Yi Tian is relaxed after the true spiritual pressure of'Liekuihou' falls to the Tiger Symbol Golden Seal. Later, he stared at the Spirit Treasure on the stone platform and carefully looked at it before extending Come and pick it up gently by the hand.

As soon as the fingers touched the tiger charm, only a burning sensation came from above, Yi Tian complexion slightly changed the internal strength method after the operation started, the True Fire in the hand was sacrificed and the tiger charm was instantly wrapped Up.

After the calcination of the spirit fire, the surface of the original golden tiger charm showed a faint golden color. Yi Tian held it in his hand again and played it, and then said with a smile: "Ancient True Spirit The Spiritual Artifact possessed is no different."

The Golden Seal roared again, seeming to disagree with what he said just now. However, at this time, it is no longer allowed, and since it has been in his own hands, he has no need to run anymore.

After reaching out and retracting the golden bowl, Yi Tian directly placed the tiger symbol Golden Seal in it, and then took out the Taoist charm and stuck it on the mouth of the golden bowl to completely seal it. After doing this, he stretched out his hand and put it directly into the storage ring, and only then showed a little relaxed look on his face, sighed then said, "It's finally over."

Before I finished speaking, I saw Nascent Soul on the Heavenly Demon Blade appearing again on Wanqing Mountain. After standing on the blade, a trace of bright light flashed in my eyes, staring at me.

I don’t know why he has such an appearance. Yi Tian also looked blank, and then asked: "Is there anything senior you want to order?"

"didn' t expect that you turned out to be the person of Dual Cultivation, which really opened my eyes," Wan Qingshan paused and said, "How do you integrate two types of Spiritual Qi that you shouldn't want to let into yourself?"

Yi Tian hearing this showed a smile on his face, and immediately returned to the appearance of a spiritual cultivation body under the aura of aura. He immediately replied: "This is my deity, because of the spiritual power attribute problem in Prison World, my spiritual cultivation body is not as handy as the demonic cultivator deity in performing the cultivation technique. That's why I will show people like before. Wan Gang, the current patriarch of the Barbarian Horn tribe, has known about this for a long time, and you will know when you ask the senior after you see him."

Wan Qingshan stared at Yi Tian for a long time before sighing:" Xiaoyou Yi is really good, so since you are so frank, I don’t need to worry anymore. In fact, I had some doubts about your motives before, so I didn’t say much."

So Yi Tian didn't have any surprised look at all. If he was really a demonic cultivator, Wan Qingshan would definitely have some scruples. After all, the Demon Race cultivator has a bad reputation among Shangling Nine Realms, and these alien race cultivators are more or less guarded in their hearts.

But if it is spiritual practice, it is another matter. At least spiritual practice is difficult to take root in Prison World, let alone stay for long. Thinking of this, Yi Tian once again transformed his spiritual power into a demonic cultivator deity, and then said with a smile: "Senior is too worried. I didn't explain the actual situation to you before, but it is indeed Profound Yellow Qi. The cultivator of Dual Cultivation."

"Xuanhuang Dual Cultivation, I haven't heard this sentence for tens of thousands of years," Wan Qingshan sighed and said: "Remember that I still heard it from Great Emperor You Ming back then It’s a pity that he was powerless back then, and in the end he didn’t practice a cultivation technique like yours."

"Oh, it’s not the first time a senior has heard of it, and his predecessor, Great Emperor You Ming I also tried to fuse Black and Yellow two Qi," Yi Tian hearing this face was startled, but in fact he was secretly thinking about it. "It is reasonable to say that Dual Cultivation of my own black and yellow two Qi was created by cultivation after inadvertently absorbing the power of the magic source. Later, it was officially learned from the essence of Ancestor Master who planted Immortal World Peach of Immortality Tree by himself. The predecessor, Great Emperor You Ming, had planned to conduct Xuanhuang Dual Cultivation as early as 50,000 years ago. He must have found some of the ancient books of Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace and found it from there. '

If this is the case, then the library that Great Emperor You Ming stayed in this palace's secret collection should not be missed. Although it is not possible to find the complete cultivation technique classics, it is possible to find some clues about the fragments of Immortal World.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian’s heart is hot again, but his face doesn’t change, and said: "I still have to rush to the library in the palace here, I don’t know if the senior has any idea about it. Familiar?"

