Yi Tian and Shi Jinming wore cloaks that converged their spiritual pressure to their limits, and then quietly skimmed the deep sea and high sky of Prison World. The purpose of this trip is to sneak into the'Coral Island' and steal the'Yellow Springs Mica' from the quasi-tenth level Sea Beast.

Speaking of which Shi Jinming is not the first time to do this. According to what he said, it was good luck last time when he went there, but the sea crocodile dragon was not at home from time to time. Therefore, he also took advantage of a crisis for personal gain and took a sufficient amount of'Yellow Springs Mica'. Back then, he was only at the Integration Stage Early-Stage stage. It's just that as the cultivation progresses to the late stage of the fit, he urgently needs more treasures.

After arriving at the Integration Stage cultivation base, I still have to go to these imitate the dog and steal chicken. It’s disdainful to say it, but Shi Jinming’s cultivation base is placed there, even if it’s known. what.

When they approached the ten thousand li sea area near'Coral Island', the two of them lowered their speed and then slowly moved towards the direction of the target in the high altitude. After half a moment, the purple light flashed in Yi Tian's eyes and saw the sea area below. There was a huge island in the distance of nearly seven or eight thousand miles. It is more appropriate to say that it is a smaller continent than an island. The surrounding area of ​​the Coral Island is not visible at a glance. It is estimated that there is at least a boundary covering more than a hundred thousand li.

Faced with such a huge island, Yi Tian really doesn't know how to find the exact location of the quasi-tenth level Sea Beast dragon's lair. Then he lowered his head and asked the sound transmission: "Fellow Daoist Shi, do you remember the specific location of the cave?"

Shi Jinming without the slightest hesitation moved towards the deepest mountain on the east side of the island: "In the deep depression of the mountains, Fellow Daoist Yi can find some clues by carefully distinguishing it."

Following the direction he pointed, Yi Tian looked intently, and he was on Coral Island. 'In the mountains on the east side, there are faint fluctuations in spiritual pressure that are different from elsewhere. At the same time, I also admired the quasi-tenth rank sea crocodile dragon for being able to converge the Monster Qi to such a point. I thought before that there must be a lot of Monster Qi in these dark beasts Sea Clan, and I can rely on such Monster Qi to find the traces of the sea crocodile dragon.

After the two of them flew into the Baili sea area, Yi Tian realized that there were a lot of meagre Monster Qi in the air. After looking at it, Yi Tian frowned slightly in his heart. There was also some ominous premonition.

Soon Shi Jinming's figure fell downward, and stopped in a clearing on the mountains east of'Coral Island'. Yi Tian followed closely from behind and descended. After he stabilized his figure, he heard Shi Jinming’s sound transmission in his ear: "That’s it. The cave entrance of that sea crocodile dragon is on the east side of this Coral Island. The side of the largest cave in the mountains."

Following the direction he pointed, Yi Tian looked at it and saw that a huge cave entrance appeared in front of him. Look like. What kind of creatures can be used to build their own Cave Mansion so big.

Immediately after Shi Jinming fell down, he moved towards the Cave Mansion door and flew round and round. Yi Tian naturally not content with the hundreds of distances behind Shi Jinming.

It didn’t take a moment for the two to come to the entrance. After Shi Jinming looked at it, he quietly put the divine sense in and inspected it. After three breaths, there was a little skepticism on his face and said: "Why is this Cave? There will be a slightly weaker breath in the Mansion."

Yi Tian hearing this also quietly invaded the divine sense and immediately found that the Cave Mansion in front of him said that it was not deep, but the depth was also full of thousands of zhang. distance. In the depths of this place, an eighth-level cub was found, which was about the same as the strength of the mid-distraction spiritual cultivation.

Seeing the suspicious color on his face, Shi Jinming was also slightly taken aback, and then he said: "Go in and see if it's because the sea crocodile dragon has something wrong."

"Fellow Daoist Shi still needs to be careful. I guess the little Sea Beast and the sea crocodile dragon in this inner circle should be closely related. It’s not the best policy to settle unresolved grievances. You can understand the meaning of it," Yi Tian facial expression grave replied.

To put the divine sense bluntly, after the exploration, I could tell that the little Sea Beast left behind in the hole must be the descendant of the quasi-tenth level sea crocodile dragon. It doesn't matter if you get into the cave, but if you start the little Sea Beast and attract the peep of the sea crocodile dragon, it is definitely not a good thing. Human Race will have the meaning of protecting the calf, let alone demonic beast.

