After searching in the Xinglin faction for a while, Yi Tian got his wish and found the "Prison World Foreign Object Zhi". In this jade slip, most of the resources appearing in the Prison World were used. A detailed description. It also mentioned the three treasures'sulfur mica' and'earth fire Chuan' in Prison World, as well as the'mercury mercury' that I haven't seen yet.

The reason why these treasures can be called the Prison World Three Treasures, besides their very rare, there are several major races that need such treasures to advance. In the case of the Stone Race cultivator, only after absorbing a sufficient amount of'sulfur mica' can it advance to the Integration Stage and even the increasing cultivation base to the late stage of integration. For the Yellow Springs, the first group in the Prison World, the'earth fire Chulan' limits the number of high-rank cultivators in the tribe.

It's not that you have to have this treasure to advance, but if it is missing, the difficulty of the advanced Integration Stage will naturally increase exponentially. And judging from the'earth fire Chulan' he has in his hands, he can naturally deal with the Yellow Springs clan.

As for the "mo mercury" that I haven't seen before, it is even more peculiar and is the godsend treasure of those cultivation poison cultivators. Either cultivator or demonic beast can be used, and this "poisonous mercury" can be used on Rank 5 Monster Beast after being diluted. If it is well cultivated, it will definitely make people shine.

Although gu gu Daxian doesn't use this thing, Yi Tian also records this information in the heart. If you encounter it in Prison World in the future, you will naturally not miss it.

But looking back, the quasi-tenth-level sea crocodile dragon is also powerful enough. In his lair, he has collected the two top treasures of Prison World. But in a blink of an eye, Yi Tian also realized that the sea crocodile dragon should almost be regarded as the top level existence in this world. Collecting such a Spirit Treasure with his cultivation base is naturally nothing difficult.

Even Shi Jinming like Stone Race has to imitate the dog and steal chicken to his Cave Mansion and keep a little'sulfur mica' for his own use.

After staying in the Library Building of the Xinglin Sect, Yi Tian made rubbing copies of all the jade slip information he needed, and then quietly returned back along the same path. In addition, with the help of gu gu Daxian, he cleverly avoided the "Ying Pink Butterfly" that remained here and did not disturb anyone.

After leaving the sect station of the Xinglin faction, Yi Tian flew into the air to condense the spiritual pressure of his body. The fluctuation was about to leave, suddenly squatting on his shoulders, the great fairy gu sound transmission said: "Wait slowly. , I found that it seems that someone is about to sneak into the Xinglin faction."

Yi Tian hearing this brows slightly wrinkle, speaking of which own divine sense is far greater than gu gu Daxian, but even this did not find any clues. Then he hurriedly asked: "Did you admit your mistake, where did that person show up?"

gu gu Daxian said in a positive tone: "It can't be wrong, that person's strength is about the same as yours. It's not too much."

"Then how can you know?" Yi Tian curiously asked: "The aura of these Integration Stage cultivators are so good that it is rare to be discovered by others, as if I didn't I found the other party, and the other party didn’t notice my existence."

"I can tell by the residual luck left by that person," Gu gu Daxian said with a confident expression: "You guys. The strength of the Integration Stage cultivator is naturally impeccable. I can’t detect the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure alone. It’s just that when the cultivation to the Integration Stage, the force of luck on the body is naturally much stronger than that of ordinary people. There is a powerful existence besides your luck."

"Can you lock the specific position of the other party?" Yi Tian asked.

gu gu Daxian shook his head and replied: "I can only roughly determine his route and the area of ​​activity. He should have just entered the Xinglin faction. It's just that you came out from the other side. Everyone in this group hasn't had time to meet that's all."

I didn't feel funny at all when I heard the ridicule of gu gu Daxian Yi Tian. On the contrary, he was thinking about it with his face sinking in his mind. It is reasonable to say that the Poison Sage has not been at home for a long time, and these Integration Stage old monsters should have received a bit of wind. Such turning up without being invited and sneaking in is naturally extremely problematic.

Actually, I have already had a guess in my heart. It is also very unusual for a Sect's Master to live in a guest place for a long time like the Poison Sage. Maybe he was avoiding something. As for the person who sneaked in, he should know the inside story, but his actions should have ulterior motives.

Thinking of this Yi Tian, ​​the corner of his mouth slightly twitched said with a smile: "In this case, let's follow it."

"Are you going to dive in again?" "Gu gu Daxian said in a puzzled way: "If you find a big fight inside, you will expose your whereabouts."

