Zhong Prefecture’s top cultivation giant Spirit Sect has developed rapidly in recent decades. After breaking the Trigram Fire Sect forbidden nodes to sneak into it a hundred years ago, he gained a huge fortune.

With sufficient material funding, the dísciple of the next generation of Qianling Sect has developed rapidly, and has successively annexed some small Sects, and selected many excellent dísciples to enrich the family.

In addition, there are two Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivators in the Lower Sect.

For a while, Heavenly Dao Sect and Joyous Union Sect dared not compete with them, and they sent Direct Disciple to congratulate them.

Qianlingyuan did not deliberately expand the Great Sect power after gaining the goodwill of the two factions, but continued to maintain the posture of each of the three first-class sects.

In fact, the two people from the two parties only met Qianlingyuan once in a hurry. As for the original Spirit Sect cultivator, He Weiming had no chance to see it. Qian Lingyuan only claimed that he had been in retreat for a hundred years, and those visitors did not dare to really ask questions.

Qian Lingyuan's heart was extremely helpless. Nearly a hundred years ago, an urgent news came from the Ancestral Hall inside the sect, and the Divine Soul oil lamp enshrined in the center marked He Weiming suddenly went out. This situation frightened the two dísciples on duty, and hurriedly notified Shi Qianwei who was sitting at sect, and then shocked Qian Lingyuan.

Qian Lingyuan promptly closed the news after confirming that it was correct, encircled Ancestral Hall as a forbidden area, and let the two guard dísciples retreat to their respective cultivation without revealing any wind.

In this way, the news of He Weiming's fall was concealed. After that, even Qianlingyuan, as the Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivator, could not free up his hands to expand.

He understands in his heart that if Qian Spirit Sect does not have the Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivator, he is afraid that the small and medium-sized Sects that are normally suppressed will immediately turn to each other.

But it’s a bit suspicious for He Weiming to fall outside for no reason. In terms of strength, in some Secret Realms in this world, it is at most trapped for a while. If you want to take his life, basically It's impossible.

But this is the case. Qian Lingyuan also went to Zhan Xingshan to find Tian Yunzi and ask him to do some calculations, but the result was He Weiming’s time when his body fell and the time when the Soul Lamp was extinguished. It's also right.

There is no doubt that Qian Lingyuan has repeatedly asked Tian Yunzi to keep secrets on her behalf. The latter also closed the deadlock directly after accepting the knowledge of the interest, and will not go out for non-major events.

Tian Yunzi's statement did not give Qian Lingyuan much peace of mind. On the contrary, he really feels that it is difficult to be alone now. Fortunately, there is also the discipline teacher Ning Jun and the others who can share their worries in Zhanxing Mountain.

The matter of sect was completely entrusted to Shi Qianwei to handle, he himself went back to the secluded cultivation in Kunwu Cave to consolidate the cultivation base.

In this way, one night after several decades, suddenly Qianlingyuan sat in Kunwu Cave and noticed that someone had entered the forbidden area, and slightly extended it with divine sense to investigate the discovery. It is Qianwei who is acting as Sect Master teacher.

At this time, it must be an important matter to come to report. After ten breaths, I only listened to the teacher Qianwei in front of the door of Kunwu Cave: "reporting to Old Ancestor dísciple received urgent report, Trigram Fire Sect has changed."

The sound penetrated directly into the hole through the door guard. The door between Shaoqing and Shaoqing flicked, revealing a three-foot-sized hole from which a golden light flew out and landed on the teacher. Not far in front of Qian Wei.

When the golden light faded to reveal the silhouette of Qianlingyuan, he saw his gaze swept through his teacher Qianwei and said solemnly: "Why changes come quickly?"

Shi Qianwei didn't say much and directly presented a jade slip. Qian Lingyuan didn't even think about it and opened the jade slip and scanned it with divine sense.

After the three breaths, I saw him with a suspicious expression on his face: "Why does this Trigram Fire Sect Sect Master Yi Tian have the same name as the Southern Border Ming King Holy Son, are they the same person?"

"The dísciple also sent people to investigate this matter. The new Trigram Fire Sect master is the Ming King Holy Son. I don't know what Old Ancestor shows?" Shi Qianwei separately asked.

Qian Lingyuan fell into contemplation after hearing this, so things were really difficult to handle. This Ming Wang Holy Son’s strength was seen three hundred years ago. He didn’t expect that he could integrate the Trigram Fire Sect. This is something Qian Lingyuan never dreamed of.

I was thinking that suddenly a hot pain came from the left hand holding the jade slip. At the moment, Qianlingyuan’s heart startled hurriedly forced out the flames that invaded the body.

But under the suppression of the spiritual power, there is no improvement at all. On the contrary, the flame that invades the body seems to be continuously devouring the spiritual power, which is exactly the appearance of added oil to the fire.

