From Wan Gang’s mouth, Yi Tian can be regarded as understanding the strangeness of the former Great Emperor You Ming's palace secret. It turns out that the Four Great Races True Spirit in the Four Great Races True Spirit that I saw when I took the tiger charms had left a legacy for the younger generations in the clan. Among these four races, only the people of Blackwing Dragon Race ignore the content of the legacy because of Innate's population defect.

Otherwise, why would the people of Yan Qiu, Wan Gang and Shi Jinming sit in Baoshan for nothing and not explore it by themselves. It turns out that they all have scruples in their hearts, so they are cheaper than others. However, the Three Headed Hound clan of Hell also took the opportunity to miss the broken domain. His clan was not included in the Four Spirit Guardian array, and naturally there was no legacy left.

After solving the matter of Wan Qingshan, Yi Tian hurriedly bid farewell to Wan Gang, and he used the concealment method to quietly leave the'Shenri Fort. '

speaking of which This time I also met Biluo Demon Ji in the secret collection of the palace, and the other party even asked to go to the'Training Mountain' to make an appointment with Qiu Mingzi. Although Yi Tian had doubts about the practice of Bi Luo Yao Ji, he was more interested in her motives.

The other party and herself have already met twice, but Yi Tian faintly noticed in her heart that Biluo Demon Ji is definitely not simple. She should have something very important to find herself, but she has a lot of scruples. Can't speak bluntly.

Following the guidance on the map, Yi Tian moved towards the direction of'Trusted Labor Mountain' and flew straight away. It took about a few days for him to flew for a few days before he was close. But after the divine sense quietly unfolded, I discovered that there is a medium-sized cultivation town in the foothills of the Ku Lao Mountain 500 miles around.

Take out the map and carefully distinguished Yi Tian and found that this place does not seem to belong to the jurisdiction of any Prison World race. But even if the loose cultivator can hold up such a big scene, those big races have long been eyeing it. Prison World Three Great Races will definitely not allow such loose cultivator forces to exist under their noses.

Before the Biluo Demon Ji said that she would come to the'Training Mountain' to see Qiu Mingzi, Yi Tian also had a lot of doubts in her heart. After flying to the cultivation town at the foot of the mountain of'Trusted Labor', the divine sense sneaked out and swept the whole town. After ten breaths, the suspicion in the eyes is even greater. The overwhelming majority cultivator in this city is only like the Nascent Soul Stage, and it rarely has the breath of the Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator, let alone the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator.

Analyzed from the results of the divine sense exploration, there is a Deity Transformation Late Stage cultivator breath in the area where the spiritual power is relatively strong in the Ku Lao Shan. Counting this is already the strongest cultivator here, Yi Tian wanted to stop the complexion slightly changed sighed, then his figure flashed towards the location of the blessed land in the mountain and flew away.

Shao Qi passed through the levels of barriers and then reached the depths of the blessed land, but along the way, I can see that the formation placed here is far from the ability of the Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator. I think I should be happy It's not the wrong direction.

Shao Qing Yi Tian came to the door of a Heavenly Paradise, looked at the corner of the restricted mouth in front of him and twitched slightly. The Formation under the Deity Transformation Late Stage cultivator is all papery to me. After trying to put out the raised hand, he took out and hit the azure glow on the restraint, and the light film shuddered slightly and then cracked. Yi Tian's figure took advantage of the gap in an instant and swept over to the inner center.

Shao Qing entered the Cave Mansion, Yi Tian divine sense came out again and found that there was only one Deity Transformation Late Stage cultivator sitting in the main hall of the Cave Mansion, not knowing what he was doing.

After entering the main hall, I glanced over and found that all around the stone wall was engraved with a formation mark, and the magic talisman looked like a spiritual circle. Sitting in the middle is a male cultivator of thirty years old. The fluctuation of his spiritual pressure shows that his cultivation base is definitely Deity Transformation Late Stage. It's just that Yi Tian's pupils condensed after looking up at the meeting, it seems that there are some problems.

Shao Qing slowly stepped forward and suddenly opened the mouth and said: "Are you Qiu Mingzi?"

The cultivator sitting in the middle slowly lifts the head. However, there was no unexpected expression on the top, and the raised hand immediately aroused the all around array and enveloped both of them. Then he turned his head and stared at an open space in front of him, and then he said: "I thought you would be a few days early. Didn't expect the mirror image outside the library can trap you for several days, which is really beyond me. Unexpectedly."