Shi Jinming hearing this is also complexion slightly changed. After three breaths, he turned around and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi is right. We just want to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain. It doesn’t mean to be with the sea crocodile. The dragon has a deep hatred, and it’s good to be careful, but I don’t know what Fellow Daoist Yi can do to appease Sea Beast. After all, it is necessary for the opponent’s home court to be prepared to deal with unexpected needs."

After thinking about it, Yi Tian gave out a piece of requiem from the storage ring, and then counted: "Fellow Daoist Shi, you go to the business, I will deal with the sea crocodile dragon cub, just need to be fascinated and fall asleep. I have my own way to get out after you leave."

Shi Jinming hearing this is his face and hurriedly bowed his hands and thanked him: "So please Fellow Daoist Yi for all."


After talking, the two of them slid lightly from the side of the cave entrance, and after arriving in the cave, Yi Tian realized that the air was filled with a strong smell of blood. There is also a lot of Sea Beast scent in it. Needless to say, it should be the smell of blood.

Flying along the main road and passing over the hundred zhang, there are three fork roads in front of him. Shi Jinming reaches out and points to the road on the left: "This passage can lead directly to the location of'Yellow Springs Mica' , It is also the sleeping bed of the sea crocodile dragon."

"The breath of that cub also appeared in the depths. Needless to say, it must be a sleeping nest," Yi Tian said: " We still proceed with caution, and after I fainted it, Fellow Daoist will do it again."

Shi Jinming naturally cannot deny this, and immediately nodded gestured. The sound of'hu hu' wind passed by the two of them, and then they walked into the passage one by one. It took less than ten breaths to cross the corridor and came to the exit. After the two heard the sound of intermittent sleep, they swept across and saw a two zhang-long sea crocodile dragon lying on the sulphur stone at the bottom of the cave. The misty eyes appear to be sleepy. The Cave Mansion here is full of thirty zhang radius, and the ground is covered with yellow sulphur stones. Only on the side of the bed where the sea crocodile dragon cub was sleeping, the three-foot-round ground showed a dark brown color. And the closer the sea crocodile dragon cub was sleeping, the ground appeared dark and shiny.

Shi Jinming reached out and pointed to the black stone next to the bed nest and quietly sounded transmission: "The black on the ground is'Yellow Springs mica'. I only need to go up and dig out the big piece of palm."

"We haven't noticed the appearance of quasi-tenth-level demonic beast all the way, is there something wrong with Fellow Daoist Shi's perception," Yi Tian asked suspiciously.

"I can’t go wrong, although I don’t know why there was a sea crocodile dragon cub, but I really stayed around here for a few years, during which I saw the quasi-tenth level sea crocodile. Long entered and exited several times," Shi Jinming said with a confident expression.

Since this is the case, Yi Tian also knows that this matter should not be entangled, so he still takes the treasure first. After reaching out for a sign, the two of them worked separately according to the agreed plan. Yi Tian took out the'Requiem Fragrance' in his hand and quietly clicked it and placed it in front of the sea crocodile dragon cub ten zhang away. After the'Requiem incense' ignited, a faint fragrance slowly appeared, and a strong wind blew these fragrances directly to the sleeping sea crocodile dragon cubs not far away.

After ten breaths, he saw his originally squinted eyes droop weakly, and finally closed completely. The breath in his nostrils has also become heavier and heavier, and his body undulates regularly, indicating that he has fallen asleep.

Yi Tian's eyes flashed with purple light and instantly he realized that there was an insignificant blue halo on the sea crocodile dragon cub protecting it. Not much to say that this must be the prohibition formation left by the quasi-tenth-level demonic beast. Fortunately, I didn't rush to take it. Otherwise, once any Divine Ability Art touches this layer of blue light prohibition, it will definitely cause the mother beast to be alert.

Then he stretched out his hand and gestured. At the other end, Shi Jinming looked overjoyed and passed by cautiously. Then he arrived at the tail section of the sea crocodile dragon cub. Looking at the dark-brown'Yellow Springs Mica' on the ground in front of him, Shi Jinming was polite and stretched out his right hand covered with petrified skin and slowly pressed it down. After spreading his fingers, he forcibly buckled the stone on the ground in this way, then grabbed a hand with a handshake and seemed to have taken a palm-size piece from the ground alive.

After Yi Tian saw the strength of Shi Jinming's fleshy body, he secretly admired the strength of Shi Jinming's fleshy body. Before, he used divine sense to scan the location of the'Yellow Springs Mica', which was completely a rock as solid as steel. Even the realm of the Great Accomplishment from the Body Refining Technique can not be as good as Shi Jinming. It is conceivable that the fleshy body of the Stone Race cultivator is far more powerful than one's imagination.

I saw Shi Jinming dug out the'Yellow Springs Mica' with his bare hands and put it in his pocket, then stretched out his hand to signal and slowly withdrew from one side.

