize the inscription on it.

Wan Ying When Wang saw his loss, he hurriedly retreated and returned from the far road. After three breaths, a sound transmission from Yi Tian came from his ears: "When I came here, I found that there was a battle with a big monster, so I sent the fat dog to check it out. It shouldn't be the time to arrive at the eagle's nest much later than me, and then I will ask the eagle king to take care of him on my behalf. "

"Fat dog," Wan Yingwan hurriedly turned around and replied: "Sect Master, don't worry about the fat dog virtuous brother. Master Mengxin is pleased. I also want to find opportunities to get close to him. "

After Wang Wanying left, Yi Tian stretched out his hand and took out the inscription spiritual liquid from the storage ring, and followed the pattern of the inscription on the Six Paths circle one after another, and wrote it down .

At the same time, he stretched out his hand and patted the biggest imperial pouch on his waist, bringing out Mengxin summon.

After a white light flashed, Mengxin looked fat and beeping.

, When he looked up and saw the Six Paths world wheel, his face was extremely excited and said: "Didn't expect you to recast the ascent platform so quickly, so as long as you raise the cultivation base to Spirit Transformation, I You can go back to Spirit Realm. "

Yi Tian just twitched his lips, but said: "Don't think too simple, this is just an alternative point, and the energy supply system of this ascending platform is not very perfect. All in all, here is what you can see or not, so don’t be blindly optimistic for the time being. "

Mengxin frowned found out the flying platform in this great hall, and then pouted a little mouth and said: "Then why did you bring me out summon? "

"This Six Paths world wheel is the key to the flying platform, and China Unicom Shangling Ninth Session depends on it," Yi Tian pointed to the one-foot-sized round wheel and said: "I'm looking for you I'm here to help decompose the Spirit Realm text formation mark above. As long as I can analyze its formation mark coefficients, I can refine another one. "

"Then you can rebuild another soaring platform elsewhere, am I right? "Meng Xin asked eagerly.

"No problem." Yi Tian blinked and replied: "But first we need to analyze the structure of the Six Paths boundary wheel. "

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