Yi Tian slowly emerged, staring at the cultivator in front of him and looking up, since he can tell his own experience, it is undoubtedly Qiu Mingzi. Moreover, the function of walking the array seems to just isolate the space here from the outside world. Putting it that way he does have something to say to himself, but he is quite cautious.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian walked forward and sat down in front of Qiu Mingzi. Then the corner of his mouth raised slightly and asked: "Should I call you Qiu Mingzi or Biluo Yaoji? "

"The title is just a code name that's all, why should Fellow Daoist Yi be too persistent?" Qiu Mingzi said with a smile: "But here you still call me Qiu Mingzi."


"How can Biluo Fellow Daoist even sacrifice Avatar," Yi Tian said with a smile: "I remember you are the second Avatar of the madman, this Avatar of Avatar is quite interesting."

Speaking of Yi Tian, ​​he also took Qiu Mingzi’s expression in the entire scene. When he mentioned Biluo Demon Ji, his face seemed a little unnatural, and his mouth was maddening. Although there was no change on Qiu Mingzi's face, there was a trace of disgust in his eyes.

Didn't expect Qiu Mingzi to have such a reaction is really unexpected to Yi Tian, ​​there must be an ulterior secret in this.

Then just listen to Qiu Mingzi’s replied: "Since you know my details, why did you come here? Knowing that you killed two mad Avatars, logically you should You want to deal with me and then soon."

Yi Tian hearing this raised his head said with a smile: "Qiu Mingzi, you are telling nonsense with your eyes open. You are obviously asking me for it. Why do you have to try all kinds of things? Quickly tell the truth, so that I can also consider whether I can cooperate with you."

"Oh, Fellow Daoist Yi is indeed a good spirit, speaking of which Shangling Nine Realms Among them, there are only characters like you who can say such things, and I didn't see the wrong person," Qiu Mingzi was faintly replied.

"In fact, when you first see you, you are not very sure," Yi Tian converged with a smile and said: "But after careful observation, you can find that you have a strong Divine Soul connection with Biluo Yaoji. "

"I am originally the Avatar of Biluo Demon Ji, it is inevitable that there is a connection, Fellow Daoist Yi's rhetoric seems to sound a bit unsatisfactory," Qiu Mingzi said.

"hehe, Fellow Daoist doesn't seem to understand what I mean," Yi Tian once again stared at the opponent with a sigh of relief, and then said: "I mean you are connected with the Divine Soul of Demon Fairy Biluo. It’s not the madman. And I know more or less about the four avatars of the madness. As the second Avatar, Biluo Ji was refined by the method of body possession, and said unceremoniously that you should It is the main soul before being refined into an Avatar, and the Demon Biluo is just a split soul that's all that was forcibly torn apart by the vicious madness."

When I heard Qiu Mingzi’s face, there was a little bit of light on his face. I was amazed, and returned to normal after three breaths: "Oh, why did Fellow Daoist Yi say this?"

"I also learned about this from the predecessor of Great Emperor You Ming. Speaking of which I also admire the madman's so persistent collection of the divided souls scattered throughout Shangling Nine Realms," Yi Tian said.

"He is a tenacious man of mind, and his ability to reincarnate is naturally different from ordinary people," Qiu Mingzi said.

"Let me guess, this body of yours shouldn't be the deity, but the main soul resides here," Yi Tian said with a righteous expression: "Your deity should still be Biluo Yaoji, Only after being refined into an Avatar by the madness, the main soul had already thought of a way out before he could get out."

Qiu Mingzi stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers after hearing this: "Fellow Daoist Yi's curious thoughts." I really admire the thoughts below."

"It's more than that," Yi Tian opened the mouth and said: "I think your deity is refining, but Divine Soul is still refining. I was lucky enough to keep it. After all, you are different from the Nether boy. Is it because he was directly refined by his soul separation."

"It seems that you have already seen the Nether boy, so that's why. Judge," Qiu Mingzi said.

"It's not a formal meeting, but I've seen that's all from a distance," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"It’s just a few glances that you can come to this conclusion, which shows that Fellow Daoist Yi really is a gaze as if a torch," Qiu Mingzi exclaimed: "Then look at what I have with You Ming Boy What's the difference?"

From his tone, Yi Tian knew that what he guessed was basically pretty close, but it would be far from cooperation. At least I still don't know what Qiu Mingzi's calculations are. If it is said that it is not difficult to take back his own soul, but it is not a simple matter to regain the fleshy body of the deity.

If you want to stop, Yi Tian is the corner of mouth twitching and said: "I think Fellow Daoist has set up Formation Formation here to cut off from the outside world. It is nothing more than not wanting the conversation between you and me today to be noticed."


