Secretly sneaked into the'Ten Thousand Dragon Swamp', Yi Tian relied on his own cultivation base to unscrupulously began to search this area. After some setbacks, the private possession of Wanqing Mountain was not directly found, but the relics left by the Barbarians from the'Ten Thousand Dragon Swamp' were clearly found to record the three words'Biyuetan'.

After divine sense swept over the map jade slip in his hand several times, Yi Tian's complexion was also gloomy. There was no word'Biyuetan' on the surface of the map jade slip. Speaking of which these are also place names 50,000 years ago. It is estimated that this place should be forgotten after a long time.

So Yi Tian looked disappointed and stopped in the air and began to think about it. Speaking of Wan Qingshan's private possession, he felt dispensable, after all, no matter how strong his net worth was, he was a little bit behind him. However, I heard that Wan Qingshan mentioned that there are still many rare treasures of this world that he collected in the private collection, but Yi Tian is a little tempted.

During this time, I want to refining'Clear Sky Mirror', and I have all the main materials needed. But there is still a lack of some Extreme Yin Extreme Yang auxiliary materials. If you don't have it, you can start the sacrifice, but considering that you have to accept the infusion of the Immortal Origin Force after the device is completed, you also want to be fully prepared.

After checking the jade slip on the map, I learned that there are only two large and small lakes in the territory of all around ten thousand li, which are located on the east and west sides of the'Ten Thousand Swamp'. Among them, the west side is only a thousand miles away from the jurisdiction of the black winged dragon, even if it is to go to the black winged dragon's nest, it does not need to be three thousand miles away.

At first glance, these two lakes may be the'Biyue Lake' of the year. Yi Tian bowed his head in the air and thought for a long time before choosing the direction and turning around to perform the escape technique moved towards Flew straight to the west.

From the map, the lake named'Mirror Lake' is probably the'Biyue Lake' back then. And there is only a few thousands li away from the Lair of the Black Wing Doulong. Reasonable in every circumstance. Standing from the perspective of Wanqing Mountain, they will choose that place as their private place.

After flying in the air for a while, Yi Tian came to the sky above the'Mirror Lake', and the divine sense quietly extended out to investigate. The lake below is approximately covered with an area of ​​eight hundred miles of water, but there are no traces of lesser dragon demonic beasts all around.

But the more Yi Tian's complexion looks like this, he shows no signs of slackness. Instead, he slightly wrinkles frowned to converge the spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body to the weakest, and then uses the concealment method to hide his body. In the void.

It is by no means normal that there is no lesser dragon demonic beast in such a large area. Speaking of which can only happen in the territory of High Rank Monster Beast. It is obvious that there must be a High Rank Monster Beast inhabiting in the water below this, maybe the strength can reach Level 9.

If you want to hide the Level 9 demonic beast and act under their noses, it’s not difficult, but if you want to search for Wan Qingshan’s private possessions without disturbing the demonic beast here, you have to Take some time.

Moreover, this place is not far from the Lair of Black Wing Doulong. Mo Feihong's strength has also been known before. Although he is a lot worse than himself, if he has a spoiler, he adds geographical advantages and The coordination of the demonic beast of the lesser dragon here is afraid that I will fall in the sewer too.

Immediately after Yi Tian dropped the cloud head to the thirty zhang high above the lake surface, he stabilized his figure, and the divine sense quietly opened and moved towards the lower lake and went into the lake. After ten breaths, browse slightly wrinkle and discover that the divine sense reaches below the hundred zhang, and then find that there seems to be a lesser dragon of ten zhang-long demonic beast at the bottom of the water, entrenched in that sound sleep. If you want to explore the bottom of the water, you must be careful to avoid the opponent.

Then divine sense swept all around the lake and found that there seemed to be some building debris remaining on the island somewhere in the middle of the lake. Quietly flew forward to the top of the remains on the Yi Tian island to stabilize the figure, and then swept across the island and found that the ruins on this island were somewhat similar to the ruins of the Barbarian Horn tribe that I had seen before. Yi Tian quietly fell to the ground and opened the divine sense to start searching. After ten breaths, a broken stone wall with the logo of the Barbarian Horn tribe was found in the depths of the ruins.

Flying back and forth, Yi Tian came to the front of the stone wall and looked at it. After his gaze passed by, his pupil condensed and actually saw the words'Biyue Lake' here again. However, the remaining stone tablet documents were engraved with a large number of Manjiao characters, and Yi Tian immediately began to read them carefully.

The information left on this stone tablet is about the situation of this world when the Great Emperor You Ming did not rule the Prison World. Generally speaking, it is still in the big races in this world. With the Barbaric Horns as the overlord, the other major races are overwhelmed.

As for what the Yellow Springs clan has not yet been, there are detailed descriptions. Back then, the ancestors of the Yellow Springs clan wanted to break the dominance of the Barbarian Horn family, so they ventured through the gate to the netherworld. The world contacted the Great Emperor You Ming and invited his Avatar to enter Prison World.

As a result, the dominance of the Barbarian Horn family was slowly broken, and none of the Barbarian Horn Tribe’s cultivator has ever broken through to the Mahayana Stage’s cultivation base. This gave the Great Emperor You Ming enough time to cause the body to descend into this world, and finally conquered all the races of this world under its Great Ascension and its cultivation base.

The status of the Yellow Springs family as the lead waiter is naturally as the tide rises, the boat floats, and it can finally sit on an equal footing with the Barbarians.

Seeing Yi Tian here, his expression was serious and he thought about it in his heart. The contents of the stone tablet ruins in front of me revealed a lot of useful information. Didn't expect The Barbarians was the overlord of this realm tens of thousands of years ago. After that, didn't expect was suppressed many times before it fell to the point where it was now overwhelmed by the Yellow Springs.

Secondly, the Yellow Springs are not good birds. If it hadn't been for them to bring trouble to others, I am afraid that Great Emperor You Ming would have to pay a price even if it wanted to get involved in Prison World. Once again, this stone tablet clearly states that the Great Emperor You Ming first sent Avatar to this world, and then the deity came to him at the right time.

Although it is just a phrase, Yi Tian smells a different taste. It is estimated that the attributes of the Great Emperor You Ming will conflict with the Prison World, so this is recorded on the stone tablet. It came to Prison World in the way of "the deity descends". If you think about it, Prison World is full of sulphur and fire and the spiritual power attribute of the Netherworld is indeed in conflict. That's why there is a record of this'coming'.

Furthermore, with the power of the Barbarian Horn tribe, it will not be easy to subdue. Even the Avatar facing the Great Emperor You Ming will not acknowledge allegiance. During the period, there should have been a lot of fights, and Wan Qingshan, as one of the Prison World Four Great Races, which was collected by the Great Emperor You Ming at that time, would at least be quite conflicted in his heart.

It seems that it is inevitable that the patriarch Divine Soul of Prison World Four Great Races in these places will be fully included in the four spirit guards. With the Great Emperor You Ming's temperament, how can you not see these thoughts? Even if they retreat, they will have to imprison their Divine Soul so that they can come to this world again in the future.

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