The battle outside Wansha City came to an end. After they left Pudian and Yishun, Yi Tian and Xiong Erbao stayed for a while. half a day later The two men set up the escape light moved towards the location of Ten Thousand Buddha City and flew straight.

The two of them didn't mean to rush along the way, instead they talked and laughed along the way. After reaching ten thousand li under the jurisdiction of Ten Thousand Buddha City, Yi Tian restrained his spiritual pressure fluctuations and then split up with Xiong Erbao.

I don’t like to show up, and now there is Yan Qiu from the hell clan in the city of Ten Thousand Buddhas. It’s better not to talk about the secret conversation between myself and Wan Gang, so as not to cause unnecessary suspicion. .

After entering the city quietly from the south gate of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, Yi Tian directly moved towards the alien trading area in the city. Along the way, he used the concealment method and passed by passers-by, but it didn't attract anyone's attention.

When I came to the door of Chamber of Commerce in Manjiao, I suddenly saw a group of low-level cultivators gathered at the door as if they were thinking about something. Yi Tian didn't have any interest in their movements, and then he walked into the business hall from the side door.

Then he walked from one side of the promenade through the direction of directly moved towards the rear courtyard. There are at least four prohibitions along the way, but for the Integration Stage cultivator, it is almost paperless.

After just a little bit of sub-summary, he quietly broke the prohibition and walked in. After arriving at the backyard, divine sense slightly peeked out and found that there is something in the Chamber of Commerce at this time. Several places outside the Cave Mansion all lit up prohibitions.

One of them was where I lived temporarily before. Needless to say, it was Yan Wenxiong who was cultivating at this time. Outside his Cave Mansion hundred zhang, there is also a place where Formation is lit up. Needless to say, it should be Wan Gang's temporary place to stay.

This time I came back and wanted to talk to him about how to sneak into Prison World. After all, if I act alone, I will still be restrained everywhere in an unfamiliar environment. If a familiar person leads the way, it will be different, at least it will be a lot more convenient and save yourself a lot of trouble.

Flying quietly to the door of Wan Gang's Cave Mansion, stretched out his hand and moved towards the restriction point, and then broke a fist sized hole. Yi Tian moved his lips gently and sent the sound transmission in. After ten breaths, a hole was opened on the restraint, and Yi Tian entered without the slightest hesitation.

After a while, I entered the divine sense in Cave Mansion and found that Wan Gang was waiting for him in the reception room of the Fuzhong lobby at this time. After walking a few steps to the Cave Mansion hall, Yi Tian said in a salute: "I took the liberty to disturb Wan Fellow Daoist."

Wan Gang hurriedly stood up and replied: "Fellow Daoist Yi is polite, I must be yours. Has the matter been resolved?"

nodded with a smile Yi Tian walked forward and found an empty seat to sit down slowly, and opened the mouth and said after the two of them sat down: "This time In the Buddha Spirit Realm, it is naturally a sure thing to stop the madness."

"I wonder if it is the Biluo Demon Girl or the Nether Boy?" Wan Gang asked hurriedly.

shook the head Yi Tian replied: "Neither, didn't expect the madness and the fourth Avatar compassionate old man. Now this Li has been taken into the Great Lightning Zen Temple."

Wan Gang said with emotion after hearing this: "didn't expect the Great Lightning Zen Temple can tolerate people, even the cultivator of the Netherworld can be included in the sect."

Yi Tian sighed for a while and said: "Buddhist Sect cultivation technique is also the right way of Heaven and Earth. Naturally, it can contain everything."

"Then I don't know Fellow Daoist Yi But is there any news from that Avatar's mouth?" Wan Gang asked again.

Immediately Yi Tian picked up some inquiries from the compassionate old man and briefly talked about it. After listening to this, Wan Gang also showed a grave expression on his face. It took a long time to replied: "So it seems that the body of this madness is really a mystery, except that the ghost boy, I am afraid that no one can know its true existence."

"So this It's a big trouble," Yi Tian sighed replied: "If you want to face the vicious body, first of all you have to find his location, but that ghost boy appears and disappear unpredictably and wants to catch him is definitely not easy. I don't know. Wan Fellow Daoist, do you know that this ghost boy appears irregularly?"

Wan Gang lowered his head to think hard, and after a long time he raised his head and said, "I only saw him twice, speaking of Which was taken by Yan Qiu of the Yellow Springs clan. As for the Nether Boy, such as Wuzhong's major event, the affection will not easily show up."

