On the top of Qionghuaxieqing Tianfeng Mountain, the hand-handling between Yi Tian and Scarlet Demon kicked off. Both of them are the number one battle strength of both genie and demon. Sooner or later in the disaster, we must match up.

Today's fight in this Secret Realm is naturally open without the influence of others, and both sides skipped the probing stage and took the guy's real thing and started doing it.

The black polished blade in the air and the blade of azure showed up and down as soon as they touched. Under such circumstances, Yi Tian did not dare to keep his hands. Controlling the sword filaments in his hand intertwined into a net, all the magic light blades that will strike in the future are caught.

The Scarlet Eye Demon on the opposite side is not a general, seeing that the formidable power of the two sides are similar, the battle axe in the hands is split again, so the corners of the mouth are inadvertently revealed with a cruel smile.

After the second wave of the magic blade came, Yi Tian also once again sacrificed the mutter incantations in the mouth of the Taiyuan wooden sword and said: "Hey." In an instant, thousands of sword silks were combined into a solid lightsaber. Fly away with the opponent's light blade, this time learning the previous lesson, Yi Tian gathered the scattered spiritual power and pushed away the magic light blade that was flying in front of him one after another.

Seeing the corner of Scarlet Eye Demon's mouth smile from a distance, Yi Tian suddenly felt a chill. At this time, a scarlet's magic light blade and Taiyuan wooden sword attacked and flew directly past the moved towards the position where his deity was.

The bloody light blade flew eagerly and quickly after splitting the void and accurately hit Yi Tian in front of him, exploding into a debut destroying heaven extinguishing earth with a thunderous sound. After the "hong" sound, the black smoke dissipated and saw the red light blade hit the protective shield in the air. In the middle, Yi Tian held the Dragon Tortoise armor shield to withstand it.

The strength of the hand's power shook and directly smashed the blood blade in front of him. Yi Tian was coldly snorted and said: "The blood path cultivation technique, didn't expect the one-eyed Demon Race cultivator will also take care of it. Other people’s divine ability, I really looked down on you."

"Your strength is not weak, you can actually block my deadly move at the crucial moment," Scarlet Demon Said with surprise on his face.

I didn't finish speaking, I just felt that all around the unremarkable blue silk in the air, the Scarlet Demon didn't dare to carelessly held the battle axe in his hand and formed a blood-colored defensive cover after raising it in front of him. As soon as the defensive cover took out, it made a'Zizi' sound after a breath, and a blue silk was stuck on the defensive cover and couldn't make any progress.

The Scarlet Eye Demon hurriedly picked up the battle axe in his hand and smashed the cyan ray silk away, and then yelled: "You spiritual practitioners will be tricked in secret, how is it like our Demon Race? The man is just and honorable."

"The Scarlet Demon's words are very bad. The so-called all's fair in war. Since we are fighting against each other today, we naturally show our ability. If we have any special skills, we can use it, lest If you lose, you still need to find an excuse," Yi Tian snort disdainfully said.

"Okay, since that's the case, then I'm not welcome," the Scarlet Demon said with one-handed seal and then suddenly pulled all around the spiritual power. At the same time, his entire body began to swell, and his hands and feet were soaring that he was twice as thick as the original, and his body grew suddenly and became a three-zhang high Little Giant. The three-foot-sized battle axe also transformed into two long-handled axes about one zhang.

This kind of cultivation technique is a bit like Heavenly Demon Clan's cultivation technique'heavenly demon change', but its own spiritual pressure strength is soaring linearly and twice as strong as before.

Suddenly several afterimages flashed in the air, the Scarlet Eye Demon swung the battle axe in his hand and rushed over, and hit the axe of momentum is big, power is deep where Yi Tian was.

Demon Race Innate is known for its powerful fleshy body, and the most primordial attack method like Scarlet Demon is also extremely effective. After Yi Tian saw it, he knew that he couldn't avoid it and had to raise the Dragon Tortoise armor shield in his hand on top of his head. The spiritual power in his body swiftly spins up and injects into the Spiritual Artifact, forming an azure halo defense five feet away in front of him.

