Yi Tian said the purpose of coming this time, he calmed down and waited for Wuye Sect Founder to reply, speaking of which although he found some clues, he still has to Only by getting a definite answer from the Mahayana Stage cultivator can the conclusion be made.

It's about Spirit Realm in the Middle Ages. In addition to the description of the time in the handbooks handed down, only the Sect Founder behind three sects will have a better understanding of this.

Wu Ye's face condensed. Obviously, this incident evoked his infinite memories of the past. After his face changed several times, he sighed and said: "These all are the things of the previous generation, speaking of which you have verified several times. We still uncover the things we least want to mention."

"Sect Founder, please forgive me, dísciple also unintentionally discovered the clues, and once found Luo in Monster Realm Nine-Immortals Mountain. The description of Heavenly Immortal Palace, that's why it will be traced," Yi Tian quickly explained with a startled expression.

"Forget it, we have to face it sooner or later, even if we don’t want it, someone still has to deal with it," Wu Ye sighed: "speaking of which our Spirit Realm three sects and The origins of Demon Sage's Storm are not shallow. He is our Senior Brother in terms of seniority."

"Speaking of which I am not going to call him uncle," Yi Tian teased.

"That's the case. In fact, he is Luotian Zhengzong on Taoism. Our three sects are just that's all," Wuye Sect Founder said with a smile, self-deprecating.

Yi Tian has long been concerned about this matter, but he is still a little surprised from his own Sect Founder, and then said: "Since Trigram Fire Sect is really born in Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace, then Who is the true identity of Shengbaozhen?"

"Sect Master's lineage, Sect Founder, Miao Dizi, sits down as the first disciple of the Taoist," Wuye Sect Founder said.

'It's also a dísciple without a character, and it really is the same generation as his own Sect Founder,' Yi Tian thought in his heart, but his face was silent and said: "Then what should I call him in the future? What?"

"It’s up to you," Wu Ye didn’t have much idea about this, and then said: "In fact, he is also a pitiful person. You should have learned that there is no The difference between righteous path and demonic path is only the spiritual power of cultivation."

"Master refers to the problem of cultivation profound energy and yellow energy," Yi Tian asked.

"That's the case, Heaven, Earth, Profound and Yellow, Universe Great Desolate said exactly," Wu Ye said: "Profound Yellow Qi is clear and muddy, but it is the right way of Heaven and Earth. Among them, the profound energy is the Spiritual Qi that my spiritual cultivation relies on. As for the yellow energy, the demonic cultivator is the force of the demonic cultivator."

"I have heard about this for a long time. I had doubts for a long time, but after the Master’s explanation, it was naturally clear," Yi Tian replied: "It's just that the incomprehensible Taoist would fall into the demonic path?"

"The problem lies with Master Miaodizi. On his body, it is said that he fought against the cultivator of Immortal World, and then he disappeared. After that, the Wuxiang Senior Brother carried out the Dual Cultivation of the Genie. As for his cultivation technique, it is the famous'Heavenly'. Demon Art'," Wu Ye explained.

"If you want to come to Heavenly Demon Art, it should be spread from Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace?" Yi Tian asked suddenly.

"That's the case, this'Heavenly Demon Art' was added to it by later generations. Its real name should be the second half of'Chaos Vitality', and it's still a fragment," Wu Ye said .

"The formidable power of Heavenly Demon Art is indeed amazing. Both the battle strength and the formidable power of Divine Ability Art are much stronger than the cultivation technique of Xuanqi lineage," Yi Tian sighed.

"Yes, the key is that the yellow energy that cultivation relies on is the main killer, so the cultivator in the second part of cultivated'Chaos Vitality' is naturally stronger than the first part of the cultivation," Wu Ye explained: "But the second part of cultivation also has its drawbacks. If you fail to cover the second part after you study the first part, it may cause a personality change."

"Is this what we call falling into the demonic path? "Yi Tian asked.

"This is a popular way of saying that as the age of temperament changes, the whole person will become another general appearance," Wu Ye said.

"It's like the Master Wuxiang turned into a demon saint," Yi Tian sighed after a pause.

"I know that you are also a genie Dual Cultivation, but I hope you will save more on this," Wu Ye glanced over his eyes and said: "And you still have to pay attention to it. Demon Sage Cultivation should try I’ve tempted you to become the new Crown Prince."

I clicked nodded Yi Tian and said with a smile: "He once asked someone to send a bunch of Demon Race fire source spirits. It’s a pity. The source power of the evil spirit contained in it has been cleared by Jingshi Hualian."

Wuye Sect Founder said: "Back then, after the Wuxiang Senior Brother fell into the demonic path, Heavenly Immortal Palace was no longer headed by the dragons. , And then three sects Sect Founder and Tateshantou founded Spirit Realm three sects."

"I have some doubts in my heart. Since Master Wuxiang must know that there will be disadvantages in cultivating Profound Yellow Qi, why not Will you fall into the demonic path?" Yi Tian opened the mouth and said.

"Then something must be wrong, and the cultivation Huang Qi still said that it is still and moving," Wu Ye thought about it and said, "I think Wuxiang Senior Brother should follow the path of calmness. In this way, it can be maintained in Demon Realm for tens of thousands of years."

"Will it be feasible if the Buddhist Sect cultivation technique is also used to eliminate the disadvantages of cultivation Huang Qi?" Yi Tian suddenly asked.

"The precept monk of the Lightning Zen Temple should be the one who has the most say in this matter. He has tried it once in his previous life, but unfortunately you have also seen it," Wu Ye mentioned that this was also involuntarily sighing. Tao.

"It seems that the Great Lightning Zen Temple of the Buddha Spirit Realm is imperative," Yi Tian said, "The experience of the predecessors needs to be taken as a warning, and what they have not done is still I need future generations to try again."

"Well, since your heart is determined, I won’t stop you any more. Pill Master better go to Scarlet Sword Sect to see you before you leave Spirit Realm. Wuling," Wuye Sect Founder said: "As a descendant of the Lihuo Palace, you should still go to see the Sect Founders of the other two factions. The etiquette cannot be neglected."

The mirrored silhouette of Ye Sect Founder slowly turned into nothingness, and Yi Tian bowed his hands when he saw it, "I will obey my teacher's orders."

Speaking of which I didn’t set foot after I soared to Spirit Realm. I have been to the site of Feiyu Sword Sect, mainly because I was taken care of by Qianlingzi during the Tianlan continent. What's more, my own body's Spirit Yaohua Thousand Skills also came from the blood of Feiyu Sword Sect, so it is better not to meet if you don't know the way.

It's just that Master Wuye said so, Yi Tian also feels helpless. As the Trigram Fire Sect Sect Master of Spirit Realm number one Sect, after succession, he should go to the other two factions to meet his uncle to show the friendship of three sects. The Master did not dare to disobey Yi Tian in this way. After Wu Ye's silhouette disappeared, he slowly got up and walked towards the front hall of Trigram Fire Sect.

I am still relatively unfamiliar with Feiyu Sword Sect, and at most I have only met with Sheng Zhuangxiong. It's just that this old boy was a stubborn lord when he was in Monster Realm, and he had to pay a price for him to help.

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