The auction process is less than halfway through, Yan Wenxiong, this kid made something on the way. Although it is harmless, Yi Tian knows that there must be a reason for what he did. But he is not unkind, and the auction of Earth Grade Spiritual Artifact needs to be heard in such a VIP room.

Being seen by others means that a live target will be attacked by groups, and acting low-key by yourself will not reveal your identity for this little thing. So I just took out a copy of the jade slip and asked Wan Jiaolan to do this, and she only sent someone in the company to handle these matters. In this huge venue, Chamber of Commerce will not only send a handful of people, and there are many people in Chamber of Commerce in the hall below.

As long as there is no need for Wan Jiaolan to come forward for anyone who is fancy, just tell the people below it will rush to do it.

Half a moment later, the prohibition on the door of the VIP room sounded again. This time, I only heard a sweet sound transmission saying: "Go to the corner orchid ginseng."

"Go open the door, Your things have arrived," Yi Tian said lightly.

After hearing this, Yan Wenxiong showed a little strange color on his face, staring at the Master in front of him, and then his eyes rolled around, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Later, I walked forward again to open the prohibition. I saw Wan Jiaolan, the chairman of Manjiao Chamber of Commerce, standing at the door, dragging a black jade box on his left hand.

His face turned red, and then Yan Wenxiong hurriedly said: "It turns out that shopkeeper Wan came here in person, please come in."

"Yan little brother, this thing is for you. ," Wan Jiaolan smiled and handed the jade box over and said: "So my business is complete, Yan little brother, please come back."

Seeing her, Yan Wenxiong didn't enter the door. After taking over the jade box, she saw Wan Jiaolan bowing to her money and then retiring.

Close the door restriction again, Yan Wenxiong opened the jade box in his palm and swept across the divine sense. I saw a quaint jade hairpin placed in it, which was the one auctioned below. A gleam of crystals flashed in his eyes and stretched out his hand to gently wipe away the tears. At this point, Yan Wenxiong realized that even though he was stupid, he was lucky.

After closing the jade box, Yan Wenxiong hurriedly walked up to Yi Tian and knelt down on his knees with a bang in front of Yi Tian. He bowed his head and said: "Master is convinced by the disciple, and I invite you to Master. I am sorry to support dísciple a lot in the future. If you have been disrespectful before, please ask Master Haihan."

Yi Tian said indifferently: "You are finally getting acquainted."

Yan Wenxiong Hurriedly lifts the head to say with a smile: "I saw the performance of the monk Zhixing and the appearance of the shopkeeper just now. I guess the Master must be the same as the Great Cultivator next door."

"Stop gossip, do you know the value of my jade pendant if you go along?" Yi Tian teased.

This time it’s Yan Wenxiong’s turn to show embarrassment. After thinking about it, he stretched out a finger and said: "That's not worth tens of millions of high grade Spirit Stone?"

"not equal to me, sit down and wait and see, you will pay the price directly after a while and see the situation," Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed to the empty seat in front of him.

Yan Wenxiong hearing this hurriedly stepped forward to sit down, and then peeked out the divine sense and found that the auction of the ten high-end Spirit Treasures had already begun.

Before, the cultivators sitting in the lobby were bidding, but when it was the turn of the Heavenly Grade treasure, these people died directly. The auction here has an unwritten rule. The auctioneer’s cultivation base needs to match the level of the auction item. So when the crested jade hairpin appeared before, the cultivators above the Divine Transformation Stage did not directly shoot.

The auction items in front of Shaoqin were divided among the cultivators in the boxes below. Yi Tian secretly paid attention to the integration stage cultivator until the fourth auction item appeared. Among them, Wan Gang from the Barbarian Horns, Yan Qiu from the Yellow Springs and Monster Race special envoy Xiong Erbao are frequently shots.

As for Cheng Shou Pu Dian and the Kun Lingzi, it is not necessarily the case that they have made a move. After repeated bidding, the price of the auctioned item was directly pushed to 30 million at the price of the high grade Spirit Stone. The many low-level cultivators sitting in the hall were all hooked.

At this time, Yan Wenxiong, who was sitting next to him in the top box, seemed to be a little irritable, and the next piece was the'transparent jade' jade pendant. Calculating based on the prices of the previous auctions, I'm afraid that this tens of millions of quotations may not be able to win.

Look at the Master sitting on the side, but he doesn't seem to have a cold at all. At this time, he is sitting with his eyes closed and meditation, not interested in the following things at all.

Let’s listen less and just listen to the host on the auction stage below opened the mouth and said: “The eighth item of this auction is the top grade Spiritual Artifact jade pendant that was unintentionally found. The material has been verified. It is a jade pendant made of a whole piece of "transparent jade". If the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator is worn, it can reduce Heart Demon harassment by more than 50% during Transcending Tribulation. As for the Integration Stage cultivator, it can also have a lot of effect. ."

After the host stretched out his hand and waved, an ascetic monk walked up to the auction table with a square tray in his hand, placed the tray on the middle stone platform and gently opened the red silk.

Yan Wenxiong, who was sitting in the VIP room, stared at the jade pendant with his pupils in his eyes. After looking at it for a while, his complexion became unnatural. This little thing didn't expect was actually used by the cultivator above the Divided Spirit Stage, and the effect is so powerful, what the host said should be true.

Looking back, Yan Wenxiong's gaze just passed over the Master next to him, and then he hurriedly converged. He knew in his heart that the disaster was not small.

Then just listen to the host opening the mouth and said: "The base price of this'transparent jade' jade pendant is 5 million high grade Spirit Stone, and the ceiling is not capped, and the price is increased by 100,000 each time."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard the voice of Wan Gang from the box of the Barbarians below the road, saying: "The old man has made five million, and I hope you will give you face."

Who knows that. Yan Qiu's voice in the Yellow Springs box sounded: "Wan Laoer's price is like that. It seems a bit too distracting for me, 5.5 million."

The voice hasn't fallen yet, but a voice from the Monster Race envoy's room yelled: "This thing looks familiar, where did you get it?"

The host complexion below. Slightly changed but didn't answer directly, and then an invisible coercion from the Monster Race VIP room directly swept all the people on the field.

Suddenly in the middle of the host City Lord Pudian's voice came: "Xiong Fellow Daoist don't be impatient, the auction here is still in progress, if you have anything you can ask afterwards."

So Xiong Erbao’s divine sense coercion slowly stopped and said: "Well, since the Pudian master has spoken, I will naturally follow the rules. My old bear gave out seven million, that don’t 't give face is to have trouble with me."

Such words say that the cultivator sitting in the whole scene has a different face, and many of them are secretly grateful that after waiting so long, they finally waited for the big scene.

Unfortunately, there was another weak voice in the VIP room on the top floor: "Ten million high grade Spirit Stone," that voice was clearly forced to say it with a cry of tears.

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