After spending some time with Hu Yiyuan in Yongducheng, Yi Tian also collected a batch of materials, and then the two discussed the development plan for the next sect.

Yi Tian also did not shy away from explaining in detail the facts about the forces he has made after arriving in Zhong Prefecture, and explained everything to Hu Yiyuan except for the matter of Qian Spirit Sect. And leave a token, in case Trigram Fire Sect needs to go to the door to move rescue soldiers in the future.

And Hu Yiyuan also promised to keep Yi Tian's identity temporarily secret, as for Lu Jinyuan, he will try to deal with it. Regardless of how the most important thing at the moment is to decipher the "end of the sea of ​​sky" referred to in this rumor, although I don't know where it points to, it feels like it is only to go to the Purple Sky Palace away from the fire ancestors to find it. The most promising.

Except for that, I really don’t know where else on this Tianlan continent can hide Luoque and Qianlingzi, the two great powers of the upper realm.

Yi Tian also feels the same about this, but if you want to go deep into the ancestral land, you must break through all around the prohibition of Formation. Fortunately, after Yi Tian cleaned up the blood refinement demon, he found a way to break into the pavilion in his relics. Although this is not very troublesome, it is worth a little effort.

After bidding farewell to Hu Yiyuan, Yi Tian embarked on a journey again alone, this time the goal was the forbidden place of Trigram Fire Sect Pavilion located in the west of the Zhong Prefecture continent.

Although the method of penetration ban was found in the memory fragments of the blood refinement demon, the penetration location was the same again and again. You know that there are about a thousand miles of land within this ban, and it will take some time to find the breakthrough opening around the ban.

Moreover, these large sects are so ghostly that they often set up some secret guards around the prohibition to monitor whether there are cultivators who dare to sneak into the prohibition under the guise of the world.

However, Yi Tian admires the bloodfiend Old Ancestor’s fortune very much in his heart. He has been in several times and has not been caught. It is conceivable that his breakthrough mouth should be very hidden.

After half a month, Yi Tian flew to a distance a hundred miles away from the ancestors of the Western Armament Pavilion, and after a long distance in the air, he could see the white banned halo.

Slightly use Divine Consciousness to scan the territory within the prohibited extension range. It is not difficult to find that there are several secret sentinel surveillance points in small groups.

Unfortunately, these large-scale sects left behind the most surveillance people who are just the Foundation Establishment Late Stage. Even if you start to break the ban yourself, as long as you don't make any shocking noises, they will not attract their attention.

Following the position mentioned in the memory fragment of the blood refinement, Yi Tian quickly fell on a mountain that was more than ten miles away from the prohibition. Then Divine Consciousness swept across the mountainside to find the entrance to the hidden cave he left behind at that time.

White Heaven and the emperor's opening of the cave door on the mountainside stone wall may attract the attention of others, and the blood refinement demon will basically sneak in from then on in the middle of the night.

Even though Yi Tian is not afraid of things, she doesn't want to cause trouble for no reason, so she immediately used a stealth secret art to find a place to rest near the entrance of the cave.

Yi Tian opened his eyes and swept all around a hundred miles with divine sense after the sky turned and the night breeze rose. Then I raised my head and looked at the moonlight. It happened to be dark and windy night until the moon hid in the clouds, and then I walked to the mountainside cave with a stride, slowly thinking of incantion. After ten breaths, only a sound of'ka ka' was heard. The stone wall in the mountainside moved slightly by three feet to reveal the stone gate behind.

Yi Tian slid into it when he saw that he was overjoyed, and then saw the stone wall behind it moved back to its original position again. After arriving in the cave, he found that there was only one road in front of him. Yi Tian took out the sundial Luogeng to point out the direction, and the road in front of him was facing the direction restricted by the Trigram Fire Sect Pavilion.

After a quarter of an hour, I saw the end of the road, but there was nothing in the cave except the bare stone wall in front of me and the moss and weeds all around.

I went through the blood refinement in my mind. The memory of the devil unexpectedly found that the place where he broke into each time was here. Looking at the environment of all around and the appearance in the memory fragments, it can be consistent, but except for the front This stone wall is a bit strange and there is no other difference.

Yi Tian used Divine Consciousness to scan the stone wall in front of him up and down several times, but he did not find anything unusual. Looking back, I recalled blood refinement again in my mind. The memory fragments of the devil had been sighed secretly thought for a long time. "It's not a matter of time. If this place can be entered and exited unscrupulously, why did the devil go to Zhanxingshanqing?" Tian Pavilion is looking for Tian Yunzi for help."

Thinking of this, Yi Tian simply sat down in front of the stone wall and recalled every time blood refinement Old Demon went to Qingtian Pavilion to find Tian Yunzi for divination. , It will be discovered later that these points of time have been roughly less than two years later, and he will be able to break into the ban. As for why it would go in at such a precise time every hundred years, Yi Tian was puzzled.

There is no sun and moon in this cave. The time outside is still passing by as usual. In order to remind himself, Yi Tian simply took out the sundial Luogeng and the chronograph hourglass and put them aside as signs.

Then I took out a few jade slips to look up all the astronomical natural phenomena that have appeared in the Zhong Prefecture continent over the past few hundred years. Shaoqing's brows gradually unfolded. Through these astronomical diaries, blood refinement is recorded. Every time the devil goes to Tian Yunzi for divination, there will be a Heavenly Dog eclipse within two years. If this is connected, this may be the opportunity to enter the ban Right.

secretly said in one's heart Is this the day when the channel opens? Yi Tian suddenly showed some expectations. He picked up the jade slip and looked at the time of these eclipses. Only after finding that there will be a total lunar eclipse every 100 years, the corners of his mouth twitched and raised his eyebrows. It seems this It's pretty obvious.

I just don’t know what natural phenomenon will appear during this total lunar eclipse once every 100 years, but since you can find some clues, then you may really find some clues if you go down here. Then extend the hand to take out a jade slip of Tianlan continent and the sundial Luogeng, and then stretch out the index finger to write down the time points of these eclipses on the ground to deduce the deadline for the next lunar eclipse.

An hour later, Yi Tian showed a knowing smile on his face. It seems that he estimated that this lunar eclipse must be related to the weakening of the prohibition, but I don't know what will happen to the stone wall in front of him.

Sitting on the ground, Yi Tian closed his eyes again and sat up quietly, this time there are still a few months before the total lunar eclipse, it is better to take this opportunity to prepare.

Yi Tian sitting in the cave was completely motionless in a few months, knowing that a moonlight shone from the gap on the top of the mountain on a certain night and projected directly onto the stone wall in front of him. At this time, after a spiritual power fluctuation suddenly appeared, a light and shadow appeared on the stone wall, but above the light and shadow was a faint halo covering the situation that could not be seen clearly.

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