A dazzling halo in the night sky is very eye-catching, and the natural phenomenon that appeared during the ban of the Trigram Fire Sect is even more so that the Great Sect The cultivator sent to stay behind has attracted attention.

The cultivator who was in charge of squatting at various observing secret posts near Qige hurriedly reported back to Sect, although he couldn’t pinpoint the direction the speed of light was going to, but after all, someone sneaked into the hinterland of Trigram Fire Sect and blocked it. In the ruins, if you get the leftover artifacts or practice some huge might Divine Ability in the long run, it will have another impact on the balance of the Great Influence in Zhong Prefecture.

The news spread to Zhong Prefecture Trigram Fire Sect, which was placed on Hu Yiyuan’s desk. I saw him use Divine Consciousness to scan it and then extend the hand to gently pat the jade slip. It became a powder.

But he said to himself: "Junior Brother Yi, you really did not disappoint me. I hope you can come back to take over Trigram Fire Sect as soon as possible. You must know that Senior Brother Lu and I are here. It’s really hard to hold on."

The prohibition of the Trigram Fire Sect ancestral land occupies a radius of more than 2,000 miles, and it is the biggest treasure of Zhong Prefecture in the eyes of the world. It's just that this treasure is protected by a powerful prohibition. For three thousand years, countless Nascent Soul Cultivators have tried to break through this prohibition to hide the secret from the Fire Ancestor Land.

Unfortunately, all of them returned without success. What's more, there are not a few who forcibly attacked the banned formation and died on the spot under the Formation backlash.

Since then, these Zhong Prefecture cultivators have all learned well, and they will only join forces when the prohibition is weakened. Today, Yi Tian directly enters it with a method that no one has ever tried. internal.

Somewhere outside of the Trigram Fire Sect’s mountain gate, a white halo appeared after a white halo flashed through. A knight-errant cultivator appeared. It was Yi Tian who passed the Long Range Transmission Array of Qige. Come here.

But the feeling of space tearing is really uncomfortable. Although the Sect Master's Command card is used as a transmission protection device to withstand most of the stress, the previous tearing feeling makes people feel very uncomfortable, even Nascent Soul The Middle Stage cultivator was not spared either.

Even if you have cultivated golden sun and your body is much stronger than ordinary people, it is enough to be transported all the way.

When I came back to his senses, I only felt dizzy. The first thing I saw after opening my eyes was the mountain gate of Trigram Fire Sect. There is a round stone step at the foot, and he is standing in the center of the stone step in an area with Transmission Formation lines.

At this time, Yi Tian realized that he had come to the foot of the Trigram Fire Sect ancestral land, underneath it was the Node of Transmission Formation. And fifty miles away is exactly the range of Trigram Fire Sect's restricted border.

Back then, the Old Ancestor from Lihuo was able to lay down such a huge banned formation by no means could it be dismissed by a few Spirit Stones. The biggest probability is the use of the supreme mana of startling heaven and earth, ghosts and gods weeping to move several major spirit veins in Zhong Prefecture over as the base of the banned formation to maintain its standing for thousands of years.

Slowly walk to the mountain gate and look around all around. You can see a three-foot-high, five-foot-wide stone wall standing on the right. In the three big characters "Trigram Fire Sect", the signature in the lower right corner actually says Gu Hui's name.

Although Yi Tian still has some prejudice against his Grand Uncle-Master, more than half of the disintegration of the entire Trigram Fire Sect is due to the discord between Gu Hui and his own Sect Founder Yun Zhongzheng, which caused the four veins to split. As a result, it seems that his handwriting is neat and angular. He should be quite a well-behaved person.

Conversely, I wondered how such a well-behaved person would disregard the death of Old Ancestor, and even openly broke with his junior and divided the big family business into four parts.

There must be some unknown secrets in it. Yi Tian looked at the ancestral hall far away from several dozen li, and his heart was full of endless questions. Fortunately, now only one person can decide. Heart to search the ancestral hall.

Walking slowly on the way up the mountain, Yi Tian can only detect the situation within more than ten miles after turning on the Divine Consciousness. After walking for a few miles, I came to a three-way intersection. After scanning the sign, I found that it leads to Item Hall, Pill Hall and Purple Sky Palace.

At the moment, isn't it the ancestral land of Pill Pavilion outside in my heart? Why there are Item Hall and Pill Hall here. After three breaths, he came back to his senses Yi Tian found that he was in phase, and it was reasonable that the main vein of Lihuo was originally set here. It must be that Ten Thousand Sect Ming and Yu Yaoqing were first ordered by Old Ancestor after this cultivation to set up branches in the other two places.

After ignoring the left and right forks, I took a big stride towards the Purple Sky Palace in the center. After a short time, I just feel that all around is a little weird in the air, and the spiritual pressure in mid-air is distorted and fluctuating from time to time.

speaking of which There are not many people here in three thousand years. It shouldn't be. This is the case, but the more you go down Yi Tian, ​​the more something is wrong, and the heart suddenly realizes that all around the environment It seems that there has been a slight change.

After walking for about an hour, gradually there seems to be some illusory shadows of cultivator around me, and more and more. Standing on the stone steps, Yi Tian looked at all around. These people are all wearing uniform clothes. Judging from the mark on the daoist robe, they are Outer Disciple of Trigram Fire Sect.

Although the influence of these people is so clear in front of them, extend the hand to swipe gently but grabbed a empty hand and couldn't touch the illusory shadow of these people. It seems that this place should be in the chaos of time and space, and the Trigram Fire Sect dísciple who walked forward more and more gathered.

A cultivator wearing an Inner Sect costume was standing near the end of the stone steps. Many dísciples all around ran forward to salute him and lined up from the side road. Slowly line up.

Yi Tian glanced at the cultivator standing there and saw that he was in his early thirties, his face was like a crown jade, with a bun and a crown on his head. He was holding a roster and a talisman in his hand, and every Outer Disciple who visited would tick the corresponding place after reporting.

This person is obviously the Inner Disciple responsible for the point, but after seeing his face clearly, Yi Tian was stunned. Isn’t this his Old Ancestor Yun Zhongzheng, although he is better than himself on the sect portrait It looks a little younger, but the whole person's appearance is still eight to nine points alike. You can't admit it.

Looking back and thinking about it, there is a care in my mind. In this way, this influence describes the situation in which the power of the upper realm has not yet fallen thousands of years ago.

Looking at the Outer Disciple Yi Tian with a long queue behind him, he simply stopped and wanted to see what kind of scene this illusory shadow would show for himself.

After waiting for a while, I saw Yun Zhongzheng’s illusory shadow suddenly condensed, then put away the roster and talisman in his hand, and then slowly moved towards the square outside the Purple Sky Palace with many dísciples.

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