In Rising Sun City, Yi Tian and Xia Minyu registered for the sect screening at the sect registration point of Lihuo Palace, and then returned to the city to find a quiet place in an unremarkable restaurant Ya Shi had a free conversation.

Who knows that after sitting down for only one or two hours, someone from the store plans to knock on the door and forbid them to let the guest out of the guest room.

So far, Yi Tian's face is quite uncomfortable, but Xia Minyu thought about it and then opened the mouth and said: "Notify the other party that they will pay double the Spirit Stone, and I can give up this elegant room. .Otherwise, even if it’s the Supervising Envoy in the city away from the Fire Palace, I’m not afraid."

The restaurant guy responded as soon as the words came out, and the voice came again after ten breaths: " The other party agreed, and please ask the two masters to open the ban. I have prepared a private room for the two of them elsewhere."

So the two of them looked at each other and then slowly stood up, Xia Minyu Reaching out to open the room's prohibition, took the lead and walked out. Yi Tian slowly followed behind him, but the divine sense stretched out a long time ago to investigate the situation of the outside world.

At this time, there are several people standing outside. In addition to the guy in the shop, there are three young cultivators behind them. The two men and one woman look like the cultivation base is in the Foundation Establishment Middle Stage, and the bone age is about two. Fifteen six.

After exiting the room, I only heard Xia Minyu who walked in front opened the mouth and said: "Why are Qiu Lu you?"

"Oh, Xia Family kid, you It’s so fast," presumably the young cultivator at the beginning should be Qiu Lu. He just listened to him and said, "Your feet are really fast. It seems that you sneaked out of the house and came here to try one's luck. Right."

Qiu Lu saw Yi Tian who came out immediately after he had finished speaking, and the pupil in his eyes condensed. The divine sense was relaxed after scanning and probing into the cultivation base level, and then said disdainfully: "Didn't expect you to have a lot of friends, even the cultivator who only reached the Foundation Establishment Late Stage at the age of 30 also knows it, and it seems to be too Come and try one's luck?"

"You don't look down on people," Xia Minyu said with an angry face: "This visit to Lihuo Palace is designed to select talented and amazing people, but apart from The character and temperament of individuals outside talents will also be taken into consideration."

"What do you mean," Qiu Lu shouted disdainfully: "Know that the proportion of Trigram Fire Sect selected this time is low. It’s scary. Speaking of which one of a thousand people is not an exaggeration. Could it be that you will definitely be selected this time?"

"How can you know that cultivation won’t work if you don’t try it?" Xia Minyu is not afraid at all. Said: "People say that Lihuo Palace is the hardest way to enter Spirit Realm three sects, but if I wait for the cultivator, if I don't dream, what is the difference with salted fish? It's up to people to fight for me."

"I heard that your dísciple, the younger Xunyang Xia Family, has very limited talents and talents. You are probably planning your future for the destiny of your family this time," Qiu Lu said.

"yes and how?" Xia Minyu was calmly replied: "Even if you are in the same family as Xunyang Dijie, your Qiu Family has no intention of supporting my Xia Family. I just sit back and watch your family dominate. And your Qiu Family is arrogant and despotic, maybe in the future my Xia Family will be implicated by your Qiu Family. If you want something done well, do it yourself, it’s better to be self-reliant early."

"It's a big tone, I want to see how you Xia Family Old Ancestor came here if you fail the selection," Qiu Lu yelled arrogantly.

The female cultivator behind him hurriedly stopped drinking, and then forced Qiu Lu into the room. In the end, he turned around and said happily to Xia Minyu, and the two of them sounded and transmitted privately for a while, and they seemed to be talking about something privately.

After three breaths, Xia Minyu complexion slightly changed sighed, turned and walked out. Under the guidance of the staff in the store, the two ran to the room at the corner of the floor below to sit down again. Seeing him bitterly, Yi Tian said lightly: "Is Brother Xia worried, tired of the family like you, I'm afraid it is not easy to try to challenge the selection."

"Let Fellow Daoist Yi laugh," Xia Minyu hurriedly bowed his hand and said, "In fact, I am not too sure about this selection. After all, the probability of one thousand people selected by the Fire Palace is too low, but I am not reconciled. Will insist on this."

"Then what should you do if you lose the election?" Yi Tian asked.

Xia Minyu thought for a while and said: "Frankly, even if I lose the election, I want to visit the famous teacher, even if I find a loose cultivator Master, it’s okay."

"Oh, Why does Little Brother Xia say this?" Yi Tian asked puzzledly.

"At this point, I am more free and easy than Fellow Daoist Yi," Xia Minyu said with a smile: "The most important purpose of my cultivating is to seek longevity that's all. What is the difference between sect cultivation and cultivation outside? Well, as long as you don’t believe me, I can’t get the true meaning of Dao."

"Well, Brother Xia is really free and easy," Yi Tian blurted out, "If you and I are both unsuccessful, it's better to follow I swim in the mountains and rivers of Spirit Realm, and at the same time, I will give you some guidance on cultivation?"

Xia Minyu did not answer directly, but lowered his head to think. After three breaths, he raised his head and said, "According to Fellow Daoist Yi, do you want to be my Master?"

"On the cultivation base, I am two levels higher than you. If I am your Master, I can barely qualify. "Yi Tian's mouth faintly smiled and said.

"Actually, I am also very fond of Fellow Daoist Yi. Since you open your mouth, I will naturally not push it away," Xia Minyu said with a straight face, "If I fail the selection, I will follow Fellow. What Daoist said."

"It's so good," Yi Tian said briefly about the main points of participating in the selection of the Lihuo Palace. Xia Minyu had a solemn expression on his face when he heard it. He had never heard of many details before, and now a little bit was originally confused about the selection environment, but now it has gradually become clear.

After half a month, with six long bells from the City Lord Mansion in the City of Rising Sun, the low-level cultivators who visited came out of their resting residences moved towards the location of the selected examination room .

Yi Tian and Xia Minyu walked together to the entrance of the selection market. From a distance, I saw the patrol guards of Rising Sun City lined up there to maintain order. The person who led the head was the Niu Renjie I saw before, and saw him flying above the air with divine sense sweeping his face back and forth with a calm and calm look, but his eyes flashed with anxiety.

After divine sense swept Yi Tian and Xia Minyu, the anxious divine light slowly retracted and commanded the people to maintain order. Those who entered the selection arena soon patted the light gate of the five-character column slowly passing the inspection. The setting here can directly detect the bone age of the participating cultivator. If there is a person who does not match the jade token on the registration, it will naturally cause the detection of Spiritual Artifact. The dísciple on both sides will immediately take the person and hand it over to the City Lord Mansion. .

Soon after Xia Minyu's turn, I saw him passing by the light gate, and the spar on one side showed the words Foundation Establishment Early Stage, with a bone age of 18 years and 4 months. Then it was Yi Tian's turn. After passing by, a blur of words appeared on the spar, and it was gradually cleared after three breaths. The person who tested it reads the top of the Foundation Establishment Late Stage, with a bone age of 29 years and 11 months.

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