Wan Qingshan was nodded after listening: "In this palace, there is a secret room dedicated to the Great Emperor You Ming to study the cultivation technique. It should be what you call the library. There is a legacy of the Great Emperor You Ming, which is said to be a good thing from the fragments of Immortal World. It’s just that I’ve never seen it before, and I need Fellow Daoist Yi to investigate it carefully. "

Hearing this Yi Tian complexion slightly changed, the good things that can be brought out from the fragments of Immortal World must be of great value. This time, it was a great opportunity that fell on him, but next moment thought of Biluo Demon Fairy, Yi Tian's expression sank and said: "Let’s leave quickly, lest we be caught by the early bird the worm."

"Why does anyone enter the secret store of this palace?" Wan Qingshan asked in surprise.

Yi Tian flashed around and moved towards the channel when he came and flew straight away, and said as he walked: "The second Avatar of the current Great Emperor You Ming is also here, and it is estimated that she is also aiming It’s from the library."

"I don’t think it’s necessary," Wan Qingshan shook his head and said, "I don’t recognize that thing even if it’s in front of you. But we don’t know it. It’s also necessary to go first."

After listening to Yi Tian, ​​he was delighted, and after carefully savoring the words of Wan Qingshan in his mind, his complexion also became gloomy and uncertain. After the spiritual power is injected into the foot, the speed of escape speeds up, and he rushes back like flying. Now I can’t take care of that many. Even if I am confronted with Biluo Demon Ji and Yan Qiu at the same time in front of Immortal World’s legacy, I must act decisively, otherwise it would be my own fault to miss it.

It took hundreds of breaths for Yi Tian to return from the passage to the entrance stone chamber, and then he found the way to the library and plunged in. At this time, the spiritual power of the whole body no longer converges, but instead let go all the way to urge the escape technique to gallop away in the narrow passage.

Just now in the stone chamber room passing by the entrance, Yi Tian could clearly perceive the residual breath of two spiritual powers, and his heart became more irritable.

Needless to say, they should have gone to the library room one step earlier, but after a few ten breaths, Yi Tian found that only the breath of Biluo Demon Fairy remained in the air, and it seemed that Yan could not be found here. Qiu spiritual pressure fluctuating breath.

Soon, I saw the location of the exit far away. After divine sense detected it, it found that there were violent spiritual pressure fluctuations outside the exit. Needless to say, someone should be doing it, and then carefully distinguish that it is the Biluo Demon Girl who fought against herself in the'mountains of daggers and seas of flames'. It seemed that she was in a bitter battle at this time, but as for Yan Qiu's breath, it was impossible to find out.

After a sudden flash in the passage, Yi Tian’s silhouette turned into a black light and flew out from the exit. After arriving at the stone chamber outside, divine sense came out and found that there was something in front of him. The figure of two Biluo Demon Fairy. And the two are fighting there with all their strength, but the fluctuations in the spiritual pressure raised by the Divine Ability spell are spreading outwards.

What surprised Yi Tian was that the spiritual pressure fluctuations emitted by the divine ability after the two shots touched the walls around the stone chamber and were all absorbed. After looking around all around, I found that the stone chamber here is larger than the previous ones, about hundreds zhang or so, and Dao Rune Formation is left on the walls of all around. The spiritual pressure fluctuations after the fight are precisely marked by these formations. Absorbed.

The two people who were fighting were hurriedly separated in the air after seeing a third party break in, and then the three of them stood facing each other in a pattern. The Biluo Demon Fairy standing on her left side opened the mouth and said: "Why you have also come in, it seems that we are really destined."

"Biluo Fellow Daoist, don't get close to it casually," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "I'm just passing by, and it seems that you have encountered a lot of trouble."

Speaking of divine sense, it locks the two in front of you, since The Biluo Demon Ji on the left spoke, and the one on the right should be a fake. But after scanning the Yi Tian divine sense, it was discovered that this Biluo Demon Ji was exactly the same as her deity in terms of body shape and cultivation base.

I don’t know why such a situation arises. Yi Tian looked at it carefully before asking: "It looks like Fellow Daoist, you are in a lot of trouble."

The Demon Fairy on the right side suddenly turned into a spiritual light and flew towards the bottom of the stone chamber with a'swish'. Yi Tian looked intently at the bottom of the stone chamber and there was an inner chamber, but on the door beam was a simple mirror the size of a foot. After the escape light flew back into the mirror, it took three breaths out of it and swept across his body.

Although I don't know what happened, Yi Tian's intuition tells himself that it is definitely not a good thing.

At this time, the Biluo Demon Ji who was standing on the other side looked happily and said: "This time, many thanks Fellow Daoist Yi has relieved me, and I will trouble you to hold the guard in a while. "

"What?" Yi Tian said with a deep expression: "Bi Luo Fellow Daoist seems to have spoken too early."

