The whole scene above Tie Sword Sect changed suddenly. Everyone held Mo Wentian's sword charms in their hands and formed a large formation to trap Gu Hui in it.

But didn't expect that he took out the Clear Sky Mirror and took out a golden firelight moved towards Yi Tian. This is the first time after he got the Clear Sky Mirror, he took up the divine light in the inside and irradiated it. After the middleman looked intently, the silhouette of Yi Tian had disappeared.

In the void not far behind Gu Hui, a red fire wheel suddenly appeared, mixed with the sound of wind moved towards Gu Hui. It turned out that Yi Tian had been prepared for a long time. When Gu Hui took out the Clear Sky Mirror, he came up with countermeasures. The silhouette disappeared without a trace long ago after a teleport.

After the Clear Sky Mirror's mirror light missed, it was an excellent opportunity to counterattack. Before Gu Hui took the opportunity to sacrifice the 2nd move Yi Tian, ​​he shot directly and greeted Wind-Fire Wheel. .

Gu Hui eyelids twitched knowing that the visitor is not good, and after removing the Clear Sky Mirror with one hand, he took out a dark jade ring and held out a blood arrow in his mouth. After activating it, it flashed a hot fire.

At the same time, Heaven and Earth seemed to be illuminated by the fire from the jade ring. After a breath, the firelight turned into the form of Vermilion Bird moved towards the incoming Wind-Fire Wheel to greet it.

Yi Tian complexion changed secretly thought in his mouth: "It's the sect Supreme Treasure Vermilion Bird Ring, no wonder he has no fear."

But seeing his driving method, he secretly shook his head and watched When Gu Hui came, he still didn't fully understand the secret method of sect, and forced the secret treasure to drive it for fear that the formidable power would be limited.

Sure enough, the Vermilion Bird incarnation and Wind-Fire Wheel exploded in the air with a thunderous cracking sound after they met, but the two spells couldn't hold each other in the air, and the remaining power of the spell was exhausted after the ten breaths. .

Gu Hui can adjust his breath again when he is in a free position. Now he transports all the fist-sized fireballs in his hand into the Clear Sky Mirror, and then shoots directly at Yi Tian.

A golden light shot directly on Yi Tian's body and instantly immobilized the person. Mo Wentian and the others who were all around all around were about to give a helping hand, and suddenly saw Gu Hui unexpectedly took out the Vermilion Bird Ring again, a cloud of blood spurted from his mouth and turned into a golden flame directly on the Spiritual Artifact.

Suddenly, a soaring firelight flashed and turned into a Vermilion Bird's illusory shadow moved towards Yi Tian once again, and flew straight away.

Seeing that Yi Tian could not move at all under the divine light of Clear Sky Mirror, the Vermilion Bird Naruto was about to hit him directly, but at this moment, Gu Hui's eyes jumped and seemed to feel nothing. Proper.

I saw that after the Vermilion Bird flew to ten zhang distance, Yi Tian suddenly blinked his eyelids and showed a smile on his face, and immediately moved his hands again and cast a spell on his chest.

The golden Vermilion Bird of "peng" hit Yi Tian's body accurately, but Gu Hui didn't look happy at this time. Obviously, under the divine light of Clear Sky Mirror, Yi Tian can still cast spell, which makes him doubt the treasure of this sect. Look at the appearance of Clear Sky Mirror and it doesn't look like a fake.

When I was wondering, suddenly a white light flashed in the Vermilion Bird illusory shadow, and then it seemed to be quickly devouring the golden flames all around.

It didn't take a moment to crack the spell coefficient of the Vermilion Bird Ring and reveal Yi Tian wearing a Southern Bright Trigram Fire True Flame Armor. Later, the True Fire in the True Flame Armor on his body shrank rapidly until the tip of the index finger of the right hand turned into a white flame.

Yi Tian turned his head and the photo moved towards Gu Hui glanced disdainfully and said: "You haven't even completed the secret method of the door, so you force the Vermilion Bird Ring to control the Vermilion Bird Ring. I'm afraid the true essence will be lost."

