Entered into the secret collection of the former Great Emperor You Ming's palace, broke the realm and found the passageway to collect the beast control collar, and hurried forward. However, Yi Tian smoothly broke the aura left by the two of them and then followed along.

When they arrived at the end of the passage, they found that they had entered outside a stone chamber in the palace secret. Behind a huge stone gate in front of them should be the place where the collar of the beast was kept. Only outside the stone gate, I saw the stone statues of the Three Headed Hound. Even if I recognize that these two stone statues are the ancestors of his clan, "Bai Wuhen" and "Chou Liu".

Moreover, Divine Soul, who looks like two people, was trapped in the stone statue by the former Great Emperor You Ming and became the guardian True Spirit of this place. He was angry and hated about this Po Yu. He was naturally angry with the actions of his predecessor, Great Emperor You Ming, but he didn't know if he could deal with the senior in the clan.

Later, he said with a solemn expression: "Fellow Daoist Yi, both of the great powers of the tribe, also had a Level 9 mid-to-late cultivation base, even if the fleshy body was destroyed, the Divine Soul was injected into the stone statue. The strength that can be exerted in the middle will not be weakened much."

Yi Tian hearing this is faintly smiled and said: "Does the Fellow Daoist of Poyu have a face, facing the senior in the clan? I can’t let go of it?"

"It is true, these two were once influential figures that were the best in my clan," Po Yu hurriedly replied: "As a junior, I have naturally heard of them. According to the legend, didn’t expect to face the two of them today. Naturally, it was unexpected."

"It’s okay, Fellow Daoist only needs to entangle the left side of that, and I will try to deal with it. Theirs," Yi Tian said after looking around, in fact, he already had a plan in his heart. He stretched out his hand and took out a few Ghost Face Flower seeds and held them in his hand to inject spiritual power. Then his ten fingers flicked the Ghost Face Flower seeds into the cracks in the ground.

Suddenly broke the domain opened the mouth and said: "Please Fellow Daoist Yi to release my senior Divine Soul. It should be enough for them to be trapped here for tens of thousands of years. Let them escape again. Reincarnation is also a kind of relief."

"It's not difficult at this time, but I want these two stone statues after it's done," Yi Tian said with a frown.

"It's easy to talk," Po Yu hurriedly replied, and then he saw his spiritual power skyrocketing, and then a black light flashed back to his original three-headed hound.

Yi Tian glanced over and saw that Poyu's appearance at this time was half smaller than that of the stone statue, and the spiritual power fluctuations emitted from him had reached the peak of Level 9 elementary level. Three heads grow side by side on the neck, the middle one is slightly larger, and the two sides are not small. All three heads are filled with a lot of fire spiritual force.

next moment After breaking through the four claws, suddenly exerted force and moved towards the left side of the stone gate and went straight. Sure enough, after entering the three-foot-long range of the stone statue, it touched the restriction here, and the eyes of the stone statue'breaking the flow' flashed a red rays of light, and he stood up after shaking. Immediately, he rushed forward and moved towards Poyu and covered himself.

However, it seems that the broken domain has expected this move a long time ago, and the two moved backward and moved towards the left side and flashed past.

When I saw Poyu's shot Yi Tian, ​​he would naturally not miss the opportunity. A teleport flashed past and directly bullied him to the right side. Sure enough, the eyes of the stone statue lit up for an instant and the guardian True Spirit was activated, and then the stone statue of "Broken No Trace" also moved. After swinging the two front paws, two wind blades moved towards Yi Tian were smashed.

'peng peng' with two dull sounds, Yi Tian took out the Dragon Tortoise armor shield to force the two wind blades against it, and then stretched out his hand and said in his mouth: "Get up."

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