"I heard the compassionate old man said, the mad four Among the Avatars, only Nether Boys used orthodox methods to refine them, so Divine Ability Art and others have completely inherited the characteristics of their deity," Yi Tian said: "As for Biluo Demon Ji, and the compassionate old man, it is generally based on divine sense. The Avatar was made by taking the Divine Soul with flesh and blood attached to other creatures."

Wan Gang immediately thought about it, and Shaoqian asked in surprise: "I don't know Fellow Daoist Yi What's the strange thing about what you said?"

"Since this compassionate old man has dissatisfaction, it is impossible to guarantee that the Biluo Demon Fairy will be the same, so it is better to find her to plan," Yi Tian lightly said.

"Fellow Daoist Yi is seeking skin with a tiger, please forgive me for disagreeing with this matter," Wan Gang said hurriedly: "How do you say this Biluoist Yi is a mad Avatar? Her every move is natural. It is immediately clear that once you come into contact with his deity, you will know how to cooperate in planning?"

"Wan Fellow Daoist took the photo," Yi Tian said with a smile: "If Demon Biluo Ji can go to Prison World, then I will have a way to communicate with her without being discovered by her deity."

Wan Gang shook his head with a bitter face: "Biluo Yaoji sits in the Naraku Imperial Capital of the Netherworld, and never goes out. If you want her to come to Prison World, this is as difficult as heavenly ascension."

so that's how it is Yi Tian hearing this face The excitement also slowly dropped, and then he asked: "Will the Biluo Demon Fairy be there when Fellow Daoist met the Nether Boy before?"

"That never happened," Wan Gang replied: "I When I found that Biluo Demon Ji had never left the Imperial Capital of Naraku hundred thousand li, if there was any trouble in the depths of the Netherworld, the boy would take care of it. I remember that I was going to explore the depths of the Netherworld. The fragments of Immortal World will meet the Nether boy."

"Immortal World fragments?" Yi Tian's expressionless face is actually heart startled when he hears this, and at the same time he thinks of the map in his storage ring. .

According to the cultivation technique performed by this madman, there is also the shadow of Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace back then. If he really has nothing to do with Sect, Yi Tian himself would not believe it. It's just that he didn't know what the frenzied past life had found in the fragments of Immortal World, but why he wanted to investigate the fragments of Immortal World again in this life.

After thinking about it, he said with a solemn expression: "I wonder if you were looking for the Immortal World fragments last time?"

"It is true," Wan Gang nodded affirmed He was replied, and then his face turned red and he said, "Frankly didn't even find the entrance to the Immortal World fragment that all of us had. It's just that we have searched the depths of the Netherworld for several years without a clue. In the end. Everyone also broke up in discomfort."

"Is there no map guide, or the Nether Boy didn't give a clear direction?" Yi Tian asked puzzled.

"It would be easier if there was a map," Wan Gang sneered: "The four of us searched around like headless flies, but we ended up without a disease in the end."

"Does the Nether Boy have a heart for this?" Yi Tian asked: "I guess he is a person in charge, and he will definitely not give up."

"Not reconciled yet again What can be done," Wan Gang said disdainfully: "He still narrowed the search scope to within a hundred thousand li radius according to the previous life memory, but it is as difficult as heavenly ascension to find a fragment of Immortal World in such an area. And the entrance is not always open, usually the entrance will be revealed once in three thousand years."

"I wonder when was the last time you went to explore?" Yi Tian asked suddenly.

"Calculating the time difference is almost three thousand years away, it is estimated that there will be at most fifty years from the imperial decree of the ghost boy and I will go to explore it again," Wan Gang was helplessly replied.

"I wonder if there will be who will go this time?" Yi Tian asked.

"Netherworld boy, Yan Qiu, myself, the loose cultivator in the Netherworld, Pu Jin, and the Prison World Moyu Clan Wu Heng," Wan Gang said after thinking.

"Isn't there only five people?" Yi Tian asked puzzledly: "Is there another one?"

"The stone pillar of the stone pillar has fallen a thousand years ago. , So I will definitely not participate this time," Wan Gang said immediately.

"In this way, the number of people is still one less, I don't know if I am lucky enough to participate this time," Yi Tian said with a smile.

Wan Gang heard it but browsed frowned and said: "This is a bit troublesome, speaking of which is not my final say, and Fellow Daoist Yi is in the same position as that maddening deity. , I don’t know if the other party will agree or talk about it this time. Besides, if you dive into the Nether Realm alone, aren’t you afraid of being plotted against the Nether Boy?"

