Just as Yi Tian sneaked into the Demon Race occupation area in disguise, the Spiritual Alliance launched a full-scale counterattack. For a time, Demon Race, which bloomed on the border between the two sides, was tired of coping. .

As a result, the Demon Race army has to send high-rank cultivator to the front line for reinforcements. This happens to allow Yi Tian to not have to face the Integration Stage cultivator.

After sneaking into the ancient summon formation, Yi Tian found that the mountain within the valley was equipped with a giant Formation. After checking it out, Yi Tian couldn’t help feeling sigh. No wonder it took two weeks to complete the work, but it’s so huge. There are bound to be many defects under the hasty project.

Yi Tian knew that his opportunity was coming, and after converging the spiritual pressure fluctuations, he dropped the cloud head and sneaked into it quietly. Soon after passing through the long and narrow passage outside the valley, I finally came to the area where the large formation was arranged, and quickly shuttled through it along the mountain road. After Yi Tian glanced over the formation mark of all around, his complexion became more and more ugly.

The esoteric formation mark on this ground is written in Demon Realm, and I have naturally recognized it in Demon Realm for many years. The ability to place such a formation mark shows that the Array Master who is in charge of the big array is not weak, and that he is coming to this world in the summon Ancient Devil beast. Although Yi Tian doesn't know what kind of demonic beast will summon come out, it is not a good thing anyway.

After walking through several li, Yi Tian directly found a sealed Cave Mansion, broke the ban and sneaked into it, and found that it was a Demon Race cultivator in the mid-distraction stage. With a wave of his hand, the Demon Race in front of him directly destroyed the corpse and evidence. Later, his eyes stayed on the jade slip talking on the ground and couldn't move away.

The engraved on this jade slip is the formation diagram of the ancient array. According to the content recorded above, as long as the ground vein is connected and the blood sacrifice is used to depict the formation, the summon Ancient Ominous Beast can be summoned. . Such creatures were originally the products of Ice Dragon's corpse transformation after death. They are extremely cruel and bloodthirsty.

If this thing comes to this world, it will inevitably be another toss. I'm afraid it takes three Mahayana Stage cultivators to subdue this beast. After reading through the formation diagram on the ground, Yi Tian's mouth twitches slightly. Even if the summon comes out, the rare beast cannot be easily controlled.

This invasion of the Demon Race army seems to have recognized the situation a long time ago, so we simply come to a both sides suffer game. No matter how bad they are, they can return to Demon Realm, and Lingxiu still has to clean up the mess they left behind. It's really unhappy that they don't make their opponents feel better.

After carefully studying this jade slip Formation, Yi Tian has a plan in his mind. Although this summon formation is powerful in formidable power, it is not invulnerable. In addition, there must be a lot of Formation nodes that are easy to be broken when arranged in a hurry. According to the formation diagram, there are six nodes in the ancient summon Formation. You can destroy the Formation by destroying two of them.

By then, the person who presided over the Formation will not be able to turn it around even if he has great ability.

After having a plan in his heart, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to form the printing technique and transformed himself into the appearance of the demonic cultivator in Cave Mansion just now. Then turned around to open the restriction and walked out swaggeringly.

After coming to the outside world, Yi Tian found that there seemed to be no who was flying in the air. All the demonic cultivators involved in arranging Formation walked on two legs in the mountain within the valley. Recalling the content on the Formation jade slip, Yi Tian didn't notice any description of no-flying. But you can't suddenly stand alone, otherwise it's easy to be noticed by others.

After a short walk, I came to the vicinity of the first node shown on the Formation map. Yi Tian raised his head and glanced over in front of him and found that there were two distracting Early-Stage demonic cultivators guarding here. It's not difficult to get in quietly, but if it is the top secret shot to modify the formation mark on the Formation node, it takes some means.

Moreover, what worries Yi Tian the most is the unsurfaced Integration Stage demonic cultivator, such as the unseen Integration Stage demonic cultivator, the shameless cultivator, the demon saint and the lonely Avatar. As long as I act rashly here, I'm afraid that the other party will soon notice something wrong. If I want to leave Yi Tian calmly under the three combined late cultivators, I don't have the ability to ask myself.

If I want to stop, I slowly walked forward and pretended to inspect the formation. The two Divided Spirit Stage demonic cultivators next to it were just a gesture of courtesy: "I have seen Master Hao, you Why did Fan come here?"

It seems that they are calling the Array Master they pretended to be. Yi Tian said solemnly: "I will check the formation base."

The two waiting demonic cultivator hearing this looked slightly slower and then stopped talking. Yi Tian strode into the Formation node, and the divide sense found out and searched all around all around, and later extended the hand to take out two broken Formation cones and directly penetrated into two weak arrays after activation. Within the node.

After the sound of'sou sou', the two broken Formation cones turned into a slender white light and immediately pierced the formation mark. The Formation node looked like paper, and after a breath, the entire node flashed back to its original shape.

After finishing this, Yi Tian turned around with satisfaction and prepared to leave to destroy the next Formation node. According to the Formation jade slip, the six nodes need at least five activations before they can be activated. As long as you destroy any two of them, you can completely disrupt the Demon Race plan.

After leaving the node, Yi Tian didn't say much to move towards the location of the next node. The second node closest to him was halfway through the stone wall of the valley. Yi Tian walked all the way and found that many demonic cultivators were escorting cultivators preparing for blood sacrifice all the way.

Among them, the overwhelming majority are Spirit Realm loose cultivator, and their strength is about Nascent Soul Stage or even Golden Core Stage. It seems that this time in order to start such a blood sacrifice ancient formation Demon Race cultivator, it took a lot of effort to collect these spiritual practices.

As we walked, a group of patrolmen suddenly appeared oncoming, led by a mid-distraction cultivator. Yi Tian looked intently to see that he had met De Yan Tong last time. Behind him were four Divine Transformation Stage demonic cultivators, whose strength was around the Divine Transformation Stage, but none of them belonged to the Demon Race.

After seeing himself, Yan Tong was taken aback for a moment and then hurriedly stepped forward to the inspector and asked: "Master Hao is not in the Cave Mansion to retreat and has to come out for inspection, is there anything else here to end? "

"Fellow Daoist I trust you have been well since we last met last time in Kuisha Cave," Yi Tian is a lightly saying.

Yan Tong is hearing this but the person behind him is instructed: "You go first. Master Hao and I have something to say."

All around patrol members naturally dare not have He disagrees, hurriedly stepped forward for a paid respect, then turned and left. However, a surprised look flashed in Yan Tong's eyes, and then he said: "Master Hao, please follow me."

The two walked all the way to the next Formation node and turned around and entered directly. Go to the temporary Cave Mansion nearby. After entering, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to open the restraint and said with a smile: "Why are you still here, Yantong, why not wait for the opportunity to return to Demon Realm?"

"Sect Master, save me," Yan Tong Hearing this hurriedly knelt down and shouted: "Once the blood sacrifice array here arouses all the creatures in it, all the creatures in it will be affected by Formation and drained of spiritual power. I don't want to die here."

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