"It turns out that you were prepared for a long time, but for Clear Sky Mirror, can your refining technique reach the point of being fake?" Gu Hui asked angrily.

Yi Tian didn’t answer. This time, after raising the Taiyuan sword, he flicked the Southern Bright Trigram Fire moved towards at his fingertips, and then moved towards the location where Gu Hui was located. go with.

Gu Hui didn't dare to be careless now, and hurriedly put away the Vermilion Bird Ring and drew a Yin-Yang Symbol case on his chest with one hand, took out exactly the same spiral Fire Shield.

"ka-cha" a crisp sound of the Fire Shield's spiral center also bites the Taiyuan Sword to death, but the trace of white flame is constantly eroding the true flame on the Fire Shield.

Seeing it, Gu Hui suddenly turned pale with fright, the speed of this swallowing was not as fast as normal, and in an instant he felt that the spiral Fire Shield was about to collapse, and then he hurriedly increased the output of the spiritual power to maintain it. evenly matched The balanced state.

At the same time, the corner of Gu Hui's eyes suddenly swept to Yi Tian in the distance. Suddenly the silhouette disappeared from the original position in a flash, and after a breath, there was a burst of fiery heat behind him. Without much thought, Gu Hui turned around and prepared to cast the spell again, only to see a large white flame-wrapped hand rushing out of in the sky and grabbing the Clear Sky Mirror from him alive.

Slightly later, the silhouette of Yi Tian appeared outside the thirty zhang, and he held the Clear Sky Mirror in one hand and looked at it. Then he said with a smile: "So you didn’t even practice the Southern Bright Trigram Fire of the sect. Yes, it’s really a reckless waste of natural resources. Even if you hand over Clear Sky Mirror to you, I’m afraid you won’t be able to use it."

"Nonsense, this Zong is the Senior Brother of Yunzhongzheng. How could the old Lihuo sit down on Number One Person and not get the true inheritor," Gu Hui said with an angry expression.

Yi Tian didn't want to fight with him more, but twitched his lips and replied: "Let you see the real usage of Clear Sky Mirror." After finishing the index finger a little Taiyuan sword Take it back, and at the same time flick that strand of Southern Bright Trigram Fire into the Clear Sky Mirror.

In an instant, a white light shone from the mirror and directly hit Gu Hui's body, showing the appearance of Nascent Soul in the Niwan Palace in the middle of his forehead.

At this time, Gu Hui felt that he could no longer mobilize the slightest spiritual power on his body. Even the Nascent Soul Spirit Physique in the Niwan Palace also lost his autonomy and became as if he could be slaughtered. Cold sweat dripped.

Yi Tian just sighed and shook his head when he saw it: "Do you know the gap with Profound Sun Old Ancestor? From the beginning to the end, you have not entered the discernment of the Old Ancestor, Trigram Fire Sect. The pulse is only Yun Zhongzheng's discipline of grand disciples. Yu Sect Founder of Qige and Wan Sect Founder of Pill Pavilion have long been aware of this, and only you persist in your own wrong doings."

Gu Huilistening His face paled for a while, and then his face was unwilling to say: "Then you have stopped me now, why don't I do it? I know that you and Yun Zhong are fellow travelers, and always put the morality of "sect" first. You I’m afraid that I’m afraid of killing sect senior on my back, so I dared not do it."

When he said that, Yi Tian was immediately indifferent, and to be honest, Gu Hui didn’t make a mistake. If you want to kill him when you met in Zhong Prefecture, you can do it. If it weren't for the favor of the old man from Lihuo and the admonition of his own Sect Founder, he would have ended up early in the morning.

As soon as the light in the Clear Sky Mirror in his hand was withdrawn, he changed his hand to sacrifice the Taiyuan Sword to turn it into a solid Spirit Sword illusory shadow moved towards Gu Hui's body.