"Can't be wrong, the guard is here, "Bi Luo Yao Ji showed a weird smile on her face and hurriedly retreated to the side.

My heart suddenly felt bad, Yi Tian's face trembled and suddenly saw a light fluttering from the mirror to thirty zhang and falling outside in front of him. After the light faded, the real face revealed that it was exactly the same as his own cultivation body, and the cultivation base was also higher than the previous copy of Biluo Demon's image and the same as his own cultivation base.

There was a verbal abuse in my heart. It turns out that this Spiritual Qi can replicate the image of an incoming person, and it is exactly similar that even the cultivation base can replicate. And it seems that only one person can be copied, but the strongest person will be selected. Moreover, Yi Tian found that the copied image puppet seemed to stare at him first, and if this went on, he would definitely be taken care of first. Thinking of the words of Bi Luo Yao Ji just now, Yi Tian reacted, but now there is no other way, and immediately after he retracts his gaze, he locks the mirror image of himself in front of him again.

After three breaths, I saw the other person’s body flashed, leaving a shadow on the spot, and then he went straight forward. He also held a Heavenly Demon Blade-style Spiritual Artifact in his hand, standing according to his own. The position is head-on.

Seeing this, Yi Tian hurriedly withdrew and backed away. After raising the Heavenly Demon Blade in his hand, he swept through the air and instantly hundreds of heavenly demon blades flew out of the moved towards the opponent and greeted him. But didn't expect this mirror image to wave like a gourd like a gourd. The magic knife on his hand also took out a large number of heavenly demon blades. The sound of'peng~ peng~ peng~' is endless. Hundreds of heavenly demon blades collide violently in the air. From time to time, there is a fish that escaped the net directly hitting all around the walls after flying out.

Without exception, these divine ability spells are all absorbed by the formation mark on the wall, and the mirror image on the opposite side seems to have taken some stimulant when the divine ability formidable power is strengthened. Scored three points.

Seeing this, how can Yi Tian still not notice that the formation mark on the wall all around should be connected to the mirror above the entrance guard, and it will be strengthened invisibly after the Divine Ability is absorbed. The strength of the opponent.

I secretly thought about how to deal with it, Yi Tian swept his gaze and found that there was a fascinating smile on the face of Biluo Yaoji on one side, and then opened the mouth and said: "many Thanks Fellow Daoist Yi to help. The concubine is a step ahead. If you can get out of it calmly, go to the Mountain of Hard Work and find Qiu Mingzi."

After talking about the spirit of the whole body, Biluo Demon Ji Actually moved straight towards the door of the secret room and flew away. This time, it seemed that the mirror on the door beam didn't mean to deal with her in the slightest. The Demon Biluo stretched out her hand to take out divine ability and pushed it along the door. After the sound of'ka ka ka', the stone gate was pushed through a three-foot-wide gap, and then the body flashed into the stone gate.

Yi Tian complexion greatly changed when I saw it, and the cooked duck flew in front of my eyes. This time, it was regarded as being placed by the Biluo Demon Ji to prevent her from disaster, and now he was in a stalemate.

When I turned around, I saw my own mirror image deceive the body again, and after the magic knife in his hand took out, gathered up a mile-sized heavenly demon blade and attacked where I was standing.

Knowing that he can no longer challenge Yi Tian in the previous way, he hurriedly took out the Dragon Tortoise armor shield and put it on himself. Feeling that the air in front of him suddenly separated in two halves, Yi Tian pushed out with both hands and injected spiritual power into the Spiritual Artifact, with a'bang' this heavenly demon blade struck the Dragon Tortoise armor shield and forced Yi Tian out three feet away.

When Yi Tian was about to counterattack, the corner of his eyes noticed the red light flying out of the crack in the stone chamber, and he circled his side and flew directly to the exit. position. After the light faded to reveal the figure of Demon Biluo Ji, she only listened to her tenderly shouted: "Many thanks Fellow Daoist Yi has shared the worries for your servant this time, let's if fated will meet again."

After getting into the passage without looking back, the divine sense couldn't detect her whereabouts during the three breaths. So far, Yi Tian felt helpless in his heart. Turning around, the offensive in the hands of the mirror image continued, and it seemed that he didn't want to let him go.

Yi Tian took a sip and pulled away and backed out, can't he afford to offend, can't he still be able to hide it? But didn't expect that the mirror on the stone gate beam suddenly flashed a glimmer of light. The formation mark on the all around wall turned into a twist and sealed the space here, so the passageway behind it suddenly disappeared without a trace. Yi Tian found that in front of him in the deep Xumi space, only his own mirror image and that mirror were in front of him.

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