Yi Tian hurriedly withdrew and flashed back to the passageway when he saw that it was done. After the two converged, they looked at each other and then turned around without looking back, and rushed towards the passage where they came.

Two escape lights galloped away in the Cave Mansion passage, anyway, now there is no need to be afraid of being spotted by the sea crocodile dragon cub. There is no need to worry about the effect of requiem to make him fall asleep.

After a while, when the two of them came to the exit of Cave Mansion, Yi Tian's heart for no reason was tight, and then hurriedly shouted: "Fellow Daoist Shi wait a minute, don't move forward."

Shi Jinming was hearing this. His complexion was shocked and he hurriedly wanted to get out and return. After a short paused finger, there was a ripple. next moment Cave Mansion all around The walls were lit up with dazzling blue light, and a thin layer of blue light film was also attached to the open cave in front of it.

Yi Tian's complexion sank and then the divine sense unscrupulously poked out the back color to ease, and then took out a set of broken Formation cones and sacrificed in the air. Turning to face Shi Jinming and said: "After breaking the ban, we will leave. You wore a cloak of abundance to the east and circled back to the land."

Speaking of this, Shi Jinming naturally understood what he meant, with a little bit on his face. A gratitude expression said: "Many thanks Fellow Daoist Yi took action with righteousness. I don't know where the quasi-tenth level sea crocodile dragon is at this time?"

Yi Tian replied faintly: "Not in Cave Mansion, But it will not be too far away. The other party will be alert after the prohibition here is touched. At this time, most of them should be on the way back." After all, the Spiritual Artifact in hand does not have the slightest meaning to relax. The seven formed broken Formation cones gathered together and pierced fiercely at the node on the forbidden light film.

'pu chi' seven broken Formation cones instantly submerged in the light film, turning into seven white light spots. After Yi Tian saw the fast knot printing with his hands, the mutter incantations in his mouth said: "Open."

The seven light spots responded and moved towards all around, spreading out and directly opened the prohibition formation in front of you. A foot and a half in size.

"Go" Yi Tian didn't say much, he jumped through it, and Shi Jinming by his side also rushed out anxiously to keep up. After the two came into the air, Shi Jinming's complexion slowly said: "So Fellow Daoist Yi will leave first, and don't forget to come to me afterwards."

Yi Tian replied: "Don't worry, we still have As for the journey to the Netherworld, I will definitely come to visit afterwards."

Later, I saw Shi Jinming converge on his body after the spiritual pressure fluctuated, then moved towards the east and flew straight to the east. Yi Tian immediately felt the divine sense spiritual pressure of hiding the sky and covering the earth stretched out, and its intensity was slightly higher than that of himself. Needless to say, it was the quasi-tenth rank sea crocodile dragon. Without any hesitation, Yi Tian took off his body's astringent cloak in the air and then moved towards the west and flew straight.

An azure light flashed in the air for several times, the deity has already counted beyond a thousand li, but the divine sense seems to have not slackened at all or bit itself firmly.

At the same time, Yi Tian also explored the divine sense. Now there is a strong spiritual pressure outside ten thousand li. The fluctuation is moving towards the direction where he is.

The corner of the mouth slightly curled Yi Tian's face to show the color of disdain, and then flew forward without looking back. After divine sense probed, it was discovered that the breath rushed back to the location of the'Coral Island' lair. There was enough ten breaths to stop there. Then he locked himself in and ran after him.

Although they are ten thousand li apart, they can lock each other down because of their strong Divine Consciousness. Not long after Yi Tian flew, he stretched out his hand and took out the red spiritual power again. After the blessing of the blue and red spiritual power, the speed of the whole person also increased by more than 50%. But after flying for a few ten breaths, it was discovered that the chasing soldiers behind him also increased their speed, and suddenly they flew faster than their own, and they chased several thousands li all at once.

complexion slightly changed Yi Tian secretly thought was not good, but then his complexion was slightly taken aback. Although the opponent's speed is fast, it is as if the divine ability is used to force the increase to be difficult to last. After chasing three or four thousand miles a moment ago, he slowly started to be separated by himself.

In this way, Yi Tian deliberately took out the Pantao Spirit Wine and poured it in big mouths. After the cold spirit wine entered his stomach, it turned into a turbulent spiritual power and quickly made up for his own consumption.

With the supplement of spiritual power, Yi Tian's whole body's spiritual power output can be maintained in a stable state, and at the same time, the escape speed is slowly increased.

It didn't take long to fly and suddenly discovered that the people behind were exerting strength again. At this time, he seemed to be iron-hearted and even caught up to five thousand miles in one breath. So the two people get together but only three or four thousand miles away.

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