When I came to the deepest part of the Library Building of Taiqing Pavilion, didn't expect to meet Zhou Feiyang, Master Xiang Donghui again. Earlier, Yi Tian found out that Zhou Feiyang had disappeared eight hundred years ago, and most people even thought that his proud dísciple Xiang Donghui had been in reincarnation.

Didn't expect that he will be stationed in the deepest part of the Sect Scriptures Depository Building as a living dead. In Yi Tian's mind, he didn't think he would do this casually, he must have obtained Master Wuyuan's permission to stay here.

After getting his permission, Yi Tian took the token and was able to open the deepest book collection space in the Scriptures Depository Building of Taiqing Pavilion. After arriving in the inner middle, I found that the jade slip cultivation technique divine ability included in this inner middle is far beyond what the outside world can see.

Not only is the content recorded in the cultivation technique jade slip more comprehensive, I have taken the Space Divine Ability of'so close, yet worlds apart' for cultivation, didn’t expect it What remains is the original, and it is mentioned in the inside that this secret ability of divine ability is just the first half of the cultivation technique of'Time and Space Reverse'.

It's ridiculous to think about myself. The Space Divine Ability of the cultivation thought it was the divine ability of the Taiqing Pavilion. Didn't expect it was just entered.

As for this jade slip, there is no record of the second half of the'time and space retrospect', but there is a complete record in the cultivation technique retained by Feng Lingzi. So far, Yi Tian didn't want to be entangled in this issue. After skimming the cultivation technique jade slip, he went directly to the second half of the library space. After the divine sense was expanded, he quickly found the area recorded in historical materials.

speaking of which This is the main purpose of my visit this time, after locking the area, Yi Tian silhouette flashed over to those bookshelves. I glanced over again and found that hundreds of large and small jade slips were stored intact here. The bookshelves are marked in chronological order, with historical records dating back tens of thousands of years from now on and even the days of the Heavenly Immortal Palace.

Yi Tian was happy after seeing it, and then walked forward to retrieve it from the nearest jade slip. Divine sense swept through and was surprised to find that the historical records here have not even pulled down the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect and Lihuo Palace.

Retrieved from the shelf on the side of the Fire Palace and found that the date recorded on the most recent one was a recent event. He took off the jade slip and quickly looked it up in his palm. Soon Yi Tian flashed a trace of bright light in his eyes, and didn't expect found his name in it. This jade slip clearly records the experience of entering and leaving the Fire Palace that year. Although many details are omitted, the battle for leaving the Fire Palace is recorded.

Even Delihuo and Eldest Senior Brother Ji Xuanyuan have detailed descriptions of how they fought with them. Eventually Wuye Sect Founder appeared, and the situation where the Jieding monk arrived was not overlooked.

After this, it was recorded that Ji Xuanyuan's life essence exhausted his soldiers into reincarnation, and Hua Yuxin entered the lord and left the fire palace to become his spokesperson. Needless to say, these news should be collected here after the Taiqing Pavilion dísciple was collected and compiled by Zhou Feiyang, who was sitting outside the door.

Go forward and back again until there is no record of news about yourself after a thousand years. So Yi Tian had a secretly thought in his heart: "It seems that what is recorded here is only a major event that occurred in Spirit Realm, and the deeds after he soared to Immortal World should not have been completely recorded. '

If it records the major event in Spirit Realm, then four thousand years ago, "Fei Xian Yin" fell from Immortal World to this world, the news of Asura clan Luoque and Qianlingzi are It will not be recorded. After such thoughts flashed in his mind, Yi Tian directly glanced over the bookshelf in front of him, and quickly found the record of the area from four thousand to five thousand years.

There are about hundreds of jade slips stored here. After scanning with divine sense, Yi Tian found that the above was simply labeled with sect as the classification. Among them, the jade slip of three sects accounted for the majority, and that of Feiyu Sword Sect and Taiqing Pavilion was nearly three-quarters that many. As for the rest is information about small and medium Sect and loose cultivator.

Skip these jade slips directly. Yi Tian just took out the jade slips of Feiyu Sword Sect and put them on the forehead in turn and read them through quickly with divine sense. Soon I found the answer I was looking for in an unremarkable jade slip record.

Open the jade slip and spread it in his palm. Yi Tian began to read it carefully. At the same time, I also found that when my mind was looking for such news, the seal in the Niwan Palace that hadn't been moved for a long time would actually arouse the slightest electric energy.

I secretly shouted inwardly in my heart. It seemed that I didn't find the wrong direction. Reading Yi Tian along the content of the jade slip, two familiar names suddenly appeared in front of him, Luo Que and Qianlingzi. Of course, Luo Que's name appeared much more often than Qianlingzi.

In this jade slip, you can see that Luo Que, as an Asura cultivator, suddenly appeared in Spirit Realm 4,500 years ago. His whereabouts have been hidden in the Spirit Realm for quite some time. It's just that Luo Que seems to be able to avoid the view of Three Great Sects and try to search the area where Small Sect is located.

In the jade slip, it is mentioned that the Asura cultivator has not set foot in the Spirit Realm for five thousand years. This time, it is obvious that the cultivator of the Asura family is looking for something. '

Seeing the slightly smiled on Yi Tian's face here for no reason, I knew Luo Que's purpose very clearly in my heart. The sudden appearance of the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator like him in Spirit Realm will naturally cause a lot of attention. Fortunately, he hasn't made any excessive actions so that he can get along well.

Next, Yi Tian saw the words of Qianlingzi. The jade slip mentioned that in order to monitor such a powerhouse, Scarlet Sword Sect and Taiqing Pavilion naturally sent the elite dísciple to investigate. . Only afterwards the Taiqing Pavilion dísciple and the lost person returned to sect to return to life. As for the Qianlingzi of Sword Sect, he lost his trace.

Needless to say, this is a record of the situation when Luo Que and Qianlingzi broke the interface gap and fell to the lower bound together. At this point, the jade slip is also unscathed and there is no more description in the end.

After reading it, Yi Tian showed a knowing smile on his face and then put the jade slip away and put it back on the original shelf.

Since the affairs of Luo Que and Qianlingzi have become a mystery for years, then I don’t need to mention them anymore and let their names be submerged in the long history of Spirit Realm. Anyway, a little news about the disappearance of the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator often happens.

Turn his head to Yi Tian, ​​and then follow the label to look up the bookshelf of historical records about ten thousand years ago. There are a lot of jade slips on it, and on the cover are engraved records of the last devastating war. It’s just that the author is from Taiqing Pavilion cultivator to Feiyu Sword Sect, which is different from Fire Palace. What is more, there are several authors who are Spirit Realm loose cultivator.

They naturally recorded the disaster process of the year from different aspects. Yi Tian was very concerned about this, and then reached out and took down these jade slips and read them one by one.

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