After a fight outside the small island ruins, Yi Tian pressed the red-trained king snake and finally killed it. After finishing the battlefield, he turned and moved towards the passage below the stone pavilion slowly Go. Extend the hand to sacrifice the black flames and devil flames, flick the fingers lightly to control the flames to fly out. After falling on the stone wall of the passage all around, the residual venom on it was directly burned with a'coax'.

Immediately, the flames of the Hellfire demon flowed down, and the black flames burned straight ahead along the passage, illuminating the dark passage. Yi Tian walked forward along the stone path under his feet, and saw the front suddenly open up after about half a mile. Entering the center is a large stone chamber, but at this time it has become the snake den of the Chilian King Snake. All around the ground is full of blood-eating debris, and up ahead is a pile of five-foot-a-meter thatch with drops of green venom from above.

Needless to say, this is the place where the King Chilian snakes nest, stretched out a raised hand, and a black pyrotechnic fire fell directly onto the pile of thatch. The black magic fire instantly ignited the snake's den, and it burned for a short while before it was completely burned.

Suddenly Yi Tian glanced over and found that there was a golden light flashing in the ashes burned by the flame prison demon fire. Stepped forward and looked carefully, and found that it turned out to be a palm-size yellow stone, but this thing was not afraid of the burning of the flames and demon fire, Yi Tian secretly wondered in his heart. After thinking about it, the divine sense stretched out on the rock and swept back and forth several times, and the uncertain divine light was revealed in the eyes.

This thing is not like the Spirit Realm treasure I have seen, and there is no match in my memory in my mind. After thinking about it, I hurriedly called out the beast monarch and Daoist. After the divine sense was passed, he described the emotions I saw here in detail.

After the Three Breaths, a sound transmission of the beast Jun Daoist came in his mind and said: "This thing should be a'Boundary Breaking Stone', it should have been accidentally dropped from other High Planes to this world, and Or it is the treasure taken from the fragments of Immortal World."

"Oh, then I don't know what the function of this'Boundary Breaking Stone' is?" Yi Tian asked: "Listening to the name seems to be used Refining space treasures, right?"

"This thing is generally used to refine Realm Splitting Symbol. If the cultivator needs to go to the lower realm, it is also suitable," Beast Jundao explained: "It’s just for You don’t seem to be of much use. If you want to ascend, you still have to follow the normal path. If you go to the lower realm, you can easily break the interface channel with your cultivation base. Speaking of which is just a tasteless thing with you that's all."

Said the Beast Jun Dao Ren's voice cut off dumbly, and then he fell asleep again. On the contrary, Yi Tian showed an expression of didn't know whether to cry or laugh on his face at this time, and the treasures that emotions had so hard to find were completely useless to him.

As the Beast Jundao said just now, although such treasures are precious, they are not very useful. After thinking about it, Yi Tian still stretched out his raised hand and put that piece of "Boundary Breaking Stone" into the storage ring. Although he hadn't thought about how to use it for a while, it might be useful in the future.

After finishing this, Yi Tian walked slowly through the ruins of the snake's nest to the back of the stone chamber. Here you can see the emblem of the Barbarian Horn family on the stone wall behind. Needless to say, this place should be the private hiding place in Wanqingshan's mouth.

After gazing over the emblem on the stone wall, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to sacrifice the spiritual light and hit it gently, and the spiritual power was slowly activated after the emblem had absorbed the spiritual power. Driven by a large amount of spiritual power, the emblem began to slowly turn clockwise, and stopped after exactly a full circle.

'ka ka ka' only heard a sound coming from the ground below the original snake nest, and then cracked a crossing on the flat ground. Seeing a happy divine sense in his heart, Yi Tian hurriedly extended the sense, but after three breaths, the color of joy on his face slowly fell, replaced by a suspicious color.

There is indeed a stone chamber below, but the things remaining in it have already split up. And there seems to be someone who has gone down and searched it.

The helpless shook the head Yi Tian secretly said in one's heart: "It is estimated that this place has been searched by the Black Wing Pocket Dragon Race or these lesser dragon species demonic beasts a long time ago. This will be a bamboo basket. Water futile."

But since it's here, don't miss it. After slowly walking down the stone chamber, Yi Tian's gaze skipped over here and found that there was almost nothing in the stone chamber intact. The previous visitor must have stirred up Heaven and Earth turning upside down here, so Yi Tian thought that the piece of'Boundary Breaking Stone' that he had obtained before might have been taken out of it.

