In the Azure Dragon Fort, Yi Tian quietly took Dugu Yaoxiang breakthrough Defensive Great Array back near the boundary gate, and later sent it into the space channel leading to Monster Realm. This kind of operation is no more than one hour. For more than ninety-nine percent of the spiritual practice, it is completely impossible to perceive the strangeness. But this kind of action can't be concealed from the jade Daoist Long who is responsible for tracking by the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance. Moreover, to break through the gate, you must get permission from the gate guard Xi Tianying.

If Dugu Yaoxiang left Spirit Realm this way, Xi Tian, ​​who was the guard of the gate, would naturally be to blame. When Yu Daoist Long came to the boundary gate, he soon discovered the clues inside, and Xi Tianying was not here at this time. It is the personnel who had broken the army mountain that were left behind to guard. And they had no talisman on them, at most they could only get close to Baili near the boundary gate and were blocked by the defense there.

Yu Daoist Long had asked someone to ask, but his face remained silent, but in fact he had already guessed something in his heart. Just rashly questioning a great character is bound to put him at a disadvantage, and this matter has never been subpoenaed from the headquarters of the Spiritual Alliance. With such a big event, there must be news from the headquarters.

After waiting for one hour outside the gate restriction, only the gate guard Xi Tianying arrived slowly. After the two communicated with each other for a while, Daoist Long did not state the purpose of coming. Naturally, Xi Tianying also beats a haha ​​to fool around. Anyway, everyone can be tacitly aware.

Slightly Acquired, a halo flew out, and the ten breaths swept back in front of the two of them. Jade Daoist Long divine sense scanned it and found that it was a transmission jade talisman. The logo above should be from the hands of Alliance Leader Zheng Tingyun of the spiritual alliance.

Reached out and took the jade talisman floating in the air, Jade Daoist Long quickly read the divine sense intrusion, and after three breaths, the complexion slightly changed and it returned to its original state. Then he turned around and said with Xi Tianying: "old man would take the liberty to bother and please forgive me for the gate guard."

"No, everyone contributes to Spirit Realm, but the division of labor is different that's all, since there is a senior long jade senior long. If it matters to you, please do it yourself," Xi Tianying replied with a fist in both hands. At this time, he also didn't want to be out of line, just want to quickly send the person in front of him away.

Who knows Yu Daoist Long suddenly turned and asked: "I heard that the Sect Master of Lihuo Palace is sitting near the border gate. I still want to see the sky this time. It is said that Xi Fellow Daoist is his The best friends of the year, I also know that I would like to recommend them for a few weeks."

The words are also very sincere, but it is extremely tricky to listen to Xi Tianying's ears. There were only four people who knew what happened here. In addition to Dugu Yaoxiang who left, there were Xi Tianying, Yu Daoist Long and Yi Tian.

Now that the jade Daoist Long has received the jade talisman from the Spiritual Alliance, he will naturally not get to the bottom of this matter, but he is going to visit Yi Tian naturally also has his purpose.

Xi Tianying felt miserable in his heart, but on his face he couldn't refuse in person. Suddenly I heard a sound transmission in my ears: "Send him to the City Lord Mansion, I will wait for him."

After listening, Xi Tianying also showed a knowing smile on his face and took it out. A copy of jade slip wrote a recommendation letter on it and then changed hands and handed it over and said: "So please take Jade Senior Long with this handwritten book to see Yi Sect Master in the broken army city. He should be still in retreat."

His remarks like this naturally want to remove the suspicion for Yi Tian. Only the jade Daoist Long in front of him will not believe this side of the word. There are not many people who can play tricks in front of him. It seems that they are within ten thousand li. Only the great character can do it.

Furthermore, Zheng Tingyun of the Spiritual Alliance of Jade Talisman has clearly stated that for the long-term stability of Spirit Realm, Dugu Yaoxiang is better to let him go than to catch him. The two evils are the lesser one, let him return to Demon Realm to revive Heavenly Demon Clan, and then continue to stalemate with the rest of the Demon Realm six clans is naturally the best choice.

Since the Alliance Leader of the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance said so, then Dugu Yaoxiang must be able to escape. It was the great character who shot in secret. Yu Daoist Long didn't dare to question these decisions, but he also felt that this time was an excellent opportunity to visit him. To say that the new Sect Master Sees The Head Of The Divine Dragon But Not The Tail from the Fire Palace has never appeared several times during the entire Demon Disaster War. The course of the war was completed under the leadership of Zheng Tingyun.

But those who are interested have long remembered the list of members of the high-rank cultivator in the Demon Race army. At the end of the disaster, there was not even a cultivator in the late stage of the Demon Race combination. The result goes without saying. Naturally, someone secretly took action to solve them all.

Forgive me for not seeing Zheng Tingyun and Lu Sword Spirit, the one-eyed Demon Race's scarlet magic rivals, but they disappeared silently after that. With a little heart, you can figure out the trick. If you don’t have such a Great Cultivator, you don’t know when the whole battle will end.

Said that the Demon Race Integration Stage cultivator that I just saw in Azure Dragon Fort took away Dugu Yaoxiang, Yu Daoist Long was taken aback. There is such a high-rank cultivator lurking in The neighborhood of the gate is by no means trivial. After being traced to this point, I found that the Integration Stage demonic cultivator seemed to disappear from the face of the earth, so I couldn’t find any traces. After receiving the call, Jade Talisman, I thought about it and I had a scrutiny in my heart, so I asked for it. Go and see you.

Don’t talk about Yu Daoist Long, Yi Tian secretly resigned Xi Tianying and then turned back to the City Lord Mansion station in Pojun City, and then sent out a subpoena to inform Xia Hua Yulin that he was here. The closed temporary Cave Mansion opened the restrictions and sat in the lobby of the cave and waited quietly.

Half a moment later, the temporary cave mansion's prohibition came to Lianyi, and then only the voice of Jade Daoist Long said: "The Spiritual Alliance Jade Dragon came to visit Yi Sect Master. Please open the door. "Sy."

Gently extend the hand and move towards the direction of the door. In an instant, a zhang high three-foot-wide gap was opened on the white light film restriction. The door of the cave opened slowly and automatically, and then Yi Tian divine sense sensed that someone was walking slowly and it was the jade Daoist Long deity.

I saw him come in five feet away in front of him and then he moved towards himself and said: "The Spiritual Alliance Jade Dragon has seen Yi Sect Master."

"Jade Fellow Daoist Long Please also sit down," Yi Tian said without changing his complexion, reaching out and pointing at the seat in front of him.

Yu Daoist Long slowly walked forward and sat down on the seat. Before Yi Tian could speak, he said directly: "I am instructed to go to Azure Dragon Fort and his party, passing by here, come to pay a visit."

"Oh, what is the so-called "Unknown Jade Fellow Daoist Long" going to Azure Dragon Fort for business?" Yi Tian knows that this matter is unavoidable, so it's better to take the lead and talk it out.

"Small things don't mean anything, I was ordered to catch the remnants of Demon Race and come here," Yu Daoist Long said, turning his eyes to stare at the person in front of him and looked up.

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