Yi Tian alone came here within the limits of Spirit Realm's world gate, and the spiritual power took out with a spiritual light directly hit the world wheel. Soon the pattern on the realm wheel began to slowly rotate until the side that marked the Buddha Spirit Realm turned directly above.

Immediately after a flash of light flashed, a huge interface channel was opened out of thin air directly above the void. After steadying his figure in the air, Yi Tian looked from a distance and found that the golden auspicious rays of light appeared in the gate, which was the unique Buddha's radiance of the Buddha Spirit Realm.

After the interface channel stabilized, Yi Tian performed the escape technique and jumped directly into the channel. After three breaths, the interface channel slowly converges after the silhouette is completely submerged, until it disappears without a trace after closing.

After entering the interface channel, Yi Tian only felt a little dazzling, and then the whole body guarding spiritual light involuntarily wrapped himself up. Although it only crosses the two-world channel, the interface wind among them is still very violent. No wonder those caravans that go with each other like to go together and carry large merchant ships between the two worlds.

Fortunately, my own cultivation base profound these interface styles can't help me. After traveling through the interface channel for about several hours, I saw a white light spot suddenly appearing in my vision from a distance. Yi Tian felt happy to know that this was almost at the end. Then the aura of the whole body increased by 30%, and the whole body turned into a azure aura and flew straight there.

It didn't take a moment for him to pass through the passageway, and suddenly there was a clear sky before his eyes, looking up again at the cyan sky. After Yi Tian stabilized his figure in the air, he quietly opened the divine sense to explore where he was.

According to the previous experience, there will always be Buddha Spirit Realm's high-rank cultivator at the entrances of these gates. Last time, I happened to meet the two of De Chong De Jing in the Great Lightning Zen Temple, but this time it seems that there is no sign of high-rank cultivator in the vicinity.

There is a cultivator of Deity Transformation Early Stage cultivation base flying from a distance, and divine sense seems to have locked itself. At this time, Yi Tian could not help revealing his identity, but also converging the cultivation base. It seemed that it was only as strong as Nascent Soul Stage that's all.

Slightly later in the air, that to escape light flew in front of him, ten zhang showed his true face after stopping outside, and Yi Tian looked at what turned out to be a monk dressed up as a head. He just heard him shouting: "Which interface comes from the cultivator, is there a customs clearance document to prove his identity."

Yi Tian hearing this is startled, and he has never thought about it. What customs clearance documents to bring. And the other party seemed to look at the revealed cultivation base, as if he was sure of himself.

If you want to stop, it is faintly smiled and said: "Yi Tian has some connections with the Great Lightning Zen Temple, this time I am in a hurry to shuttle through the gates without any customs clearance documents."

Nato Tuo listened to face changed and then shouted: "This Secret Sect Minglun Temple Deyun, your cultivator has no clearance documents and crosses the boundary without authorization and cannot prove that your identity is really suspicious. Hurry up, obediently surrender and come back with me. After sect heard this, it fell."

Yi Tian hearing this face was stunned. Such a Secret Sect monk had to take people directly without asking about it. It didn't seem to be a good thing. Fortunately, this time I wanted to go to the Secret Sect Great Snow Mountain Minglun Temple and explore the footprints of the uncle Wuxiang. I thought it was better to take the opportunity to follow him to the Great Snow Mountain Minglun Temple and wait for the opportunity to sneak in. .

When I want to stop, I smiled and opened the mouth and said: "Dare to ask Master De Yun to read it on the thin surface of the Great Lightning Zen Temple?"

Lightning Zen Temple Deyun's complexion slightly slowed down, and then he said: "I heard that the Great Lightning Zen Temple has produced a great character in the past hundreds of years. Since you keep on saying that it has a connection with the Great Lightning Zen Temple It’s better to say one or two to verify the authenticity."

"The abbot of the Great Lightning Zen Temple is a true master, but I think the great character in the master’s mouth is not his." Yi Tian smiled and replied: "I guess it might be the master of precepts. I heard that his previous life was a high-ranking monk in the Great Lightning Zen Temple. He returned to the temple after tossing and turning by Samsara Reincarnation in another world."

De Yun hearing this startled and then looked at the person in front of him, but his expression became more solemn. After ten breaths, he said, "Since you can tell the monk's name, it doesn't seem to be heard. Okay, let me let you go, but you still have to meet with me in Minglun Temple to accept it. Just check it out."

Yi Tian was secretly happy in his heart, originally thinking about how to sneak into the Great Snow Mountain Minglun Temple, but now I really want to doze off and someone will send a pillow. This way, I don’t have a lot of trouble, but I replied it lightly: "That’s good, I hope that by then De Yun master can let me go after verification."

De Yun It was just a symbolic sound of'um', and then the Spiritual Artifact was taken out and turned into three feet in size. After a light leap, he flew to the head of the Zen stick, and then shouted: "Come up, go back to the temple as fast as I am."

Yi Tian didn't hesitate to fly directly to the Zen stick. The tail settled, and then only felt that after Zhou's body wrinkled, De Yun cast a spell to control the Spiritual Artifact and flew away hurriedly.

I once visited the Buddha Spirit Realm Great Snow Mountain near Minglun Temple, but the last time my own cultivation base was just Divided Spirit Stage, so I didn’t dare to get too close.

Fortunately, someone led the way and the line was unimpeded. Yi Tian quickly searched the map near Minglun Temple in his mind. Then I found that I was moving towards the east of Minglun Temple, which seemed to deviate from the main part of Minglun Temple.

half a day later entered the area of ​​Great Snow Mountain, and then flew for three hours before discovering the faint signs of a large group of temples in the field of vision.

Soon the stick began to fall slowly to the side of the temple, and when Yi Tian got off the Spiritual Artifact, he glanced over and found that the entrance of the temple in front of him was clearly written with'Shituo Temple'.

Yi Tian's brows are slightly frowned, and Yi Tian's complexion also becomes very unsightly. It is obviously not Great Snow Mountain Minglun Temple. Then he turned around and hurriedly asked: "Where is the unknown master Deyun? It doesn't seem to be within the scope of Great Snow Mountain Minglun Temple."

"What do you know, I'm Shituo Temple 'Has a long history far surpassing Minglun Temple, speaking of which temple has also produced Integration Stage cultivator in Middle Ancient Era, and the orthodox of this temple and Minglun Temple origin are the same sect," Deyun hurriedly scolded.

He pretended to be in a daze on his face, but Yi Tian felt a little shocked in his heart. If here, as De Yun said, the Integration Stage cultivator that appeared in the Middle Ages may be a teacher without phase. Thinking of this, Yi Tian has come to be interested. If you pass by, you will not miss it. If you look for it in this'Shituo Temple', you may be able to find some clues.

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