Yi Tian revealed his identity before completely breaking the blood sacrifice summon bursts, and suddenly took the two broken Formation cones in his hands and did not completely put them inside the mountainside. The 2nd array is destroyed.

Then the great array of sacrifices urged to take out the countless arc blood sacrifice mountains within the valley of the creatures, and when the blood refinement drawn reached a certain level, they flew unscrupulously above the sky and forced them out. The force of breaking the interface tried to bring the Ancient Devil beast ice armor corpse dragon summon into this world.

It's just that the Formation is far less effective than expected. The Ancient Devil beast ice armor corpse dragon is too big, and the round gap of ten zhang is just enough to poke a right claw out. The troublesome thing, now that there is a gap in the space, the Ancient Devil beast, the ice armor corpse dragon, can forcefully dig out of the gap in the large space on the other side.

Yi Tian can't wait to turn around and break the Formation to get rid of the remaining Formation nodes, because at this time the mountain within the valley has gone through a period of blood sacrifice, and the strength of Thunder is more intense. I was a lot weaker before, and I don't need to avoid the edge for a while when I am in it.

It's just that the two post-fit cultivators flying behind me can't tolerate myself being distracted anymore. The lonely and lonely Avatar of the great heavenly demon alone is hard enough to deal with, plus a Yellow Springs guard, Second Elder, Rao Ruilin.

It's just that he didn't say a word from start to finish after seeing Rui Lin this time, and after the previous Sunset City meeting, I don't know what his position is at this moment.

After listening to the loneliness of Dugu, Yi Tian dismissed it and said: "Dugu senior, I respect you as a powerful cultivator of Demon Race, and once talked about it with you. Do things today have to be in other worlds? Are the creatures involved in it? You must know that if this spirit falls on Spirit Realm, it will lose of life. This is inconsistent with the previous agreement between the demon saint and the three Sect Founders."

"Look, kid You also know the true intention of our Demon Race invasion. Unfortunately, the scale of this battle is much smaller than expected. If this situation is still maintained, then our goal this time will not be achieved," Dugu Lonely shouted coldly : "If you are lucky enough to be in a realm like ours, you will know our difficulties."

"Speaking of which, you still vent all the pressure coefficients from Immortal World to the lower cultivator that's all," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "I naturally disagree with this matter. If I want to stop the Ancient Devil beast ice armor corpse dragon from the lower realm today, it seems that I still have to do a few tricks with Dugu senior before this. That’s it."

"Then you have to see if you have this ability," Dugu Lonely is coldly snorted and said: "With your strength, I am afraid of my Avatar. At most, you can fight evenly matched, but I don’t know if you will be able to accept the three major late cultivators at the same time."

"Three," Yi Tian said emotionally, while divine sense slightly moved to discover Next to the lonely Avatar, the debut ripples appeared out of thin air, and then the Avatar of the Demon Saint suddenly appeared here.

It’s surprising that I didn’t notice the appearance of the Avatar before. Needless to say, he used the spatial spell divine ability. There was suspicion in his eyes, but he said: "This is not the Space Divine Ability of Taiqing Pavilion, but the method of time and space travel lost in the Heavenly Immortal Palace in the past. Violent, who are you and why are you like this? divine ability spell."

Before Bao Chen could answer, Dugu Lonely said with a smile: "Finally, someone with eyesight came. Didn't expect to recognize this technique at a glance. Speaking of which you Trigram Fire Sect, being the head of the Spirit Realm three sects, is also a joke. In front of the Heavenly Immortal Palace, there are only three sub-temples that's all. I dare to impudent when I meet the Zong family."

As soon as Yi Tian's complexion changed rapidly, Dugu Lonely's words contained a lot of information. What is the Zong Family? Why does the dignified Demon Sage Boiler actually use the Divine Ability Art cultivation of the Heavenly Immortal Palace to be such a Major Perfection.

Yi Tian frowned slightly, facing the two late stage cultivators and an unidentified Yellow Springs guard Second Elder Luo Ruilin, he also lost his heart.

Who knows that Baotian Avatar is frowned and said without a trace: "It's useless to say less, this kid is Wuye's successor. The theory that strength is Spirit Realm is the most likely to become the fourth. A reserve candidate for the Mahayana Stage cultivator."

At this point, Dugu Lonely calmed down, and then respectfully said: "Yes, listen to Old Ancestor's instructions."

See The reaction of Dugu Lonely Yi Tian also has a lot of thoughts in his heart, didn't expect dignified Great heavenly demon Dugu Lonely is so respectful in front of the demon saint storm. Thinking back about their identities and relationships is naturally worthy of scrutiny.

"I have been to the Old Feng City of Taiqingge Qing Dynasty, and I have seen Miao Dizi and his discipline in Inside the City Lord Mansion." Yi Tian jumped out of his mouth for no apparent reason. The sentence: "I also saw the quarrel between Miao Tiezi and his disciple in those years. If I didn’t guess wrong, you would not be Miao Tiezi senior, but his dísciple. I guessed right. It's not right."

"It seems that you still have some strength, it seems that you also know a lot of the secrets of Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace," Dugu Lonely once again opened the mouth and said: "I just don't know. You have learned a little bit of the Absolute Art of the Heavenly Immortal Palace."

After talking about the loneliness, Avatar suddenly soared by three points and directly displayed the heavenly demon. His heavenly demon real body is stronger than the one Yi Tian has seen before, and there is no trace of the demon evil force on his body.

After three breaths, I saw a zhang high heavenly demon figure standing in front of him, with two huge horns on his head and his skin showing dark gold and black lustre. The whole person all around three feet has formed a domain space, and his gestures will not be affected by the spiritual power here.

Faced with such a character, Yi Tian naturally didn't dare to be careless, after extending the hand, the Asura Transformation appeared. Four arms and two heads grew out of the neck under the ribs. At the same time, they took out the "Purple Flame Wind-Lightning Fan, Taiyuan Wooden Sword, Dragon Tortoise Armor Shield, and Zixiaozhan." '

In the face of these three late cultivators' pincers, there is absolutely no reason for me to keep my hands. At this time, Yi Tian doesn't care whether he can crack the blood sacrifice summon array behind him. If you can escape from the attack of the three people, you are already weak and lucky.

Seeing what I look like, the Avatar of the Demon Sacred Pokron was also slightly startled and said: "Didn't expect you to learn the cultivation technique of the Asura world. As expected, the three of us are definitely not one-on-one. Your opponent. It’s just that you know the disadvantages of this cultivation technique better than I do. It’s quick to fight and hesitate."

After the last word in the mouth pops out, the big heavenly demon and the loneliness is just knowing. Said with a smile: "Old Ancestor said, "You guys, we know all about your weaknesses. Today, let me meet you, Spirit Realm's first Integration Stage cultivator."

Standing at the same time On the one hand, Rui Lin, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly said: "Yi Tian, ​​you owe me a favor, and I hope you will keep your promise in the future."

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