In the forbidden area of ​​Stone Race, Yi Tian was watched by Shi Jinming. Faced with such a crazy Zhanxiu, he couldn't be alone. At the same time, during the period of time cultivated in the'Sulfur Bath Fire Pond', I have absorbed a lot of here. Fire source Jing Yi Tian also wants to test his own cultivation success.

It used to be a magic cultivation. There is no chance to reveal the strength of the body. Today, I happened to meet a being evenly matched and I shouldn't miss it.

After agreeing with the opponent to win or lose, Yi Tian didn't dare to carelessly first cast the Flame Hell Demon Fire and then sacrifice the Divine Ability Art True Flame Armor from the Fire Palace. At the same time, 80% of the demon fire on the body is condensed in the hands. There is not much close body refinement from the Fire Palace, but there are quite a few in the Flame Prison Demon Race cultivation technique. It is the cultivation technique of the Demon Race of the Flame Prison that Yi Tian is displaying now, the'burning flame fist'. The high temperature produced by the purple black demon fire condensed in his hand has caused the void all around to be distorted.

The voice of'peng~ peng~ peng~' sounded. After Yi Tian and Shi Jinming attacked each other, their four hands violently intertwined in a short three-foot radius. At such a close range, both sides shot with all their strength without any scruples, only to see the two auras of white and black colliding with each other and they were in a constant state of stalemate.

The spiritual pressure fluctuation produced after the two fists interlaced directly smashed the rock under the feet, and the sound of'coaxing' once again took the position where the two of them were stalemate as the origin. All around, the ground was deeply sunken. Go down. After the spiral pressure fluctuates, neither giving way to the other produces the wind moved towards all around and spreads disorderly.

The abnormality in the forbidden area of ​​Stone Race naturally shocked a lot of Stone Race cultivators, and the two Stone Race Divided Spirit Stage cultivators standing outside the door were naturally learned about it immediately. Their protector eagerly jumped into the air and then turned and flew towards the top of the forbidden area, but the wind generated by the Integration Stage cultivator after the fight is something the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator can resist.

The gray wind dragon in the sky spread out and swept directly on the two of them, and immediately two figures moved towards the sky appeared. Although the two Stone Race cultivators were extremely powerful in defensive power, they were directly stunned by the wind.

As for the Stone Race cultivator who came to the outside world one after another, seeing this, they were so scared that they did not dare to fly forward. They had to stop in the air three hundred miles away and stare at Stone Race. The wind in the forbidden area has increased, and many Stone Race cultivator faces are also worried. If something happens to the Stone Race patriarch, it can affect the fate of the entire clansman.

In Prison World, in the complicated environment like this, Shi Clansman is naturally very reluctant to see what patriarch has missed.

After a while, the wind in the forbidden area stopped slowly, and two silhouettes appeared in the center of the fight. The flame prison demon fire in Yi Tian's hands has been retracted, slowly covering the body and finally disappearing without a trace after converging to the tip of the left index finger. As for Shi Jinming in front of him, breathing quickly, he didn't seem to have much on his body, except that the two fists that were supposed to be black and white had been burned in pitch black at this time, and there was still a little viscous liquid flowing out.

Yi Tian naturally doesn't know much about this, but Shi Jinming knows that the Stone Race cultivator extraordinary natural talent is still a flesh and blood body. The fluid flowing out is his blood.

Looking at the other party's situation was obviously better than his own. Shi Jinming's expression remained unchanged and there was no sign of weakness, but the pupils in his eyes showed an extremely solemn expression. Casting a spell after three breaths made the wound healed on his hand, and then said with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Fellow Daoist Yi is really strong, and I really admire it this time."

Since Shi Shi Jin Ming has opened a soft file Yi Tian knows that borrowing the slope to go to the donkey, and then he bowed his hand and said: "I was really taking the liberty before, and I ask Fellow Daoist Shi to forgive me."

"Where, Fellow Daoist Yi The strength is far beyond my expectation and I admire it," Shi Jinming didn't mention the incident of entering the forbidden area to steal the spiritual fire this time, but only said that the strength of the two sides is clear.

"Frankly speaking, Fellow Daoist Shi's cultivation base seems to have a lot of room for improvement, but it lacks some chance that's all," Yi Tian said, since he didn't mention his own private intrusion. For the forbidden area, I also hit a haha ​​to get confused.

Shi Jinming’s eyes lit up and hurriedly asked: "Oh, I don’t know what Fellow Daoist Yi has in mind?"

It is estimated that Shi Jinming has been trapped in such a realm for a long time. Before, Yi Tian had already looked at his cultivation method, which was just sleeping in the sulfur lava river and absorbing inner spiritual power, and judging from the way the Five Elements spiritual power works, it is nothing more than a simple way of taking fire creates earth. As for races like Stone Race, which are born with extremely skewed spiritual power, the more difficult it is to cultivate to the later stage of their cultivation progress.

After a pause, Yi Tian said: "I want to come to Fellow Daoist Shi and have absorbed a lot of the fire source essence in Prison World, but according to my opinion, the Fire Attribute of this world is a bit cold, so Excessive absorption can also cause yin and yang bias. I expect Fellow Daoist needs to take Yang Attribute fire source essence to balance the spiritual power in his body in order to raise the cultivation base again."

"Oh, what Fellow Daoist Yi said It’s reasonable, I’ve been aware of this a long time ago. It’s just that I have not found any other Yang Attribute fire source power since I was in the Prison World of Stone Race,” Shi Jinming walked around.

"If this world hasn't stumped other interfaces, will there be none?" Yi Tian said with a smile: "As far as I know, there are Yang Attribute fire source essences in at least four places in Spirit Realm. Respectively. Located in the upper three realms, Asura Realm, Spirit Realm and Monster Realm, as well as Buddha Spirit Realm, there are also curses and Buddha fires that can also be used."

Shi Jinming hearing this is a sad expression: "In fact, I am. The Stone Race cultivator has never left Prison World. What Fellow Daoist Yi said is a plane and I have never been to it. Moreover, my Stone Race cultivator is all the Integration Stage cultivator in the Lower Three Realms. I am disdainful by other interface cultivators."

so that's how it is Yi Tian snort disdainfully on this, and then raised his head to say with a laugh: "Fellow Daoist Shi probably lived here for a long time and hasn't gone out to see it. ?"

"How do you say this?" Shi Jinming was complexion slightly changed.

"Nowadays, the Barbarians and Yellow Springs in Prison World have frequent contacts with Monster Realm, and they even set up a Chamber of Commerce to detour to the Buddha Spirit Realm, Spirit Realm and Asura worlds," Yi Tian said resolutely: "Why don't Fellow Daoist Shi get along with him and then send clansman colleagues to strengthen communication with the rest of the interface? After the preliminary preparations are completed, you can go to other planes to find the resources you need. I believe that with Stone Race The unique treasures will surely be able to open the market in other worlds, and then look for a high-rank cultivator to guide you, maybe you can find a hint of chance, but you don’t know it."

Shi Jinming did not answer directly after hearing this. I lowered my head and thought about it. For him, the information he heard today was indeed a bit surprising. If Stone Race's strategy of hiding in Prison World for thousands of years has been self-proclaimed, if it suddenly changes, it is a matter that has to be considered again and again for the whole body.

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