"Who do you think will be noticed?" Qiu Mingzi asked with a frown.

"Biluo Demon Fairy, as well as the vicious deity in the Netherworld," Yi Tian said without even thinking about it: "As far as I know, the main soul's every move is impossible to detect, but That’s the case where the master is strong and weak. But when it’s used on Fellow Daoist, it’s not. If your cultivation base is too low, every move will be noticed by the soul. That’s why you set up such a Formation to isolate you, and I don’t know what I’m going to do. Is that right?"

"Fellow Daoist Yi is really amazing," Qiu Mingzi showed a grave expression nodded replied: "In general, the purpose of my looking for you has been pretty close as you guessed. But. I still want to elaborate more, and please Fellow Daoist to calm down and listen to me."

"But it doesn't hurt to say it," Yi Tian replied.

Qiu Mingzi then narrated the cause of the incident. As I had previously guessed, the Biluo Demon Ji was originally a vicious concubine room, but that was before the Integration Stage.

After her cultivation progress reached the Integration Stage, she was locked into an Avatar candidate by the madman, and the method of refining Avatar was to use the method of Divine Soul erosion as she said. That is, the Divine Soul of the original Avatar body was erased, and then the vicious man invaded his Divine Soul to regain control of its fleshy body.

The predecessor of Biluo Demon Ji had already noticed something wrong, so he took advantage of the vicious retreat to split his Divine Soul forcibly. Then the main soul is sent to the descendants of the family. The requirements of the soul-sending technique performed by the Biluo Enchantress is not low, and it requires the body of the younger generation of Sect Master bloodline.

In her clan, apart from her, there is at most a cultivation base like Divine Transformation Stage. Compared with the long life essence of the Integration Stage cultivator, Qiu Mingzi is already the main soul of the Blue Demon Ji The body after the third body possession.

I heard that Yi Tian looked at Qiu Mingzi in front of him, secretly said in one's heart'No wonder I realized that the Divine Soul of the other party did not fit well with the body, but there were inexhaustible links. In this way, it seems that if Bi Luo Demon Ji keeps on like this, if she has more body possessions, her juniors will not be enough. Then the purpose of her finding herself this time was naturally very clear. Taking back the fleshy body of the deity naturally had to deal with the madness. Relying solely on her own strength is tantamount to idiotic dreams, so she can only patiently lurch in Prison World waiting for the time to come, and her continuous shots against the two crazy Avatars have made her see hope. '

After listening to Qiu Mingzi’s narration, Yi Tian sorted out his thoughts in his mind, and then said resolutely: "speaking of which there are also many loopholes in your rhetoric, if you let me wholeheartedly It seems a bit far-fetched to work with you at ease."

Didn't expect Qiu Mingzi didn't have any surprised look on his face. After thinking about it, he replied: "With the strength of Fellow Daoist Yi, I am also a little worried. Yes, after all, the strength of my main soul can't even be reached by the late Avatar cultivator. Speaking of which really wants to cooperate and doesn't even have the qualifications to sit at the negotiating table."

"It's good to know, "Yi Tian said: "With your current situation, I can deal with it with my fingers, but you can rest assured that I won't do this. Presumably you must be prepared when you come to me. If you can't produce anything, I think Valuable information, our cooperation seems to be unnecessary even to talk about it."

"I know you have to deal with madness, but I am the only one besides Nether Boy who knows his physical condition and whereabouts. People, I wonder if this kind of news is valuable to you?" Qiu Mingzi said with a smile.

hearing this Yi Tian's complexion does not change, but a hint of surprise flashes in his eyes inadvertently. It is always a mystery to know the location of the vicious deity. To deal with him, the first thing to do is to determine his true body, and nodded and said: "You really have the capital to cooperate with me, well, I agree to form an alliance with you to deal with the viciousness."

Qiu Mingzi showed joy after hearing this, and immediately reached out and took out a jade slip and handed it over: "I have written the details on it, Fellow Daoist Yi will know when you see it."

"You are not afraid that I go back on one's word, will you go back directly after getting the jade slip?" Yi Tian teased.

"I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid you won't admit it," Qiu Mingzi face doesn't change and said: "But based on what I know about you, as the Sect Master of Spirit Realm, I came to Prison World can be multilaterally combined. Even characters like Shi Jinming and Wan Gang can secretly form an alliance with you, which shows that your credibility is excellent. Furthermore, my cultivation base is not high, but I think I still have a bit of insight into people. ."

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