In the past ten years or so, I don’t know when it appeared out of thin air near the Yanshan Mountain. A six-level demonic beast called himself'Bing Li Old Ancestor', and he actually had two more The powerful subordinates cleared away the demonic beasts within a radius of five hundred miles.

Now Yanshan Mountain is equivalent to their world. It is rare that some of the big Devil Paths from outside have detoured obediently after negotiating with the'Bing Li Old Ancestor'.

In the peripheral zone in the west of Zhong Prefecture, the name of "Bing Li Old Ancestor" gradually sounded, but this seldom-appearing big demon just haunts near Fallen Mountain and will not take the initiative to run out. So there was no big storm for a while, but the demonic beasts who had suffered a loss in their hands went around contacting the same kind to find their place.

At this time, Yi Tian was sitting in a secret room in an underground cave in Suiyan Mountain. The door of the cave had been tightly closed. I saw the'Fat Dog' lying bored at the door of the cave. On the ground before, Qingyu little hen surrounded it, and Chi Yanju had been sent out to patrol the mountain by the fat dog at this time.

Anyway, as long as the'Fat Dog' looks like a boss when Yi Tian is away, his wife Qingyu can't bully, and direct Chi Yanju to keep him busy.

As for Yi Tian, ​​I don’t care about these things. Anyway, there is a Level 6 Spirit Pet gatekeeper who can handle it even with a Nascent Soul Early Stage cultivator, so he sits in the newly opened Cave Mansion. Within it, Asura's Shenfa was drawn to the True Fire smelting materials, while taking out the remains of Ten Thousand Sect Ming's alchemy book and carefully studying it.

Speaking of Yi Tian Xiang's posthumous pill book, I have benefited a lot from reading it. Back then, I visited Dong'ao Ancient Medical Sect and collected many pill books. After tossing and turning under the Western Wilderness Southern Border and the ten thousand li sea, I also got a lot of pill technique Pill Recipe.

But compared with the scrolls on hand, it is really insignificant. Whether it is from the amount described in the medicine ingredient variety or included in the Pill Recipe, the records in the scrolls are more accurate and detailed.

It's like the original chapters that I have on hand are incomplete chapters and the alchemy book written by Ten Thousand Sect is a very systematic Pill Master manual. From the identification and cultivation of the most basic medicine ingredient to the extraction and purification of all kinds of heavenly materials, earthly treasures, etc., it is unceremonious to say that this scroll book has been thoroughly eaten by all the Pill Masters on the Tianlan continent. Apprentice.

During the retreat, Yi Tian's main effort was still spent on repairing the Albizia Bells. In addition to the one third Divine Consciousness, studying the singular number, the rest of the energy was devoted to the purification of materials and the study of inscriptions. .

Meteorite iron and Heiyao mysterious iron of the treasure materials needed to repair the Albizia Bell need further purification before they can be used, and the intensity of the True Fire that leads to the center of the earth is far more powerful than nothing. I used my own Southern Bright Trigram Fire, so most of my time was spent on preparing materials.

After a long time of earth fire calcination, the impurities in the two materials were removed respectively, and then Yi Tian took out the Albizia Bell and placed it in his hand for a careful search. As soon as the Artifact Spirit in the Hehuan Bell came into contact with Yi Tian's Divine Consciousness probe, he directly shouted in a naive tone: "What about Lihuo old ghost, where did he trick me into the lower realm and die by himself?"

Some helplessness appeared on his face and Yi Tian had to brace oneself and replied: "Sect Founder from the fire has long passed away."

"How long has it been?" Artifact Spirit asked. .

"Three thousand years ago," Yi Tian replied, and then slowly said this process.

In that Spiritual Artifact, I listened first and I would insert a few words from time to time, but then I stopped making a sound. After Yi Tian finished speaking, he sighed and said: "Now Li Huo The old ghost Avatar has fallen, it will be even harder for me to return to Spirit Realm."

Yi Tian listened to his eyes, didn’t he intend to fly up? It is reckless waste of natural resources that has not been used well. And I have to fix it myself putting it that way just to take the opportunity to get some useful information.

If you want to stop, you asked indifferently: "Since you are the Spiritual Artifact brought by Lihuo Old Ancestor, why are you in the hands of Harmonious Bond Sect? And do you know how many Spirits Lihuo Old Ancestor brought back then? Treasure lower realm?"

Speaking of this, I only listened to the artifact Spirit panting with rage's delicate voice: "Lihuo old ghost gave me to his Dao Companion in this world, then after Dao Companion I founded Harmonious Bond Sect, and I worshipped it as a sect protecting treasure and passed on for four generations before it fell into the hands of that little girl."

The little girl in her mouth should be Haoji, didn’t 't expect Harmonious Bond Sect and his own sect there is still such an entanglement, Yi Tian glanced around and asked: "Then you have been in Hao Ji's hands for so many years, will you often communicate with her under the guidance of her cultivation by the way What?"

"No, my body has been in a dormant state after being damaged in the war. Every time I change hands during this period, I will wake up. I only see those women from Harmonious Bond Sect. I didn’t say anything. After meeting you for the first time, you sensed that you have the smell of old friends and Southern Bright Trigram Fire in your body that you haven’t seen for many years. I thought that you could help me repair my body, so I talked to you. , Or you brat don’t even want to know the existence of this saint," Artifact Spirit replied.

Heard Yi Tian suddenly felt blushed with shame, didn't expect himself to be a tinker in this spiritual eyes and smile with anger.

But in a blink of an eye I thought Artifact Spirit mentioned that old friend whom I had not seen for many years, Yi Tian suddenly came up with a Spiritual Artifact in his mind, stretched out the right hand turns and took the Clear Sky Mirror out and held it in his hand. , And then asked: "Are you talking about the sect token, Clear Sky Mirror."

After three breaths, I heard an exclamation from the Hehuan bell: "Isn't Clear Sky Mirror smashed?" Did you complete it?"

In fact, what I got in Dongao back then was only the two-meter beam splitter, the core part of the Clear Sky Mirror. Later, by chance, it was only in the depths of the Western Wilderness Plain. I found the rest. As for the repair, I contributed at most to Mysterious Yang True Fire that's all.

Since Yi Tian has been misunderstood so beautifully, he doesn’t mind hitting the swollen face again to fill the fatty, and then replied: "I went through suffering untold hardships to find the body of Clear Sky Mirror, and then managed to repair it. It has been kept in the body for more than two hundred years before it looks like it is now."

Hehuan Ling Artifact Spirit said in an eager voice after a silent meeting: "Well, kid, as long as you take me To restore the body of Lihuo, this sage can point you to cultivation. And you are the old ghost lineage of Lihuo, which can be regarded as my home. I will teach you the 1st move in the three changes of Lihuo."

"The three changes from the fire, aren't the three changes in Zixiao?" Yi Tian blurted out.

"It can only be performed with the Purple Xiaozhan. It is estimated that the Trigram Fire Sect disciple of grand disciples has changed its name to that's all. This is the unspread secret of the old ghost of Lihuo. How can it be done? No heartbeat?" Artifact Spirit replied in a seductive tone.

"Deal," Yi Tian said without the slightest hesitation.

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