"This time, it doesn't have to be like this, I can go ceremoniously," Yi Tian Zhou Shen Mo After the evil spirit gathered, revealing his demonic cultivator form, he stretched out his hand and took out a jade token from the storage ring. gu gu The big fairy glanced over and found that the jade token had the word'Xinglin' ​​written on the front. Obviously this was a token of the Xinglin School.

Then asked: "Why do you have this thing?"

"The old poisonous hand gave it to me in order to flatter me," Yi Tian said with a smile: "I guess he I had long expected that I would not miss his Xinglin Pie when I came to Prison World, so I handed over the sect guest official jade token to me in advance."

"He has a good calculation, think Do you want to take advantage of your strength?" Gu Daxian suddenly asked.

"This family doesn't know about the family," Yi Tian teased: "Poison Sage did not say anything, but I guess he should have encountered some trouble before staying in Monster Realm for a long time. And the troublemaker But it’s inconvenient to go to Monster Realm, so everyone is so deadlocked."

"Then what are you going to do, will you ask that person out after going in grandiosely?" gu gu Daxian was suspicious Said: "That is the same existence as you, in fact, there is no need to build beams out of thin air. This is not in line with your personality."

"What you said is," Yi Tian said with a big smile: "You only need to search for the person's whereabouts for me, and I will take care of the rest by myself."

gu gu Daxian hearing this is a conscious nodded response, and then Yi Tian in The figure appeared from the sky and slowly descended to the front of the mountain gate of the Xinglin faction.

Several Moriyama dísciple of the Divine Transformation Stage discovered the silhouette. One of them hurriedly flew up to search for it. After seeing the jade token in his hand, he respected it. The chief inspector paid a visit and praised: "pay respects to Guest Elder 易senior."

Yi Tian face doesn't change and said: "Do you know my name?"

"Sect Master has long been sent, and sect deacon also informed me of Elder Yi's information, and said that you will definitely come to sect to visit, and ask me to see you in the service of Sect Master after I see it," the leading Moriyama dísciple replied.

"Quickly tell sect who is deacon Elder now?" Yi Tian asked.

"Sect Master Direct Disciple is full of nests. Junior will pass the deacon Elder." After that, the guardian dísciple hurriedly took out the jade talisman, injected spiritual power, and sent it out.

After ten breaths, Yi Tian's divine sense found that there were several Divided Spirit Stage breaths rushing towards the mountain gate. Shao Qing saw three Divided Spirit Stage cultivators appear in front of him, and stood still in front of him after hurriedly falling down. The person who took the lead just glanced over the jade token in his hand and bowed his hands and said: "Junior has seen Elder Yi in the full nest."

I clicked nodded Yi Tian and said: "I am also a way. When Xinglinmen had communicated with the poisonous saint Fellow Daoist back then, I naturally wanted to take the time to patronize."

Hearing this man’s face was overjoyed and hurriedly replied: "Please also Elder Yi into the sect, please." After speaking, they waited aside. As for the two people beside him, they looked down beside the full nest and did not dare to cross over.

Yi Tian silently sound transmission asked gu gu immortal dao who was on his shoulders: "Do you think there is anything suspicious about the three people below?"

"Not at all. It is normal that the power of luck and the cultivation base of these three people complement each other. It is estimated that we have to go in and search for it."

After listening to Yi Tian, ​​he turned his head instructed: "Never mind, lead the way ahead, let me also appreciate the sight of Xinglinmen sect."

Manchao listened to the scene with great joy and eagerly led the way. After passing through the mountain gate, a group of four quickly arrived at Xinglinmen. Inside the main hall. After he was seated, Manchao took the dísciple behind him three times to kneel and kowtow to see Sect Master. After the ceremony, he sat in front of him and listened to the instructions.

Yi Tian opened the mouth and said: "Let Sect Inner Disciple come to see you, and if you meet you when you walk outside, you can recognize it."

Manchao Hearing this repeatedly said that he took out several transmissions of Jade Talisman and sent them out after being excited. It didn't take a moment for Yi Tian to notice that dozens of spiritual pressure fluctuations were coming from the mountainside of Xinglin Gate one after another.

I originally wanted to find it through such a screening method, and then secretly knew gu gu Daxian to make him pay attention.

To be honest, if it is an Integration Stage cultivator that appears in front of you, it is impossible to recognize it. I am afraid that the person is hiding it. But since this person sneaks in secretly, there must be something to do, so it is not difficult to find out its weak spot as long as you pay attention.

After everyone walked into the great hall one after another, they all got Manchao’s instruction and moved towards Yi Tianxing, who was sitting in the upright position, gave a big gift, and then step by step looked for them behind Manchao. The empty seat sat down.