Qianlingyuan's secretly thought was not good, and then immediately hurriedly resisted the pain, stretched out the right hand moved towards the crimson's left wrist and immediately cut off his left hand.

The left hand that was eroded by the flame power spiritual power instantly burned violently, and was burned to ashes after three breaths.

Qian Lingyuan looked at it and stretched out his right hand to draw a golden light moved towards Shi Qianwei's body. But as soon as Jian Zhao approached Shi Qianwei's five-foot range, it was blocked by an azure sword light.

The sword moves are exactly the same, but the formidable power is even better. Qian Lingyuan said with a solemn face and angrily: "Shi Qianwei, you have colluded with outsiders to murder Sect Founder for the deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors."

Shi Qianwei was faintly replied: "If it is really our Old Ancestor Naturally, it's rebellious, but for you, the person with body possession, where did you say that the deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors."

Qian Lingyuan twitched his face after hearing this and hurriedly shouted: "What did you say, if not I have a relationship with your ancestors and I will not be able to support your grandparents in this way."

"I'm afraid it is because you have a guilty heart, or that your Divine Soul has not fully integrated me. Only the Divine Soul of the ancestor of time will understand the compassion to my grandfather. Qianlingyuan, you should be called Sect Founder Qianlingzi, but unfortunately you are just an Avatar that's all." Shi Qianwei disdainfully said. .

"How do you know about this? Who on earth told you about this?" Qian Lingyuan's face was completely exposed at this time, and his left wrist shook violently, and a group of granulation sprouts grew rapidly. After a while, the decapitated left hand grew out again.

Then Qian Lingyuan stared at a no-one place beside Shi Qianwei and looked up two eyes before opening the mouth and said: "Come out Yi Tian, ​​I know you are here."

Several spiritual power ripples appeared one after another in the void, and after three breaths, a silhouette appeared out of thin air as Yi Tian who had come from afar.

Looking at Qianlingyuan in front of him, he couldn't help but think of Qianlingzi who had fought in the depths of the sea at the end of the sky. Yi Tian said with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "I haven't seen Qianling Fellow Daoist for a long time, It seems that your Soul Dividing Technique really has its own way, even after the body is destroyed, Avatar has not been affected in any way."

Qian Lingyuan's eyelids tremble a few times, and he loses his voice: " You have been under the sea-eye vortex."

"Furthermore, I have also wiped out Luo Que and your body from this world. You, the upper realm, the lower realm, will kill the sky. Lancontinent has made a miserable atmosphere, it's time to clear the source," Yi Tian twitched his lips.

Qianlingyuan stretched out his hand and swiped thousands of golden light from his hand. The target turned out to be moved towards Shi Qianwei and enveloped him. It seemed that he had analyzed the unfavorable situation in front of him in his mind, and wanted to get rid of Shi Qianwei first and then deal with Yi Tian with all his strength.

I saw the same azure sword wire suddenly appeared in front of Shi Qianwei, forming a sword net, and all the golden sword wires that would strike in the future were cut off.

The two are worthy of being the leaders of the Nascent Soul Late Stage cultivator. Under such close encounters, the sword moves controlled by the buckle are completely intertwined without a trace of the net.

After one move, Yi Tian dodges and stops in front of Shi Qianwei, then bows his head and exhorts: "You go out first to open the forbidden ground, I will come out soon."

Shi Qianwei nodded replied: "Husband, be careful." After saying that, she hurriedly drew away and flew out of the battle circle to the entrance of the forbidden area. After both hands forming seals activated secret art, the entire valley was sealed.

Qian Lingyuan's face turned white, and he looked at the white mask above the valley. The original protection prohibition has now become a prison for him.

Turned around and shouted coldly: "You guy is really tricky. I really underestimated you. Didn't expect you to get on the line of Shi Qianwei three hundred years ago. "

twitched his lips Yi Tian said with a smile disdainfully: "You too look up to yourself Qianlingyuan, Shi Qianwei and I have formed Dao Companion four hundred and fifty years ago. , And I treat her sincerely, how can I be affected by Divine Soul's troubles like you? I have a fake face all day long."

Qian Lingyuan was obviously hit by the pain, and then both The hands forming seals condensed the Spirit Sword in the hands and moved towards Yi Tian took out. What he didn't expect was that the Yi Tian in front of him used exactly the same moves, and his formidable power was almost on par.

Just listen to Yi Tian's words: "Myriad Swords Returning to Origin," after saying that the thick Spirit Sword moved towards Qianlingyuan flew straight away.

With a loud bang of "peng", the two sword moves violently attacked each other within less than one mile. The aroused spiritual pressure fluctuations turned into layers of circular arc waves as seen by naked eye, moving towards all around, and dissipated, shaking the valley's restricted vibration violently.

Fortunately, Shi Qianwei presided over the large array outside, and after the ten breaths, the white forbidden light film slowly stabilized.