"The so-called if one doesn't enter the tiger's cave, how will one catch a tiger cub," Yi Tian said with a calm expression: "Originally, I was somewhat dreaded to the mad deity, but after many investigations, it is certain that his deity is being What is holding back too busy to spare time for a separate task to deal with me."

"But even so, it’s impossible to let the Nether boy be willing to cooperate with you. You need to know that this Avatar’s strength You are already on par with Fellow Daoist Yi," Wan Gang said with a worried expression on his face.

"How can I do things that are uncertain," Yi Tian smiled faintly and then took out a primitive map. After gently unfolding the map, reveal the contents recorded in it to one third to let Wan Gang take a look.

Then he said: "This map was made after I traveled around several planes. The material of this thing can't even be broken by me. It is naturally extraordinary if I want to come."

"Could it be that what this map points to is the location of the fragment of Immortal World in the Netherworld," Wan Gang asked in surprise.

"I guess it should be the most likely," Yi Tian said: "You only need to spread the news. You can naturally tell the truth from the false with the insight of the Nether Boy."

After that, he stretched his finger to the side of the map, and the words'You Li Shan' were written in Golden Seal Script on it. Wan Gang did not recognize these words and hurriedly raised his head and asked with suspicion: "Please also Fellow Daoist Yi for advice."

Yi Tian took out the white jade without much words and Jane wrote a message. Later, he put it away and put on the seal the unique mark of Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace. Then he changed hands and handed it to Wan Gang and said: "Just hand this jade slip to Nether Boy. I think he will try to contact me after reading it."

"Just like this Fellow Daoist Yi, are you sure that the Nether Boy will abandon the previous suspicions and cooperate with you?" Wan Gang asked inexplicably.

"Can't tolerate him like this," Yi Tian said with a calm face: "He only knows that there is something like this but does not have a map. Although he can spend some time searching, but Immortal World fragments The entrances and exits appear once every three thousand years, and each time is only a full day. If there is no map, no matter how strong he is, it is impossible to explore the hundreds of thousands of li in one day. So he will definitely come to me for cooperation. "

"Then I can get a little light this time," Wan Gang said with a smile: "In this case, I don't know what Fellow Daoist Yi has to ask for and put forward it at the same time. Let Nether Boy inform you."

"You can spread the word for me, even if the madness doesn’t cooperate with me, it doesn’t matter. I have a map in my hand to find the entrance immediately," Yi Tian After thinking for a while, he said, "If he thinks that I can’t enter the Netherworld, he would be very wrong. Besides, even if his body makes a move, he cannot monitor the entire Netherworld in the divine sense. What's more, his body is overwhelmed at this time. . I also see that it was once the same sect from the same source, so I reluctantly cooperated with it."

Wan Gang just listened to the complexion slightly changed, and hurriedly asked: "Fellow Daoist Yi and This Great Emperor You Ming has a source of madness?"

"You only need to tell my words to the mad Avatar intact, wanting to come to understand the meaning of my words naturally with his insights," Yi Tian said with a smile: "But speaking of which cultivation technique he practiced is somewhat related to my sect, that's why I said this."

Wan Gang just said it.

Suddenly, he asked again: "If the madness has a reply, how should I contact you, or is it on the Buddha Spirit Realm side?"

Yi Tian thought about it and took out two pieces. Communication Jade Talisman divided half of it and handed it over and said: "This thing is a cross-border Communication Talisman, but it can only be used once. You give it to the ghost boy, and if the other party agrees, you can take it out to activate the contact with me. The calculation time is also within fifty years. If I can’t hear from you, I will naturally find another party."

Wan just heard the result and cross-boundary Communication Talisman was included in the storage ring, and then immediately Said: "Such a great kind, able to connect It's best to explore it by hand. As for how Fellow Daoist Yi can deal with the madness in the inner circle, please give me your advice? "

"Fellow Daoist does not need to worry too much. After entering the Immortal World fragments, you will rely on your ability. You don't have to worry about other things when you go to your immortal fate." Yi Tian thought about replied: "I roughly I can guess the purpose of the mad Avatar, so he won't make a rash move under the opportunity, and I also need to look for that opportunity. But before that, I still have to go to the Yellow Springs guard to meet his Great Elder. To be honest, I have a little doubt that the identity of this Great Elder is also related to the vicious deity. "

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