On the way to Rising Sun City, Yi Tian accidentally found a Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator and Xia Minyu went with him. The main reason was that the person’s spirit root together with it was particularly suitable for cultivation Divine Lihuo Palace. Ability. So Yi Tian couldn't help but had the idea of ​​accepting disciples, but his own identity was not small, but even accepting disciples could not be too sloppy. In addition to spirit root aptitude, you also need to consider your personal character and morality.

After walking through several hundred li together, suddenly in divine sense, I noticed several spiritual pressure fluctuations from the direction of Rising Sun City moving towards the direction near the two people. Judging from the strength of the spiritual pressure fluctuations, the cultivation base of those coming is just the Nascent Soul Stage cultivator. But for Xia Minyu, it was already a great character looking up, but Yi Tian wanted to see how he would respond after encountering things.

If you immediately abandon yourself and run away alone, then you will naturally not be able to pass the character level.

Hearing the roar in the air from a distance, Xia Minyu who was beside her looked startled. For him, these Nascent Soul Stage cultivators are powerful, even the patriarch cultivation base in his Aristocratic Family is just like talking about the late Golden Core.

Then he just listened to him in a trembling voice saying: "Fellow Daoist Yi, do we temporarily avoid it, I believe those high-rank cultivators will not put us in their eyes."


"Well, who told us to be unlucky to go out and run into such troubles," Yi Tian pretended to be helpless and shook his head: "Let's not move, believing that they will soon pass by. ."

Xia Minyu also nodded frequently, and then both of them converged their breath. But didn't expect that the other party actually seemed to have confirmed the location of the two of them and moved towards here and flew.

There are also many low-level cultivators in this area of ​​several hundred li, but Xia Minyu did not expect that the escape from the sky is moving towards the two people. Immediately, the complexion and the iron-blue hands began to tremble involuntarily, but Yi Tian, ​​who was standing on the side, observed it carefully. At least until now, Xia Minyu's reaction is reasonable, and from a normal perspective, it is inevitable to have a guilty conscience when facing a high-rank cultivator suddenly.

And he did not immediately abandon himself and run away is considered to have passed the first test.

After three breaths, the light in the sky stopped in the air 30 miles away from two people, and then turned his head to face the cultivator chasing behind him. Presumably, the two people who couldn't say a few words together in the air immediately fought.

Xia Minyu was naturally horrified after seeing this: "Fellow Daoist Yi, take this opportunity, let's leave quickly."

"No, those two Nascent Soul Stage cultivators Frequent shots, the aftermath of the spell divine ability displayed will affect the nearby people in the air, and it is not the best time to evacuate," Yi Tian said and swept his eyes, only to see the latter’s face with a hint of disappointment. It's also reasonable to look down and think about it.

At the same time, Yi Tian felt that the aftermath after the two played against each other began to be scattered and disorderly affecting all directions. If such fluctuations in spiritual pressure hit the Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator, it would be fatal enough. Xia Minyu took out a magic charm from the Storage Bracelet and activated it with all his strength, covering both of them.

Obviously, he also has a good eye to know how to deal with such unfavorable conditions. Yi Tian's gaze swept through his heart and he knew it. At most, this magic talisman was only refined by the Golden Core Stage cultivator. Facing the Nascent Soul Stage cultivator, the aftermath of the attack can only last for a moment or three that's all.

Needless to say, such a talisman must be the body protection talisman left to him by the elders of his Xia Family. Xia Minyu was able to take it out at this time, and it seemed that he had taken care of his friend.

The magic talisman flew on top of the two people's heads and turned into a white light film, and then appeared, protecting the two squares where they were standing. It's just that this thin layer of light film seems to be broken by a blow, but it can't defend the Nascent Soul Stage cultivator from displaying the aftermath of Divine Ability.

Just listen to him yelling: "Fellow Daoist Yi, please help inject spiritual power together. My cultivation base is too weak to deploy the formidable power of the defensive charms."

The spiritual pressure that passed through the air before the voice fell. The fluctuations swept through the magical defense and blew the light film into a buzzing sound.

After reaching out his hands and pretending to finish the printing method, Yi Tian took out a trace of weak spiritual power from his right hand, although he converged his spiritual pressure fluctuations to the strength of the Foundation Establishment Stage. The spiritual power that took out stabilized the trembling light film.

After listening to the external wind'hu hu', the two of them continued to inject spiritual power into the defensive charms. After maintaining this for most of a moment, they finally noticed that the movement in the air became smaller.

It's been a long while before Xia Minyu eased his energy to gasping for breath and said: "It should be all right, I don't know if the cultivator in the sky is gone."

"I don't know, Extend the divine sense to check it out," Yi Tian said in his mouth, in fact, he had already found out the movement of the surrounding area for thousands of miles. After the two Nascent Soul Stage cultivators in the sky fought against each other, the Niu Renjie of Rising Sun City solved each other efficiently.

At this time, he is cleaning the battlefield, but from his appearance, he seems to be paying attention to himself. After a while, I saw him slowly drop the cloud head to stabilize the sky above where the two were. Then I looked up with a look of surprise and asked: "Who is you, why is it possible that you are the accomplice of the loose cultivator thieves?"

Such words are mixed with spiritual pressure fluctuations. Xia Minyu's divine might is here, and Xia Minyu's heart seemed to be hammered. Yi Tian wanted to help him quietly, but later took his hand away, and wanted to see how this kid faced the high-rank cultivator.

After ten breaths, I saw Xia Minyu relieved. He stretched out his hand to put away the defensive charms and turned around and looked up. Then his hands arched: "Xia Family dísciple Xia Minyu has seen it in the second half of the year. Niu Great Commander."

The Niu Renjie in the sky stopped on Yi Tian after his eyes were swept, his eyes flickered a few times, revealing a trace of suspicion. Then he asked: "What is your cultivator's identity, come and announce your name quickly?"

"loose cultivator Yi Tian."

Niu Renjie looked suspicious. What's more, I couldn't tell why. I just felt that this person was a bit familiar, and I didn't know where I saw him. The name sounds ordinary, but it seems that I have heard that I can't remember the source for a while.

Then I looked at the defensive charms in Xia Minyu's hands again, and saw that this charm became dim and colorless at this time, and it was obvious that the spiritual power was exhausted. But Niu Renjie is not a fool to decide not to believe that just trifling a low-level defensive charm can withstand the aftermath of a fight between two Nascent Soul Stage cultivators.

Later, he said: "It's not very peaceful here. I think you are going to the Rising Sun City to participate in the sect selection. Let me take you for a ride."

Afterwards, I took out the Spiritual Artifact and turned it into a ten zhang size after casting the spell, and then signaled the two of them to come up and return to the city of Rising Sun.

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