'sou sou' sounded loudly, that seemingly simple axe directly disrupted all around the space, after slicing Yi Tian’s Dragon Tortoise armor shield defense, it took this as the center to sacrifice. spiritual power 罡风.

Yi Tian only felt that someone had slammed the top of his head, and the blow of momentum is big, power is deep was directly transmitted to the sides of both ears through the Dragon Tortoise armor shield. Fortunately, his cultivation base is not low and forcibly caught the opponent's killer blow.

He put a staggered figure outside the spiritual power on his hand and flew to the other side to get a distance from the Scarlet Demon. But before I had a chance to breathe, the divine sense realized that the other party was catching up again.

Don’t look at the Scarlet Eye Demon now like a Little Giant with three zhang highs, but his movements are not slow at all, and he is up to three points faster than his normal size, and his strength is more than twice as powerful. .

After dodge in the air for a while, Yi Tian knew that he could no longer be passively beaten like this. After the fast knot in his hands, the golden light all over his body was flourishing, and a faint white halo flashed on his skin, and a corona behind him Appeared to perform Buddhist Sect golden sun body method.

After putting the Taiyuan Wooden Sword in the hand, there was a lotus mark on both hands, pēng pēng pēng hundreds of white Jingshihualians appeared in the air inexplicably, covering themselves.

The Scarlet Eye Demon rushed again under the distortion of the void behind him, raised the battle axe in his hand and looked at Yi Tian's back. It's just that after the tomahawk fell this time, it was held up front by a dozen white lotus, and after it fell to three feet, it couldn't make any further progress.

At the same time, a golden light wave agitated in the air, followed by the ringing of crisp bells, and then ran away on the Scarlet Demon.

With a sound of'Zila', the battle axe started to vibrate slightly and accompanied by a lot of black evil spirits. The Scarlet Eye Demon saw turn pale with fright, and from the corner of his eyes, Yi Tian was holding a three-inch golden bell constantly shaking, and his lips moved quickly to recite the spell, and those spells blurted out in Jin Under the blessing of the bell, they turned into big golden characters and flew out.

These characters contain a large amount of Buddhist Sect spiritual power. Once touched, they have a natural restraining effect on the evil spirits. Continuously suck out the evil spirits on the battle axe to purify them.

At the same time, under the constant attack of golden light waves, every time it passes the Scarlet Demon, it more or less takes away a lot of evil spirits. At this time, Scarlet Demon had to take the initiative to withdraw the battle axe to avoid the sharp edge, but he found that the battle axe couldn't be moved, it seemed that it was stuck in a dozen white lotus.

At the same time, the white lotus on the body under Yi Tian's continuous casting and urging all quickly rose up and hugged the battle axe, and finally forced the Scarlet Demon to abandon the Spiritual Artifact in his hand and retreat alone. beyond hundred zhang.

This is the first time since he entered Spirit Realm that he suffered a dark loss in fighting against people. The facial expression grave of the Scarlet Demon who flew to the distance seemed to have a single eye wandering around in the eye socket for a few times. Is thinking about the countermeasures.

Don't listen to him shouted in a deep voice: "didn't expect dignified Spirit Realm three sects. The Great Cultivator will use the Buddhist Sect cultivation technique in the late stage of the integration. Isn't the entire Spirit Realm empty?" "

"You use less aggressive methods, and I won't take this one too." After the air Jingshi Hualian slowly retracted, Yi Tian put away the Brahma golden bell in his hand and stopped the sky. The sound secret technique interface said: "No matter what cultivation technique divine ability can be used to defeat you, and the Scarlet Demon, you seem to be using the blood path cultivation technique. This is the notorious Divine Ability spell, didn't expect you privately. It is also related to the blood corpse Old Demon."

"This can only be rare and strange to you. Isn't it possible that only the blood corpse Old Demon can use this blood cultivation technique under the sky?" Scarlet Demon said with disdain.

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