After the smoke dissipated, a ten zhang five-foot-deep pit appeared in the valley where the two originally stood. Qianlingyuan divine sense swept the Yi Tian in front of him, only to see the other party calm and composed, and these tricks seemed to be casual.

"Looking at how you practiced my Spirit Sect Absolute Art to such a level, it didn't take much effort. Why didn't you know if you lost your life?"

"Fellow Daoist He died I was indeed there at the time," Yi Tian did not deny the response: "Do you know what his last words are?"

"What is it?" Qian Lingyuan asked in a cold voice.

"Fellow Daoist He can also be regarded as my year-end payment. The most regrettable thing in his life is that he can't do you by himself," Yi Tian shook his head and sighed: "His last wish is to ask me to cut it with my own hands. Kill you to comfort the spirit in the sky."

"Nonsense, I have the same siblings with He Weiming who came out of the same sect, why does he have to kill me?" Qian Lingyuan cried.

"Did you forget all these things after your Divine Soul was assimilated?" Yi Tian said disdainfully: "Your Qianling cultivation technique restrained Fellow Daoist He's cultivation technique everywhere, and prepared The spiritual power is obtained by the method of seizing the soul. This matter is simply something that cannot be put on the stage."

Qian Lingyuan said with a sad expression: "It turns out that he contacted you early in the morning, you guys."

Planning for this is not a day or two. Presumably the information that you can penetrate from the Firearms Pavilion node is also from your mouth."

"If there is no such great benefit, how can it lead you out of sect? "Yi Tian said proudly.

Qian Lingyuan looked suspiciously and looked at Yi Tian's mouth, but said: "lured the tiger away from the mountain? Is your ultimate goal to enter my Cave Mansion."


"You just reacted to it?" Yi Tian said with a straight look: "I really feel sorry for you, but sitting in the Transmission Passage of Tianyahai Pavilion all day without knowing it, it seems your Divine Soul body After the possession, there was indeed a great disadvantage, and some key information was forgotten."

The right hand held the Taiyuan sword with his left hand and swayed by directly taking out the Clear Sky Mirror, and then mutter incantations said. The sound: "Now."

After a white light shot from it, it directly found Qianlingyuan's body. In this space less than one mile, Qianlingyuan couldn't dodge, and was covered by the white light. It has become extremely difficult to mobilize spiritual power all over the body.

And when the white light shines on his eyebrows in the Niwan Palace, it directly immobilizes Nascent Soul inside.

Yi Tian hurriedly swept it with divine sense and saw that the Nascent Soul Spirit Physique was very different from the general cultivator, and the appearance of 70% golden and 30% white appeared all over his body.

Needless to say that 30% of the white ones should be Divine Soul remnants of the teacher's Old Ancestor, and the remaining 70% belonged to the Qianlingzi Avatar.

I just don’t know what’s going on, even if Qianlingzi took most of it, he just didn’t get all the control.

At this time, the young Nascent Soul Spirit Physique looked at Yi Tian in front of him in panic. Maybe he had never thought that he would be restrained in this way, but he finally came out of his mouth. : "Clear Sky Mirror, you are really the remnant of Trigram Fire Sect."

Yi Tian did not pay attention to this, and took away the Taiyuan sword in his hand and took it out directly at the fingertips. white flames. The seemingly weak flames immediately increased the temperature of all around by a large amount, and then I saw that it was flashed in the air for a few times and then instantly submerged in Qianlingyuan’s forehead, and then it broke straight. Entering his Niwan Palace Lieutenant Nascent Soul lit.

A scream came out from Qianlingyuan’s Nascent Soul: "Southern Bright Trigram Fire."

This can be regarded as Yi Tian hearing Qianlingyuan in this world The last sentence of the three breaths, the Nascent Soul Spirit Physique was directly burned to ashes.

After taking back True Flame and Clear Sky Mirror, Yi Tian found that Qianlingyuan in front of him only had a shell left. The whole person stood there motionless and his eyes were dim and the spiritual power fluctuated. Drop directly to the Foundation Establishment Stage.

If you think about it, the spiritual power remaining in its fleshy body is almost like this. This corpse is no different from a Supreme Treasure to the cultivator of the cultivation technique of the corpse, but it is only a burden to oneself.

After accepting all the useful things on his body, Yi Tian raised hand lit a cluster of Mysterious Yang Fire and burned it directly into ashes.

1 month later Zhong Prefecture Cultivation World came the message again, Qian Lingyuan of Qian Spirit Sect passed Sect Lord's Position directly to the disciple Sun Shi Qianwei, and he himself was in the forbidden land without secluded cultivation. Go out. And dísciple Shi Ning Jun is the assistant granddaughter Qian Wei of Sect Elder, Tian Yunzi of Heavenly Fate Sect broke through at Shi Ning Jun’s repeated requests to become the Spirit Sect Elder, assisting the grandfather and grandson of Shi’s family to fight together. Manage sect things.

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