When I lifts the head, I found that there were still a lot of horned characters on the ceiling of the stone chamber. After reaching out and wiping over, Yi Tian took out another empty white jade and wiped off the ashes on the ceiling. Jane recorded all these rubbings one after another.

While Shao Qing was recording himself, Yi Tian suddenly felt a violent sense of vibration coming from beneath the ground, and the entire stone chamber trembled. "No, it should be something happened," secretly said in one's heart, and the recording speed on the back of the hand was also accelerated. Without hundreds of breaths, all the text on the ceiling of the stone chamber was recorded.

After putting away the jade slip, Yi Tian hurriedly turned around and moved towards the passage when he came and drove straight away, but he could detect the feeling of continuous shaking under his feet. Either it was an earthquake, or there was a high-rank cultivator fighting and it spread to here. Although he thought so in his mind, Yi Tian preferred the latter judgment.

Coincidentally, in the vibration from the ground like this, it is obvious that there are two extremely strong spiritual power squeezing fluctuations. The spiritual power that can display such an intensity fluctuates and its strength is almost the same as in the middle and late stages of the fit. It is expected that in this'ten thousand dragon swamp' and it is still close to the station of the Blackwing Dragon Race, there must be Mo Feihong who can make a big fight.

I just don't know what he will fight against at his door, and the person who bullies the door like this must be of extraordinary strength.

Running back to the ground from the underground passage, Yi Tian converged all the fluctuations of the spiritual pressure on his body and then leaped into the air in person. Then I turned around and glanced over the west three thousand miles away. At this time, I saw that there were two evacuations fighting fiercely over the old nest of the Dragon Race in the black wing pocket. And there was a huge wave in the sea area where the Divine Ability spell was scattered in their hands.

Needless to say, the underground vibration here is directly caused by these two Divine Ability spells. Seeing here, Yi Tian was also surprised. Didn't expect that someone would actually fool the Black Wing Pocket Dragon Race's resident.

Among the two people in the distance, the black shadow of Dao Dao is the deity Mo Feihong. In the previous "Six Suns", he and himself had handed hands once in the Space Formation. It was natural to see each other. Remember the frequency of the spiritual pressure fluctuation. It's just that after Yi Tian stared and looked carefully, he discovered that Mo Feihong was firmly suppressed by the opponent. Mo Feihong also showed his true identity, with all his divine ability spells in his hands, but even this can't help him.

On the other hand, the people who fought against him moved forward and backward in an orderly manner, and in the face of Mo Feihong who showed his true form, it seemed that he did not take seriously at all. The formidable power of the Divine Ability spell in the hand is even more amazing. Every trick can maximize the spiritual power. Even if the two people's cultivation bases are almost the same, Mo Feihong clearly showed his defeat after a short period of fierce battle.

Suddenly the cultivator stopped, then turned and stared into the distance. Yi Tian found that the other party's divine sense quickly extended to where he was, and was locked by him after three breaths.

At this time, Mo Feihong got the chance to breathe and hurriedly drew back. After appearing in a human form, he took a large amount of medicine pill and swallowed it into his belly to replenish spiritual power.

It seems that his concealed body method is completely invalid for that person, and it is the first time that Yi Tian has encountered such a situation. Immediately, he simply and generously moved towards the position of the deity and flew straight to the place where the two were.

Yi Tian flew over three thousand miles to the periphery of the two-man battle circle during ten breaths, then stabilized his figure in the air and turned to look at the two in front of him. Naturally, Mo Feihong didn't need to say any more. He saw that his spiritual power was disordered all over his body at this time, and the rapid bullying in his chest seemed like a huge consumption of spiritual power. On the other hand, the person on the other side seemed to be comfortable.

It's just that when he saw him, his face was slightly stunned. After seeing the cultivation base, his face slowly revealed a grave expression.

Yi Tian's mind quickly skimmed through the list of this world high-rank cultivator, and the integration stage cultivators including the Netherworld were also matched one after another. But after thinking about it, he did not find a matching character, and he immediately said: "Dare to ask where Fellow Daoist comes from, it seems that you are not a person in this world."

"You guys don't want to confuse me. "That person coldly snorted and said: "You are not worthy to have a conversation with me like this."