Only hearing the word "Aiya", he broke his protective cover and left a scar on his body with a deep bone, and there was still an azure rays of light on the scar. Hui can't get rid of it no matter how he casts a spell.

Yi Tian opened the mouth and said faintly after putting the Clear Sky Mirror away: "You are right, I can't kill you. The killing is inconsistent with my beliefs, and the Trigram Fire Sect civil strife has continued. After thousands of years, it’s time to end. Leaving the treasure of Lower Sect Vermilion Bird Ring and Thousand Soul Sword, today, as the new Sect Master of Trigram Fire Sect, I will direct you to the finished apprenticeship door. You have won my brilliant sword technique. I can’t perform 30% of my skills. Let’s go. I don’t want to see you again. From now on, there will be no Gu Hui in Trigram Fire Sect."

There is also a look of doubt on the faces of the besieged all around. Then, Chi Yangzi said angrily: "smelly brat, you want to let the tiger returns to the mountains, his cultivation base is like you, who can cure him."

On the side, Mo Wentian showed a solemn expression on his face and stretched out his hand to stop Chi Yangzi. Then, after a glance with Yi Tian, ​​he slightly nodded and turned to the crowd and said: "Didn’t Junior Brother Chi Yang clearly hear what he said just now? Well, this is the first time Junior Brother Yi has spoken as the master of Trigram Fire Sect. I know his difficulties."

Then he turned to the all around Nascent Soul Cultivator and secretly sounded it, and then I saw a gap in the sword talisman array suddenly.

Seeing that Yi Tian made it clear that he was going to let him go, Gu Hui showed a certain color on his face, then took out the Vermilion Bird Ring and moved towards Yi Tian and threw it away, and then threw the Thousand Soul Sword again. And sent it over. After doing this, he exercised his strength to suppress the injuries on his body, and then flew straight beyond the gap of the big formation.

Along the way, the master dare not act rashly, only Mo Wentian at a moderate pace said: "Sect Master is kind and does not kill you, but I will do everything for him. You have one hour After the time, I will personally lead a team to chase you, I hope you can do it yourself."

Mo Wentian has said everything to this point, and Yi Tian had to turn his head and stay silent. But I also knew in my heart that Gu Hui was definitely a potential danger for Mo Wentian and the others, and he couldn't let their safety go.

And one hour is also Mo Wentian's maximum tolerance limit, this Yi Tian is regarded as acquiescence.

Gu Hui is coldly snorted, looking at the general Xuanyang descendants who are all around in a blink of an eye, only a voice is heard: "Sect Founder Yun Zhongzheng is the same as yours, Sect Founder Yun Zhongzheng, if you want the life of the old man, just come."

I didn't turn my head back and turned my body into a golden light moved towards the mountain gate and flew away, and soon disappeared into the sky. After he flew away, Mo Wentian turned around and began to dispatch troops, and ordered Nangong Aotian and Dongfang Lingyun to lead Huo Chilian and Qu Yifeng for one hour and set out to search for Gu Hui's whereabouts.

He and Chi Yangzi, Lu Jinyuan, and Hu Yiyuan are responsible for the subsequent response, and must cut weeds and eliminate the roots.

Yi Tian didn’t have much to say, and went straight to say hello to everyone, and then handed over the Vermilion Bird Ring to Chi Yangzi. The Thousand Soul Sword was given to Lu Jinyuan, believing that with his two abilities Can be used properly.

After Gu Hui left, one hour just passed Nangong Aotian and Dongfang Lingyun, and they set off directly. Huo Chilian and Qu Yifeng on the side hurried to keep up with the previous agreement. One old and one young match up to catch up with Gu Hui.

Yi Tian only slightly sighed in his eyes, but Mo Wentian who didn't expect to be by his side has a stern expression and said: "Junior Brother Yi, you are Sect Master, you don’t want to bear this infamy. Like the Profound Sun Old Ancestor back then, Lihuo Old Ancestor did not look at the wrong person. Gu Hui, this person seeking instant benefit, would be afraid of peace in the world."

