In the Cave Mansion of Cloud Mist Mountain, Yi Tian inquired about the Poison Sage, and he had a better understanding of the power distribution in Yellow Springs World. Didn’t expect the Mo Yu clan. Will be distributed in the Underworld and Prison World.

As for the other two stocks of Great Influence Stone Race and the dark beast Sea Clan in Prison World, I don’t know how they exist. Yi Tian was also very interested in asking about this.

The poisonous hand hearing this is a faintly smiled saying: "Speaking of which Stone Race cultivator is a very weird race in Yellow Springs World. Its clansman fleshy body is extremely hard, but Divine Soul is very weak. With a strong fleshy body and strength but no brains, they are often treated as pitiful."

"In this case, their strength of Divine Soul is so weak, why would they become a great influence?" Yi Tian said in a puzzled way.

"The key lies in the large number of them," the poisonous saint said with a smile: "The sulfur pools all over Prison World are the best breeding grounds for these rock clansman, so wherever you are in Prison World You can see a large number of Stone Race cultivators gathered. The Stone Race Sovereign is Divine Soul a hundred times stronger than the ordinary clansman, and the fleshy body alone can resist the Integration Stage cultivator, so it can be called not weaker than the Barbarians and Yellow Springs. The Third Great Influences of the family."

"so that's how it is," Yi Tian suddenly said: "This is based on the number of people. It is expected that the number of people in the Stone Race in Prison World can be comparable to other big ones. Let’s plant the sum of clansman’s mouth."

Poison Sage’s hand stretched out two fingers and said: "It is more than doubled. By then, you will understand when you arrive."

What kind of power is the dark beast Sea Clan?" Yi Tian asked.

"They grew up in the various ocean areas in Prison World," said the Poison Sage: "In Prison World, there are either Extreme Cold or Extreme Hot. These Stone Races are products of Extreme Hot. The dark beast Sea Clan is an alien that grows under the Extreme Cold environment."

"Then what is the difference between them and ordinary Sea Clan?" Yi Tian said.

"I heard that the beast king of the dark beast Sea Clan has the ancient Ice Dragon bloodline, but no one has seen his prototype," the poison sage said: "The ordinary dark beast Sea Clan cultivator and Monster Realm's Sea Clan should be They are all demonic beasts of Ice Attribute. They are much stronger than Monster Realm in terms of strength."

After listening, Yi Tian is also relaxed. Since it is just a little bit more Ice Attribute, it’s still better. Easy to deal with. It’s just the poisonous hand but the facial expression grave said: "Fellow Daoist Yi, don’t be careless. The natural attribute of this dark beast Sea Clan will restrain you from leaving the Fire Palace. It is said that the contemporary Beast Emperor is still in the cultivation place. 'This kind of lost Divine Ability still poses a lot of threats to you."

"Many thanks Fellow Daoist, I will remember this matter, but whenever I see the dark beast Sea Clan beast The emperor will naturally not provoke him easily," Yi Tian thought for a while and replied.

"That's the best, but there is Prison World Supreme Treasure in the dark beast Sea Clan, which can greatly extend the life essence of the cultivator. Drink three drops of the Integration Stage cultivator. The lifespan that can last for five thousand years is actually a Prison World First Layer treasure," the Poison Sage said for no reason.

"If Fellow Daoist Yi is fortunate enough to obtain it, he is willing to buy a drop of money," the Poison Sage continued.

"Really, there is such a spiritual object, but it seems that it is not easy to obtain this," Yi Tian said with a grimace: "If it is so easy to obtain, it must be Fellow Daoist. Wouldn't you speak to get rid of me?

"It is true, so I have no extravagant expectations. If Fellow Daoist Yi has the opportunity to obtain this treasure, please let me give it a drop," Poison Saint Hand said emotionally.

"I think Fellow Daoist life essence doesn't need this for a long time, and just how useful can one drop be?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

The poisonous hand haha ​​said with a big smile: "I have a single prescription called'Bi Luo Yishou Pill', which can last for thousands of years after taking one tablet. The most important thing is that it has no side effects and drug resistance. "

"How many medicine pills can be refined by that drop of'Bi Luo Qiong Pu'?" Yi Tian asked.

"Usually there are three to five drops," said the poison master: "The excipients for medicine pill are not difficult to find, but the main medicine is lacking."

"One to three Doesn't it seem that the effect is very good," Yi Tian said with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Yi, then you are in the same position. Although it is one to three, the effect is indeed improved by 50%, so after a drop of spiritual liquid is refined, the effect is almost four times the original ," Poison Sage explained.

"so that's how it is, I don't know how much the'Bi Luo Qiong Pu' is produced at one time?" Yi Tian curiously asked.

"At most ten drops, sometimes there are four or five drops," Poison Sage said: "I once saw such a spiritual liquid at the integration stage cultivator exchange meeting in Prison World. At the beginning, because the price was too high, there was no chance to include it in the bag."

"Well, listen to Fellow Daoist's words, if I have a chance to meet, I will definitely pay attention to it," Yi Tian said.

The poisonous saint hand showed satisfaction, and then asked: "I don't know what else Fellow Daoist Yi wants to know?"

"I don't know about the Yellow Springs family. How much does Fellow Daoist know?" Yi Tian asked after turning around.

"Do you mean the big news on the market, or the gossip?" The Poison Sage said with a smile.

"I know a lot about the information of the Yellow Springs family, but they tend to be superficial. I don't know what the news has come out of this gossip?" Yi Tian said.

"Yellow Springs is not as monolithic as it seems. Yan Qiu, a patriarch of the Yellow Springs clan, used to rely on strength to get the upper hand, but he offended many people in the clan. Some imperial families were exiled," the poison saint lightly said.

Speakers like this are unintentional and listeners intentionally, but in Yi Tian's ears, it can confirm Yan Wenxiong's mention of his life experience. Then I heard the poison sage said: "Originally, there were many mixed races left by the Yellow Springs and other groups of intermarriage, but Yan Qiu's concept is still relatively conservative. He has always put the bloodline on high, so he expelled many mixed race descendants. "I have heard about this matter. I didn’t expect Yan Qiu to make such a ridiculous decision on his own." Yi Tian sighed: "I’m new. Yan Wenxiong’s discipline has half of the bloodline of the Yellow Springs clan, and it is probably the same group of people who were expelled from the Yellow Springs clan that year."

The poisonous hand shines brightly in front of his eyes: "Fellow Daoist Yi that You have found a treasure. Usually the mixed race of the Yellow Springs can inherit their innate talent to the greatest extent, and their strength is not weaker than that of the pure Yellow Springs children. In addition, they have bloodlines of other races, and their strength is amazing after cultivation. There is a strong threat to the orthodox Yellow Springs cultivator."

"So this is the main reason Yan Qiu expelled those mixed-race clansman," Yi Tian sighed: "These people are now Are they all lost?"

The Poison Sage shook his head and said: "But it is not. Yan Qiu's stinky move led to the emergence of a loose cultivator force in Prison World today. These are these. Many of the loose cultivators are scattered around Yellow Springs clansman. If Fellow Daoist Yi is heading to Prison World, if there is anything inconvenient to come forward, you can ask them to act on their behalf." Said the poison sacred hand took out a jade token He handed it over and said: "This is the liaison token of loose cultivator forces, so Fellow Daoist Yi can hide behind everything without having to do it himself."

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