In the space of'Shi Tuo Yubi', Yi Tian discovered that there was a huge cultivation town hidden in it, which was the Heavenly Immortal Palace of Luo 50,000 years ago. But at this time, I found that the scenes of the characters in it had been preserved intact. It is not difficult to open up such a space in the space of one's own cultivation.

It's difficult to cooperate with the'spatial retrospective' Divine Ability. It is not easy to record the event fifty thousand years ago. After searching, Yi Tian locked the position of the main hall of Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace, and flew to the front of the main hall, and then found the silhouette of Wuxiang Master and several Spirit Realm three sects Sect Founder.

At this time, they seem to be gathering in the main hall to discuss something. After looking at it, Yi Tian found that the expressions of the people in the sect were different, and it was estimated that they were discussing something difficult to decide.

The Ancestor Master does not see a trace, but Mahayana Stage cultivator will naturally not easily mix sect trivial matters. It is enough to have these Integration Stage cultivators, and 50,000 years ago in Spirit Realm, it was the dominance of the Heavenly Immortal Palace. There is no need for the Ancestor Master to walk easily.

I was thinking about it, Yi Tian suddenly realized that the top of his head gradually became dim, as if it were nightfall. But this situation must not be so simple. I looked up and saw that all around dark clouds gathered and then formed a thundercloud over the city.

After the black thunderclouds gathered, they opened the crossing, very much like someone was preparing for Transcending Tribulation. It's just that Yi Tian found something faint in his eyes, but any Transcending Tribulation thundercloud might not be as strong as this.

Then the red light of red fell from the middle of the thundercloud and became bigger and bigger in the pupils. Yi Tian's face was full of look of shock, but his mouth was said: "This is that quiet The scene when the Taoist Avatar descended to Spirit Realm, didn鈥檛 expect Uncle Wuxiang left him such a message.鈥?Along with the red light flashing on Taoist You Xuan, he was still carrying

After sighing for a while, Yi Tian found that the spiritual power was rising from the mountainside of Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace. A hazy illusory shadow flashed and formed a ten thousand zhang high silhouette over the entire city.

I looked at the face of the illusory shadow exactly like the Ancestor Master. It is estimated that he was also immediately aware of something wrong and then hurriedly went out to cast the divine ability spell and dropped the person who accompanied the Taoist Avatar. Fireball caught.

Then I saw the shadow falling in the air stabilizing the figure in the air, and from the back of the sect, a light escaped quickly flew out beside Yi Tian and directly greeted the Taoist Youxuan who descended from the sky.

After the two held each other in the air, they began to talk, and Yi Tian saw that he was about to come forward to investigate. Suddenly, two fire lights flashed out and burst between the two. Yi Tian hurriedly used a protective shield to wrap himself up, and then saw the shock wave generated after Divine Ability Art attacked directly through his body, moving towards the location of Heavenly Immortal City below.

And all around the sound of the alarm sits down loudly, and a lot of shining auras are lit up in Luo Heavenly Immortal City. It was the scene that appeared when the Defensive Array of the immortal city was activated, and at this time, several rays of light flew out from the main hall and directly moved towards all around the various Formation node positions.

Yi Tian鈥檚 divine sense swept through and found that they were all those sect high-level cultivators I saw in the great hall before. As the Sect Master, Master Wuxiang stayed in the main hall. He flew out of the hall to mid-air and immediately urged all around array Formation.

Obviously, he was summoned by Ancestor Master, so he hurriedly activated Sect Protection Great Array. Originally, the Sect Protection Great Array of Heavenly Immortal Palace should have been arranged by the Ancestor Master of Feng Lingzi, but there has never been an invasion by foreign enemies before, so this large array has not really been activated.

But this time, it鈥檚 different from the situation where True Immortal comes from the upper realm. If Ancestor Master does not open the Sect Protection Great Array, the foundation of the Heavenly Immortal Palace is bound to be met. Ruined.

Yi Tian looked down in the air where the entire Heavenly Immortal City was located, and saw the main hall as the center of the East, South, West, and North squares with huge spiritual pressure light sources appearing. After three breaths, it converged into a beam of light and directly converged above the main hall.

At the same time, there are illusory shadows appearing at the location where the Sifang Sect Protection Great Array node is located. Yi Tian's eye is exactly the illusory shadow of the Four Spirit Beast. It turns out that the Mountain Protecting Great Array of Sect is actually the guardian array of the Four Spirits. Speaking of which Formation is not very brilliant. It has been spread in Spirit Realm so far, but all Array Masters with some accomplishments have been involved.

Yi Tian is a little surprised that after the appearance of the guardian True Spirit in the four directions, there are illusory shadows appearing in the four deviations, namely the southeast, southwest, northwest, and northeast. I carefully looked at the four huge shadows of the snake, Gouchen, Ruilin and Huanglong.

"This is no longer a simple four-spirit guard array, it should be the'four-spirit eight-pole array' recorded in the sect classics," Yi Tian muttered to himself in the air.

Just finished speaking, the octopole node in the big array showed red aura, which instantly increased the defensive power of the big array several times.

"Four Spirits and Eight Extremes Red Sun Sealing the Formation," Yi Tian sighed secretly said in one's heart'It really is great generosity, such a Formation layout has extremely demanding requirements in addition to the location and location of the layout. In addition, nine Integration Stage cultivators are needed to cooperate, and it seems that they can only be used when Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace is at its peak. '

It is estimated that all the Integration Stage cultivators of Spirit Realm three sects have not been able to make up the number of people who have started Formation.

After the entire Formation was activated, the Heavenly Immortal city of Luo within all around ten thousand li was shrouded. At this time, Yi Tian divine sense swept across below and many cultivators flew from Cave Mansion. After coming out, they looked up at the sky to check the situation above.

Soon the above Miao Dizi and Taoist Youxuan began to fight, and the two-handed tricks were nothing fancy, but they displayed Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace鈥檚 cultivation technique. Two fist sized red Fireballs attacked together in the air, but the space of the two domains formed by the attacked area expanded wirelessly, and the void in the inner space also collapsed. After all around, a black hole in space is formed. Everything that needs to be all around All pulled in.

Seeing that such a wonderful son Ancestor Master had to take a shot in time, the other party could leave it alone, but he couldn't ignore Luo Heavenly Immortal City and many disciples and grandchildren below.

I saw Miao Dizi stretched out his hands and quickly formed the seal, then hit the black hole in the space in front of him with three auras to restrain its expansion momentum. Then the cracks in the sky slowly converged and eventually swallowed all the spells that the two played against and dissipated in the air.

After a move, the two people in the air didn't do anything again but held each other there. It seems that Ancestor Master and Taoist Youxuan are confronting something.

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