Hearing this Yi Tian's complexion unchanged, but his mind is thinking that there are several layers in his words. Meaning, it's a lot to read carefully. Immediately a trace of uneasy thought flashed through my mind, and he blurted out with a slight surprise in my heart: "Is your Excellency Wu Jue senior from Immortal World "Zi Yu Tian"?"

didn't expect that person just listen to the complexion Slightly changed, staring at Yi Tian and then solemnly asked: "Do you know my name, have you seen Changsun Pavilion?" The person mentioned by Immortal Elder Sun Ting, Yi Tian knows that he has kicked the iron plate this time. If he can't handle it properly, I'm afraid that today's things will be difficult to do well. After thinking about it, faintly smiled and said: "It is true. I have seen Senior Sun also learn about Wu senior from his mouth."

"hmph, right?" Wu Jue was full of disdain. "Didn't expect Changsun Ting to chase so tightly."

"Today, I don’t know why Wu senior would fight Mo Fei Hongdae. Both of them are Peak cultivators of this world. If Stirring up the war here, I am afraid that the entire Prison World will be uneasy," Yi Tian said.

After seeing the situation clearly in the distance, Mo Feihong turned around and directly moved towards Lao Lao and flew away. After three breaths, an aura lighted up and enveloped the black-winged Dragon Race residence. .

Didn't expect that he would slip away like this, Yi Tian was also stunned, and at the same time a bad premonition appeared in his heart. Since Mo Feihong slipped the True Immortal Avatar opposite, Wu Jue couldn't find himself unlucky.

Sure enough, Wu Jue saw that Dao Mo Feihong had no interest in him like this. He turned around and stared at Yi Tian in front of him and looked at it, and then asked: "You know that this world can have Mahayana Stage cultivator?"

"In Shangling Nine Realms, there is only one Mahayana Stage cultivator in the Lower Three Realms." Yi Tian is calm and replied. In fact, he is also beginning to assess Wu Jue's strength in his heart. Up.

With him and Changsun Ting as the upper realm True Immortal Avatar, the lower realm, but the strength is only in the mid-integration stage, maybe it was too much suppressed by the interface power at the time of the lower realm. I remember that the lower realm of Youxuan Taoist Avatar directly had the Mahayana Stage cultivation base, even the Mahayana Stage cultivator Sect Founder was invincible.

Is the strength of these True Immortal really so different? There are a lot of questions in his heart, but Yi Tian did not ask directly, but carefully looked at the reaction of the other party. Obviously, with Wu Jue's strength, he wants to ramp up the Nine Realms. I am afraid that his strength has not yet reached that level. At least those Mahayana Stage cultivator will not let him act wilfully.

Later, I saw him and asked again: "When did you meet Changsun Ting?"

"It's been more than ten years," Yi Tian didn't hide it. Directly replied: "But I have some questions. Why are you True Immortal of aloof and remote all interested in the trifling Nine Realms, and they all fall into the plane of Prison World."

"It looks like I'm interrogating now, right?" Wu Jue said with an unkind expression.

"Senior is ready," Yi Tian said at a moderate pace: "I don’t have any obligation to answer senior’s questions, but it’s okay for everyone to exchange each other. Anyway, I’m also interested in Immortal. I am very interested in the world. If the senior can exchange information with me, it would be a happy thing for everyone."

Wu Jue heard a divine light flashing in his eyes, and immediately raised his hand took out to golden The aura said in his hand: "If you want to exchange information with me, you have to see if you have enough weight, let's receive my move." After speaking, the aura in the hand was raised and hit the location where Yi Tian was.

Facing a True Immortal attack for the first time, even if it was just an Avatar Yi Tian, ​​he did not dare to be careless. And from the divine ability spell he sacrificed from his hand, it can be seen that the formidable power is not weak. Since his ability is over Mo Feihong, his strength is naturally beyond the reach of his own. Naturally, Yi Tian will not make the mistake of determining the strength according to the cultivation base. The True Immortal Avatar Wu Jue in front of him should not be much worse than his own.

From the divine ability spell in his hand, it can be clearly noticed that it contains the Silk Fairy Origin Force, which is completely different from the previous encounter with Mo Feihong. Obviously, the other party is also testing his own strength, if he can't even take a trick, then he won't be eligible to talk about the following matters.

So Yi Tian hurried right hand to sacrifice the Heavenly Demon Blade, and swayed in front of him to draw a ten-foot-sized magic blade, and with a light flick of his left hand, he shot out a trace of Hell Demon Fire into it. heavenly demon in the blade.

He said softly in his mouth: "Go," the black red heavenly demon blade was mixed with the sound of the wind and moved towards Divine Ability.

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