Yi Tian waited for a few days in the Heavenly Paradise in the "Shenribao" before seeing Wan Gang return. When he entered the Cave Mansion, he was very bitter, saying that this time It was entirely because Black Dragon Clan's Mo Feihong broke the spoiler halfway that his return was delayed.

Yi Tian didn't expect this, but when I think about it, I only saw Bi Luo Yao Ji in the library of the palace. Most of the time, Mo Feihong hurriedly withdrew after exploring the weapon storehouse, leaving only Biluo Demon Ji to go to the library alone and finally ran into him.

Immediately, Yi Tian asked Wang Gang to sit still, took out the Heavenly Demon Blade in her puzzled eyes, and called out Wan Qingshan, the ancestor of the Shangmanjiao tribe.

This old man had to stay with Nascent Soul, so he could only be attached to the high-level Spirit Treasure. He also promised him to send him back to the Barbarian Horn for a meeting with patriarch.

After Wan Qingshan’s Nascent Soul escaped again, he condensed in the air and revealed his true identity. After looking at the front of Wan Gang, he directly asked his details.

Who knows that Wan just listened to the complexion slightly changed and hurriedly said resolutely: "Are you really the ancestor of the clan, Wan Qingshan?"

"Stop nonsense boy, now I am asking you that you are not you Ask me," Wan Qingshan said in an angry voice.

Wan Gang, hearing this divine light in his eyes, slowly unloaded, then stood up and moved towards the Nascent Soul. He bowed down, and his mouth hurriedly replied: "Wan Yi is the great-grandfather I used to be. I am the grandson of his eighteen generations."

"It's been so long," Wan Qingshan's Nascent Soul sighed said: "It's no wonder it's been fifty thousand years after all. "

"Wan senior, don't need to sigh," Yi Tian said with a smile: "Wan Fellow Daoist is the current patriarch of the Barbarians, and what he said from his mouth shouldn't be wrong." "

"Dare to ask if you are the ancient powerhouse only one cultivation of my Barbarian Horn tribe, the cultivator Wan Qingshan ancestor of the Barbarian Horn tribe in the late stage of integration?" Wan Gang asked in a trembling voice.

"Then there will be fakes. Old man can change his name and sit without changing his surname. Only when I see you those ineffective juniors today, I know that the Barbarian Horns have fallen to this point in the Prison World. "Wan Qingshan said irritably.

An embarrassment appeared on his face, Wan Gang turned to a large number of Yi Tian and said: "Presumably Old Ancestor should have heard of the current situation in Prison World from Fellow Daoist Yi. "

"It is true," Wan Qingshan solemnly replied: "In the Peak period ruled by the Great Emperor You Ming, my Barbarian Horned Clan could be regarded as the largest clan in the Prison World, and his Yellow Springs clan still To rely on my sniff, I don’t even dare to fart the Old Qiu ghost with a wink. Didn’t expect that you are being restrained everywhere now. It’s really annoying to me."

Seeing him a little mad. Yi Tian hurriedly said, "Wan senior, your Nascent Soul Spirit Physique cannot stay in this world for a long time. If you have any questions, please directly explain to Wan Fellow Daoist. Let me say goodbye and let me know when you are finished. Yes."

Wan Qingshan's expression of hearing this was relieved, and then he said: "Boy Yi has troubled you too much this time, and you are here for a while. Let me be with this incompetent offspring. Come to the side and explain, you can send me to the Great Dao of Reincarnation later."

"So that senior, please do it yourself," Yi Tian turned to look at the Wan in front of him. Gang also showed an expression of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

The latter did not dare to make any trouble after seeing it. He reached out and picked up the magic knife to one side and opened a soundproof Formation. One person and one Nascent Soul began to chat privately.

Yi Tian didn't care about this at all, anyway, he had done everything he had to do, and had done all his responsibilities. As for what they are talking about, I have no interest at all. During this period, Yi Tian closed his eyes and calmed his mind and quickly deduced the process of refining'Clear Sky Mirror' in his mind.

After about an hour, Wan Qingshan’s sound transmission came from Yi Tian’s ears: "I’ll explain it to you, boy Yi, and I’m going to trouble you. "

Open your eyes, Yi Tian glanced over Nascent Soul, who saw Wan Qingshan, and slowly flew three feet away in front of him. At this time, Wan Gang was sitting crouched behind Nascent Soul of Wan Qingshan. , There was a look of sadness on his face.

Seeing this Yi Tian turned to look at Xia Wangang and then turned his eyes to Nascent Soul of Wan Qingshan: "Senior can ask me to send you into reincarnation, is there any requirement?"

Wan Qingshan's expression was righteous: "I heard that your true identity should be Spirit Realm Sect Master, right?"

Yi Tian clicked nodded replied: "It is true, I This is just a spiritual practice, and the conversion of the cultivation technique after coming to Prison World is also forced by the situation."

"It's all right," Wan Qingshan said with a smile: "It is said that you also practice Buddhist Sect concurrently. Secret technique, must it also be involved in the Secret Technique of Reincarnation?"

It is estimated that this is all Wan Gang said to him, Yi Tian complexion slightly changed, and after three breaths, I knew Wan Gang. Qingshan means. Immediately after the spiritual power in his body was running, his deity's appearance was restored, and the face behind solemnly asked: "Does the senior want to return to his clan again in the future?"

"It is true," Wan Qingshan also has a face. Replied solemnly: "My homeland is hard to give up. I naturally still miss the clan in my heart. It would be great if I could go back."

"I wonder if the senior has any other requirements?" Yi Tian I asked.

"I heard that the Buddhist Sect secret technique can seal the aura of a person’s previous life, and I can retrieve it after awakening in the next life. I want you to do it once," Wan Qingshan straight to the point.

After listening to Yi Tian, ​​there was some embarrassment on his face, and he did not reply directly. Wan Gang, who was on the side, hurriedly interjected: "Fellow Daoist Yi, is there any limitation to using this Technique of Samsara, or you still have concerns? This time I know I’m going to trouble and ask you to send Old Ancestor into reincarnation. After becoming successful, my Yellow Springs clan will have a great reward."

"Wan Fellow Daoist, this is a photo. With your friendship, this matter is no effort at all," Yi Tian said with a smile: "What I am concerned about is Qingshan seniors. If you need to retain the aura to the maximum, you need the True Blood blessings of the descendants' blood relatives. But then it will take five hundred years for the descendants' blood relatives to make up for this shortfall."

At this point, Yi Tian couldn't talk anymore, after all, this is a family affair, and I don't want to get involved in it. Wan Gang was hearing this as his face condensed and immediately raised his head haha ​​said with a big smile: "Fellow Daoist Yi don’t need to worry. Five hundred years is not a long time for me, as long as Old Ancestor can return to the in the future sect family, my cultivation base can’t be considered if I delay some time."

Hearing this, Wan Qingshan's complexion was slightly moved, and then sighed and said: "In this way, my stubborn horns and The Yellow Springs clan dispute is about to be in a stalemate again, you have to think clearly."

Wan Gang's expression is righteous: "Although there will be a long stalemate, as long as Old Ancestor you can return to me The wild horns in Prison World will surely be able to crush his Yellow Springs again. I don’t want to fight for the length of a day, but look far."

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