The convention of three sects is that whenever a new Sect Master takes office, he has to go to the other two sects and walk all the way from the mountain gate to the main hall to show the source of the three sects same sect even if the new Sect Master is on the top Follow the ancestral system and support each other

This situation was previously only available in the documents stored in sect. Like Zheng Tingyun, Lu Sword Spirit, or Ji Xuanyuan who has already been solved, which is not after Sect Master for thousands of years. Therefore, the witnesses in Sect have long been missing. Only those who can advance to the Integration Stage Elder can still vaguely remember what happened that year.

So this time Yi Tian came to worship the mountain according to the ancestral system, which really made Feiyu Sword Sect busy for a while. Sect Master Lu Sword Spirit attaches great importance to this. He also specially checked the records of the year, and sent his brother Sheng Zhuangxiong to show respect at the gate of the mountain.

After all, Yi Tian is now a post-fit cultivator, and the Mahayana Stage cultivator in Spirit Realm is under Number One Person. Identity and strength are there, even if he comes to Lu Sword Spirit at a low price, he dare not neglect it.

At the same time, all those Inner Disciples in the sect were summoned to the main hall to wait. With Yi Tian's life essence today, I am afraid that it will be no problem to sit in this seat for tens of thousands of years. So let the sect disciple come out and have a face-to-face. With the memory of the Integration Stage cultivator, it will naturally be unforgettable, even if you only meet one side. In the future, walking in the Spirit Realm, if you happen to meet you, you can also meet up, and then you can easily start talking if you want to speak.

After Yi Tian came to the main hall for paid respect and took seats, Lu Sword Spirit asked about the situation of the loneliness of the demon saint and the great heavenly demon at the end of the demon disaster war. Want to come to these all are what they care about most.

Yi Tian naturally knows that Lu Sword Spirit has this question and naturally wants to understand the unknown side of the evil disaster. Afterwards, he slowly explained the process of this, and also explained the previous incident of the Scarlet Demon being possessed by the backlash body of the only pupil.

The people who listened below naturally showed excitement on their faces, and they realized it after the battle in the Blood Sacrifice Array Valley at the end of the disaster.

It turned out that the Yi Sect Master had already finished the invading Demon Race leader in a pot in the morning. They were just attacking the front line to attract attention that's all.

Let’s wait for Yi Tian to finish, and Lu Sword Spirit sitting in the upright position sighed and said: “Finally, the disaster has not had much impact on the hinterland of Spirit Realm three sects, otherwise If it was like that time tens of thousands of years ago that even the Old Feng City of the Taiqing Pavilion had fallen and it would have been restored for some years."

It seems that Lu Sword Spirit also only knows a general idea. It is estimated that even the three sects Mahayana Stage cultivator and Crown Prince Qiu Yu privately agreed not to know. Yi Tian admires his Master and the two uncles very much. Such important matters are tight-lipped. Come back and think about what the sect disciple below would think if this matter is exposed.

Immediately thereafter, he kept his mouth on the matter. Whenever Lu Sword Spirit mentioned the matter of the previous devastation, he always beat a haha ​​to fool him.

Then the conversation turned around and Lu Sword Spirit started to exchange cultivation experience. Yi Tian knew that this was a necessary part of paid respect. I don't need to hide myself, I found some places and methods that need to be paid attention to when making a breakthrough, and I said it one after another.

Many of the dísciples in the audience below are all confused, but there are still some energetic dísciples. After listening to the exchange between the two, they suddenly opened up, and even their complexions changed. I got very excited, I guess I will try secluded cultivation after the meeting.

After the exchange of cultivation experience, just listen to Lu Sword Spirit opening and saying: "Today's paid respect is over, Direct Disciple will retire one by one."

The voice just fell, headed by Jian Shaoqing The Divided Spirit Stage disciples all stood up, and those low-level dísciples behind the senior brothers who followed the senior brothers in front also stood up and moved towards the upper Lu Sword Spirit and the others paid respect and retired.

After everyone dispersed, Lu Sword Spirit turned around and said, "Junior Brother Yi, please follow me."

Sheng Zhuangxiong on the side naturally knew that Yi Tian must be next. If you are going to see Master Wuling, there is no problem for him to be accompanied by Lu Sword Spirit. Then stood up and moved towards the two people, Ji Shou Yili, and left from the side of the eye.

After leaving the main hall, Yi Tian and Lu Sword Spirit walked directly towards the forbidden area of ​​mountainside, and came to the forbidden area Sword Spirit, after hitting the spiritual light, he bowed his hands and worshiped, and then opened the mouth and said: "Reporting to Master, Trigram Fire Sect new Sect Master Yi Tian followed the ancestral system to walk to worship the mountain."

Yi Tian also hurriedly moved towards the prohibited direction and said: "dísciple Yi Tian 求见无Uncle Ling."

As soon as the voice of the words fell, there was a crack in the forbidden light film, and then an old voice came out: "Yi Tian, ​​come in, Sword Spirit, you first leave me I have something to say to him alone."

Lu Sword Spirit's face was a little surprised, and he didn't expect the Master would directly call the name to see Yi Tian alone. However, he naturally didn't dare to have the slightest intention of violating him, and he signaled with Yi Tian and stood aside and waited.

In this way, Yi Tian took a step forward and walked directly into the restricted light film, and when he crossed the light film, he found that the restriction behind him was cracked and closed again. In the ears, Wuling's words said: "Come to the top of the mountain and see me."

Yi Tian looked up and saw a winding mountain road leading directly to the top of the mountain, and strode forward. After more than ten feet, I found that the gravity I was experiencing was increasing continuously. I looked down at the stone steps as if there were array traces. Secretly said in one's heart:'Maybe I have to test me without Ling Ling, but this Formation is tattered for myself, so it is naturally with no difficulty to crack it. '

I was just waiting to think that suddenly Wuling’s words sounded again: "I know you learned a lot in the Taiqing Pavilion, but today you can’t break the formation with skill, you need to use your own strength Just walk up. Back then, Ji Xuanyuan spent two days in the Early-Stage combination. Now you are the post-cultivation base and limit to one day."

After listening to Yi Tian's face slightly startled, I know this. There is no trickery back, but in this case, it seems that Uncle Wuling really wants to test his own strength. Coming here not only means that he is also related to the Master's face, and Yi Tian will naturally not shrink back easily.

When the azure light on the body suddenly appeared, the spiritual power in the body circulated quickly, and Yi Tian took a step forward and walked along the mountain road to the top of the mountain.

Every time you take a step forward, you can feel that the gravity has increased by three points. After one hour, you can walk halfway up the mountain in a smoke. There is a pavilion, and there is a zhang high stone tablet outside the hall with a few words engraved on it. After Yi Tian approached, the divine sense swept through and found that the handwriting left behind was different. It was obviously not the same person.

Suddenly a familiar name appeared in front of me, and it said:'Trigram Fire Sect Ji Xuanyuan has walked for nine hours. '

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