During the conversation with Gui Ruilin, Yi Tian faintly discovered that the other party seemed to rely on him. You must know that the Netherworld is the territory of the Great Emperor You Ming madness, and he has killed himself before One of his Avatars, if you go there, it will definitely arouse his hostility. Moreover, the Netherworld is a maddening territory. If you rushed forward, it is tantamount to sending a lamb in a tiger's den.

After that, Yi Tian opened his mouth and started Tai Chi, and did not want to deal with it in every possible way.

"There is a Secret Realm of Immortal World fragments in the Netherworld. I have a map of the fragments and give it to Sect Master," Luo Ruilin reached out and took out a brocade box and handed it over. "This is a fragment of the map. If you can get the whole map together, you may find that opportunity, but exploring in the Netherworld will definitely match up with the madman. Yi Sect Master will never miss out on your character. A chance of Immortal World."

As soon as this remark, a trace of bright light flashed in Yi Tian's eyes. It seems that the things in this jade box are not Xibei goods. It's just that Luo Ruilin also said that it was a fragment of the map, so wouldn't he have to figure out a way to put together the entire map.

Weighed Yi Tian sighed and said: "Such good intentions are in my heart, but this map fragment still needs to be completed. This effort alone will take a lot of time."

Luo Ruilin didn't seem to have spoken and listened, extend the hand to pull the talisman off the jade box seal and gently lift the lid. Immediately I saw a piece of fist sized animal skin. Obviously, this can't be counted as a fragment of a map, only the size of a baby's palm. But after Yi Tian's gaze swept over, he couldn't do without this map fragment. Obviously, the material of the fragmented animal skin was exactly the same as that of the animal skin map in his storage ring.

Besides, I still use the ban talisman to lock it in the jade box. If I open it, this thing will definitely echo in the distance. It seems that Luo Ruilin has also spent a lot of money, but he can't check that place by himself, but he left it to himself.

I want to stop thinking about it. Yi Tian pretended to be nonchalant and clicked nodded and said: "Since Fellow Daoist Ning Shengyi Fist, then I can't refuse. But I have something to say before I will only when the time is right. Later, I went to the Netherworld. As for the support and support, Wenchang was just taking advantage of the trend. And I have no intention to dominate the order of the Netherworld."

Xiao Ruilin said with a smile: "Of course it is. Thing, if the guards of Yellow Springs can’t support the new Saint Sovereign, it’s also their lack of strength. I know the madness is obsessed with becoming a complete Mahayana Stage cultivator, so he will definitely follow you to the Immortal World fragment. As long as he leaves, It's an excellent time for the guards of Yellow Springs to take action."

"Does Fellow Daoist Ning mean to let me be a bait to drive away the madness?" Yi Tian said displeased.

"Can't say that," Luo Ruilin waved his hand and said: "Easy Sect Master, you can move freely in the Underworld, and you can explore the fragments of Immortal World independently. Then the fragments of Immortal World are The real bait, as long as Yi Sect Master opens the door, I believe the madman will follow."

"It seems that I have to accept your favor." Yi Tian said with a greasy expression on his face.

"Yi Sect Master doesn’t need to be angry, the old man would say that with certainty, and if you want you to show my favor, it will take some thought, but I I believe that you are a person of value emotion, value friendship and you will definitely keep your promises," said Rui Lin, who stood up and bowed his hands again, then turned around and strode out.

Yi Tian didn't stop him, just savoring the meaning of his words carefully, after ten breaths, the silhouette of Gui Ruilin disappeared in the hall. Shaoqin all around the prohibition was removed. Then there was a rush of footsteps. Yi Tian looked up and saw that Hua Yuxin was walking from the gate of the other courtyard with a few people behind him. Then he stretched out his raised hand and closed the lid of the jade box in front of him. Included in the storage ring.

I saw people coming into the hall to pay respect. After Huayuxin went to the previous paragraph, he asked: "When did the Husband come, why don't you find someone to pass it on."

Yi Tian looked up and saw that Hua Yuxin is in a military uniform today. As the Hua Family Supreme Elder, it is natural to be a decent talent. Today is another great day for the Hua Family to get married with the Xiang family. As the host family, she will naturally be there. Behind them were Hua Yuxin and Cui Fuling. They are quite good match now, wearing red robe like parents, so the main things of Hua Family have expired.

"Have you all seen that person just now?" Yi Tian opened the mouth and said for no reason.

"Is that Nascent Soul Stage loose cultivator?" Hua Yuxin hurriedly replied: "I didn't stop him when I saw that he was extraordinary. Do I need to send someone to call?"

"No, that is Yellow Springs guard Second Elder cultivator Luo Ruilin, what ability do you have to stop him," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "It was obviously he who brought me to talk today. Just leave it."

The three people in front of them suddenly fell silent, and there was only one Great Cultivator in the entire Spirit Realm in the later stage of the integration, which is not common. But today I saw two at once, but their faces didn't show any surprised look.

Hua Yuxin said with a straight look: "Whether the Husband finds out if there is any high-rank cultivator visiting, let me know if I can wait for a bit."

"No need, only Rao Ruilin is visiting today," Yi Tian waved his hand and said: "All the teams in the Taiqing Pavilion to send relatives are here, and newcomers come in. You can also go busy. I will sit here for a while, you can first Go ahead."

"Will Husband return to the sect directly or stay in this mansion for a while?" Hua Yuxin asked tentatively.

After the devil disaster broke out, the two people also gathered less and separated more, so Yi Tian naturally understood what Hua Yuxin said. Later I looked at it and said, "The evil disaster has not yet subsided, and I need to do my duty. But since I am free now, I can also take a break in Sunset City. This is my first stop after my ascension. I’m in Spirit Realm’s hometown."

After listening, Hua Yuxin's expression was happy and hurriedly replied: "The concubine will go down and take care of it. Please Husband to move to the backyard Cave Mansion later."


After clicking nodded Yi Tian, ​​he stretched out his hands and gestured for the three to leave first, and he began to think about what Luo Ruilin had just said. Obviously, just such a generous gift can't let himself take the initiative to support Wenchang's superiors, presumably Luo Ruilin also knows. It's just that he dared to place such a heavy note that he also found a lot of clues in Qin Huaige's divination.

At least his own information must have appeared in the words of Bu Yan, and Ruilin will definitely have a back hand, maybe he will let himself sign a love for him. These are just his own wishful thinking. Yi Tian also doesn't know how the situation will develop in the future. After sighed, he is still very popular and opened the soundproof Formation. Then I took out the broken map from the storage ring, and at the same time took out the palm-size fragment.

After the golden light flashed, the two things re-fused and appeared in front of me. A complete set of animal skins was engraved with a map on which was written'Luo ​​Chongtian' in the Golden Seal Script. '

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