In the environment of Heart Refinement Road, Yi Tian stood there blankly after listening, still remembering the words just now.

Suddenly a huge spot of light appeared before the pupils, and I immediately sucked in myself, and felt that after entering a state of weightlessness, a shivered came back to his senses, I looked closely at myself and saw that I had reached the third level. It’s at the end, just a few steps away from Heart Refinement Road.

At this moment, I felt a little bit of coolness behind me, and I felt the cold sweat behind me wet my clothes with a touch of my hand. What was in the illusion just now was not an illusion, it should be something that was buried deep in one's heart and pointed directly to the origin.

And the seal that has been hidden in my body is actually called'Fei Xian Yin'. Just literally understand that this thing is not simple.

But for a long time, this seal will always come out to make trouble every time it coincides with Transcending Tribulation. Over time, I am also quite jealous of it. I really don’t know when it will jump out again to cause nine. Heavenly Lightning Tribulation, it is really uncomfortable to say that there is a time bomb in the body.

Slowly regained his expression and continued to walk forward. The next journey seemed to be effortless like normal stone steps. After deep analysis, the Heart Refinement Road has no effect on him anymore.

After half a quarter of an hour, Yi Tian finally walked the Heart Refinement Road for the first time, took out the hourglass and glanced at it, and found that he had spent nearly one day and one night.

Looking back at the situation of the next few people, at this time everyone's position on Heart Refinement Road has changed again. Dugu Tian Feng, who was originally walking on the first stage, has been surpassed by Hui Yuan and Yun Mengyao behind him on the journey of the 2nd Stage.

These two people actually came from behind, and went quite smoothly at the level of tempering the mood. However, Yi Tian wanted to understand after paying attention, the Buddhist Sect secret method focuses on the tempering of the state of mind and the fleshy body. Although these two people are only the Early-Stage cultivation base, their fleshy body and mood are far beyond the same level, so they can catch up so quickly.

In contrast, Dugu Tian wind cultivation base profound, but the cultivation of the mood is not as good as Huiyuan and the others who have Buddhist Sect secrets.

The Haoji and the others who stood up are even worse. What surprised Yi Tian was that Hu Yiyuan had already fallen to the end at this time.

As Lihuo's legacy, it has the advantage of being blessed by heaven, but Hu Yiyuan's performance on the 2nd stage is not satisfactory. From this, it can be seen that he still has obsessions in his heart that have not been able to let go, I am afraid The future road will become very rugged and bumpy when Heart Demon is overgrown.

Turning his head and not paying attention to their progress, as the first person to cross the Heart Refinement Road, Yi Tian should naturally rely on his own advantages to expand the harvest quickly. Looking at the pavilions in front of Yi Tian, ​​he smiled at the corner of his mouth, and then the spiritual power all over his body emerged after he performed the escape technique and rose from the ground.

Fly close to the ground and fly towards the main entrance of Pill Pavilion. At this time, you can be sure that you are the first cultivator to enter the forbidden area of ​​Pill Pavilion this time.

ten breaths passing the square in front of the Pill Pavilion main hall is the corner of the eye. I swept across and found that a statue of zhang high was erected in the center, but the limbs of the statue were chained by steel essence Detained to death, as if by a live bolt on this square.

But above the head and neck of the statue is nothing, the whole head is missing, there are wings on the back, and the limbs and fingertips are sharp claws. After Yi Tian stayed for a while and scanned it with divine sense, he didn't find what kind of creature it was.

After crossing the square lightly, he came to the main hall of Pill Pavilion, and Yi Tian smelled a fresh fragrance rushing right after entering the main hall door. Step forward to see a six-foot-sized pill furnace in the middle of the hall. There seems to be flames in the furnace continuously refining medicine pill, and the fragrance is floating from the cover of the pill furnace.

I just wanted to go forward and not even close to the distance of one foot of the pill furnace, suddenly all around seemed to have some spiritual power fluctuations. Yi Tian hurriedly pulled out and flashed out, and when he looked back, he saw that the pill furnace all around erected four fist-thick copper pillars.

The four copper pillars are arranged in East, South, West, and North squares, and are engraved with the four Spirit Beast patterns. Needless to say, this must be the protection of the pill furnace. It is inevitable to open the pill furnace and break the formation.

But this is not what Yi Tian thinks in his mind at this time. He finally made the first breakthrough Heart Refinement Road and there is no reason to waste time for this medicine pill.

Besides, none of the people behind are directed at these things. I am afraid that such a tossing will soon become the target of public criticism.

After skipping the pill furnace, I came to the back of the main hall. In this matter, a whisk was enshrined on the stone platform deep in the great hall, and all around was wrapped in the aftermath of the light cover. Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth to extend the hand and pointed at the whisk and wanted to put it in the bag. Who knows that the all around mask directly shielded the spiritual power.

I don’t feel annoyed when I see that a single blow can’t make my face. These Trigram Fire Sect’s secret treasures are by no means so easy to get in hand. Now Yi Tian stretches out his right hand again and takes his fingertips and takes out a wisp. The white Southern Bright Trigram Fire immediately wrapped his hands.

Then moved towards that whisk and slowly stretched out, I saw that the halo of all around automatically broke a hole when it touched the Southern Bright Trigram Fire, allowing Yi Tian to move easily The thing was taken out.

Holding this whisk in his hand, I saw a line of words engraved on the bottom of the whisk, and after a closer look, I noticed that it said “Old Ancestor from the fire”. Ten Thousand Sect thank you very much. '

It turns out that this thing is the Magical Artifact of the first Ten Thousand Sect of the Pill Pavilion that year, and it was gifted by Old Ancestor. This time, I have grown bigger, and I have no reason to know this thing, but in a blink of an eye, I want to come to this Ten Thousand Sect, and I don't know what it is with the Wan Yang of the Ten Thousand Flowing Sect. If you can conquer Wan Liuzong, it will be a great help to revitalize Trigram Fire Sect in your future.

After putting this thing away, Yi Tian inquired around and found nothing else, and then had to bypass the main hall and continue to explore behind.

After exiting the back door of the main hall, I came to the stone path behind. After flying along the road for a while, I saw a four-way road in front of me. The sign on the left marked'spirit plant garden', and the sign on the right said 'Danku', the road in the middle is written'Research Hall'.

No matter which one of these three places is, it represents a great opportunity, but now the time is limited and I don’t know how long it will be for the people behind to break through. Yi Tian glanced over the three street signs and then took out the Taiyuan Sword. It was two sword light.

In an instant, only the mark of'Danku' was left at the four fork in the road. At the same time, Yi Tian silhouette moved towards the center of the study hall in a flash and flew away. In my opinion, these three thousand years have passed, even if there is any spiritual pill and marvelous medicine in the library, the spiritual power has long been lost.

As for the spirit plant that has a level of 3000 years in the spirit plant garden, there must still be some points, but how can these extraneous objects be kept up to the thousand-year-old cheat sheet of Trigram Fire Sect? Now what Yi Tian wants is to revitalize the Trigram Fire Sect. If the spirit plant is gone, it can be cultivated again. If those sect classics are lost, that would be the most heartbreaking thing.

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