Chi Yangzi also Echoing the opened the mouth and said: "You kid keep a tail when doing things. Fortunately, old man, I have no scruples about my old age. I will finish the last difficult thing, and it will pass away someday in the future. Seeing Profound Sun Old Ancestor, I finally have an explanation."

After listening to each of them, Yi Tian couldn't help but laugh at the side. Then he turned his gaze to the Soul Eater Mouse King in the air, but silently sounded a few words with the two of them.

Mo Wentian listened to browse frowned, he just looked at it and shook his head and said: "You still have to solve this matter. After all, it is Sect Senior who must not offend too much."

At the same time, Chi Yangzi also echoed: "Why don't you ask the other Monster Kings to come out and talk, although your strength is not weaker than him, but after the fight, the spiritual power is consumed a lot, and it is not a way to keep this internal consumption."

Yi Tian also knows his own situation in his heart. Although he fought with Gu Hui just now to crush the opponent, he still scrupulously cares about the Soul Eater Mouse King, so he has not dared to give his best. At most, he has only 80% of the strength of the flourishing period, and even if he has to fight against him, he will pay a lot of price.

Fortunately, I have already revealed the true power of Trigram Fire Sect. I believe that the eyes of the Soul Eater Mouse King will not be wrong. And he must still have some thoughts if he stays in the air for a long time.

So Yi Tian planned to move towards Mo Wentian and Chi Yangzi and said: "The two Senior Brothers are at ease, I have my own way, not to mention I don't need to do it myself."

Seeing that Yi Tian is so sure, Mo Wentian is sighed and said: "Well, it's up to you, Brother Chiyang and I will bring Junior Brother Lu and junior brother Hu to catch up, the family ugliness of Trigram Fire Sect It’s better not to spread out."

At the same time, Nascent Soul Cultivator, who swept the remaining three sects, showed a rare sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Let them continue to be a witness here, I'm afraid it will be paid later. Let them speak a few words of justice."

After talking with Ke Manzi and the others private sound transmission, I notified Xuan Jianxin, who hosted the Formation below, to let him guard the sect gate at ease. After everything was arranged, he turned and moved towards the direction where Gu Hui had left before. Chi Yangzi, Lu Jinyuan and Hu Yiyuan followed closely from behind and followed along together.

Liu Piaopiao, who had been waiting in the air for a long time after the four walked away, had the opportunity to fly forward and look at Yi Tian, ​​and finally suffocated a sentence from his mouth: "Facing the Mouse King, you have to Be careful."

Yi Tian's knowing nodded replied: "Don't worry, I know it in my heart. These years have made you worry and fear, and I will make up for it after the incident."

Liu Piaopiao's eyes flashed a gleam and said: "Okay, first solve the matter in front of you, it's all your sect trivial matters that can't be handled well. Sleeping and sleeping are troublesome."

Then Yi Tian made a move. After a peaceful wink, he flew forward and stood not far in front of the Soul Eater Mouse King before he stood still, and then he bowed his hands to meet in Junior's service and said, "Soul Eater senior I trust you have been well since we last met."

The Soul Eater Mouse King squinted his eyes and looked at Yi Tian before replied: "You have the Old Ancestor true inheritor, and it's the righteous truth to control the sect token. The old man dare not accept your gift. ".

Though that, Mouse King didn't mean to avoid suspicion at all, but Yi Tian knew that he was unhappy when he saw it. Back then, Gu Hui was in charge of taking care of him in Trigram Fire Sect, so this time he was specially invited to be a testimony, but his own appearance made him unable to leave the stage for a while.

If I think about it, I am also angry in my heart. Although the Four-Great Demon Kings in the sect inner sect is unusual and is the Spirit Pet of the Old Ancestor, but when the Golden Retriever King entered himself, he respected him. Plus, DynaSky Monster King and Wanying King are also commensurate with Sect Master.

Didn't expect Mouse King was so arrogant, he had to brace oneself and asked: "I don't know what Mouse King thinks of this matter."

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