Gu Daxian, who squatted on his shoulders, checked the power of luck on these people in turn, and found nothing suspicious later.

and the others After all the seats were seated, the full nest stood up and took the people behind to pay respect again to show respect. He stretched out his hand and motioned for them to sit down one after another, and then Yi Tian made it clear what he was coming from, and then gave them guidance on cultivation for Poison Sage Haosheng. Although I am not good at poisoning, but the cultivation experience of the Divided Spirit Stage can be attributed to the generality of the world. I have expressed some of the cultivation experience of the Divided Spirit Stage and found that they are enough to be used.

After that, a pill furnace was taken out, a pestle and a mashing bowl were handed over to Man's Nest. The Guest Elder himself can't be stingy. It's interesting to see how the Poison Sage's appeal is more or less.

The medicine pestle and the mashing bowl are both the top Spiritual Artifact of Earth Grade, and the pill furnace is of the low grade Heaven Grade. Speaking of which can't be considered for the Poison Sage, but putting it in front of these disciples and grandchildren naturally provokes them all. As for how to allocate it, it’s not your own business. Let Manchao deal with it afterwards.

Shao Qing saw that he put away the Spiritual Artifact first under the scorching eyes of everyone, and then took the lead and thanked him again.

After receiving the benefits, it will be easy to send. Yi Tian immediately lowered his head to sound transmission and ordered a few words with Manchao. Then he stepped forward and dismissed the doorman behind him. After everyone left, the nest filled the nest with a smile opened the mouth and said: "many thanks Elder Yi to show love."

"It's okay to use me and the poisonous hand This matter of friendship can't be considered," Yi Tian said indifferently, and then turned to ask: "I see that there are not many people in Sect Inner Disciple, so it shouldn’t be the only one. Are there still people? Didn't it come out in secluded cultivation?"

Manchao thought about it and said, "Except for Junior Cang Weixin, all the Inner Disciples who stayed behind at Sect have arrived. Do I need to send Junior Cang to leave the customs? "

I waved his hand Yi Tian said with a smile: "No, since it is secluded cultivation, let him go." After all, I also gave Cang Weixin's name a few times in my heart. People seem to be a little weird, but he deliberately avoids himself and doesn't need to make it clear, he only needs to wait for gu gu Daxian to go and screen afterwards.

Later, I only listened to Manchao and opened the mouth and said: "I don't know how long Yi Elder Council stays in this world?"

"Oh, why do you have this question?" Yi Tian said with a smile: "Let's say anything together."

After listening to Manchao, he looked upright and said: "The date when the six suns in Prison World meet once every thousand years. Imminent, it was originally my Xinglin sent Sect Master to come forward. But at this time, Master is in Monster Realm too busy to spare time for a separate task. If Elder Yi is lucky, please take care of it."

" Oh, I don't know what kind of spectacle these six suns are in this world, need the Integration Stage cultivator to come forward?" Yi Tian asked inexplicably.

Man’s nest said with a smile: "In fact, this is a spectacle that appears every thousand years in Prison World, but after the emergence of the Six Suns, Prison World’s'mountains of daggers and seas of flames' There will be a lot of sulphur fire and lava spewing out. This godsend also needs this world’s Great Influence to be distributed according to the ranking."

"This is the first time I have heard of it. I don’t know that the Xinglin faction can do it before. How much do you get?" Yi Tian asked.

"Sect Master is not good at fighting. It used to be ranked fifth," Man Chao explained.

"I don't know how to rank in the past?" Yi Tian said.

"The order of the previous few times has not changed, followed by Yellow Springs, Wildhorn, Moyu, Stone Race, Dark Beast Sea Clan, and Benzong Xinglinmen," Man Chao said with this face. The above also showed a hint of helplessness.

"Is it divided into six parts in total?" Yi Tian asked.

Manchao shook his head and replied: "More than that, there are also some loose cultivator Integration Stage cultivators that will also participate, and there was the sea crocodile dragon, the overlord of the sea, the daoist of the mountain range. ', and the cultivator of Three Headed Hound and Black Dragon Clan came to share a piece of the pie."

After listening to Yi Tian, ​​the complexion slightly changed, didn't expect Prison. There are so many forces in the world that I don't know. Among them, the sea crocodile dragon was defeated by his own hands. At this moment, I don't know where to hide and lick the wound. As for Black Dragon Clan, it seems that he had a relationship with Yan Qiu’s Spirit Pet Ink, but the Ink should be living in the Monster Realm at this time, but I don't know what other powerful characters will appear in Black Dragon Clan.

As for loose cultivator, breaking current daoist, it can be directly excluded. People who have no foundation like this are not a big threat, but the "breaking domain" of the Three Headed Hound clan in hell has caused Yi Tian's attention.

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