Yi Tian inadvertently found a Taoist temple in the Qionghua pavilion. After in-depth exploration, he discovered that it was inextricably related to Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace. Yi Tian found a stone tablet engraved with Golden Seal Script among the incomplete remains of the Taoist Temple.

After reading the above text, I discovered that the Space Divine Ability remaining in the Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace is definitely better than the Space Secret Technique divine ability of Taiqing Pavilion today'so close, yet worlds apart' Stronger is more powerful.

I originally wanted to put this stone tablet into the storage ring and wait until I went out to find time to check it carefully, but what I didn’t expect was that I picked up the stone tablet and was sucked into it for no reason. In the space opened up inside.

Here, Yi Tian saw several illusory shadows, but unfortunately none of them knew him. When thinking of getting out of trouble first, he would display the Divine Ability Art of so close, yet worlds apart. The gap that can be opened is too small. And it closed quickly. If you can't find the right way to get out of trouble, don't you have to be trapped here for the rest of your life until your life essence is exhausted.

So far, Yi Tian also showed some unnatural looks on his face. After trying several times of'so close, yet worlds apart' divine ability, the effect was worse than each time.

After a few times, Yi Tian also stopped first and then turned around to look at the several illusory shadows in front of him again. I counted a total of seven people. They are all divine poise and sagelike features, and their outfits are quite different from Spirit Realm cultivator. After Yi Tian's mind turned around quickly, after ten breaths, he found a jade slip from the storage ring and spread it out in his hands and inquired carefully.

He is holding the Chronicle of Spirit Realm and the "Luo Heavenly Immortal Gongyi Wenlu" carved from the Monster Realm Nine-Immortals Mountain library. From this jade slip, you can find the corresponding description. It turns out that the costumes worn by the cultivator of the Heavenly Immortal Palace are similar to the illusory shadow in front of them. Needless to say, the people in front of this should be the seniors in Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace.

If it is a single theory of origin, Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace can be regarded as the source of his own orthodoxy, and Spirit Realm three sects are all born here.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian straightened up his clothes and walked forward once, starting from the first illusory shadow to pay the worship service. In front of each illusory shadow, Yi Tian is three kneelings and nine knocks. Later generations visit the dísciple, while still chanting: "dísciple Luo Heavenly Immortal, the branch of the palace, Taiqing Pavilion dísciple Yi Tian, ​​has seen the ancestors of the previous sects. If you are stuck here, please sect the ancestors to give pointers on how to break it. After going out, dísciple will definitely try to find the remains of the Heavenly Immortal Palace, and further rebuild the Immortal Palace’s majesty in the past."

That's the way it is said, but whether it can be done or not, it is still a matter of two points, but the first thing to say is to show your own thoughts.

After the worship was over, Yi Tian got up and sighed in his mouth, gently shook the head and didn't know what to do next.

Suddenly a deep voice came from the pitch black space: "So you are the dísciple of the Heavenly Immortal Palace. Why do you have the characteristics of Demon Race?"

" I don’t know where the senior is?" Yi Tian hurriedly stood up and replied, neither humble nor arrogant: "What is being performed below is the cultivation technique of the gods and demons. At this time, it appears as a demon body, but the deity is a spiritual body."

After speaking, Yi Tian stretched out his hands and knotted the seal on his chest and said in his mouth: "Change," In an instant, all the evil spirits on the body were recovered and replaced by a pure spiritual power. After recovering his own deity, Yi Tian flashed in his eyes and looked at all around the space, but couldn't find the source of that voice.

Later, I just listened to the deep voice sounding again: "Sure enough, it is the younger dísciple of cultivated Immortal Palace Absolute Art. Your cultivation base is even worse than the person who came in last time. ."

"Last time, was it the master of precepts or Crown Prince Qiu Yu," Yi Tian said in his mouth: "Dare to ask senior how to call it?"

"My name is'Monarch Beast'. I originally fell from the Heavenly Immortal Palace in the Upper Realm to the Spirit Realm," the voice replied.

"Beastmaster senior is polite," Yi Tian secretly said in one's heart: "It seems that I have met a nobleman. It seems that this senior is proficient in Heavenly Immortal Palace's Sumi Space Divine Ability, It’s a lot better than myself. And it’s from Immortal World. Naturally, I know a lot. If he can guide him to advance to the Mahayana Stage, that’s just around the corner."

"Wheel life essence I can be your senior. I see you score the same sect and treat you Sect Founders for the sake of three kneelings and nine bows, so let’s let you go,” said the space in front of you suddenly opened up. A gap three feet high.

Obviously, this is going to drive people away, Yi Tian suddenly knows that if he no longer expresses his thoughts at this time, I am afraid that he will miss this opportunity. But the exit is right in front of you. If you are unable to tell good from bad and insist on staying, maybe you will be trapped here forever.

I want to stop clenched the teeth moved towards in the void beside me and said: "Dare to ask the beastmaster senior to show up, and Junior will also be able to see the true face of senior."

"You can see it after you come out," the deep voice sounded again.

Speaking of this, Yi Tian can't stand anymore, and then he turned around and jumped out of the gap in that space. After coming to the outside world, I found that I was still back to where the original stone tablet was. The scene of all around hasn’t changed. Yi Tian took a step forward and looked at it before asking: "Beastmaster senior, don’t you know if you are still there?"

"Boy, you step on me ," Beast Lord's voice came again.

Yi Tian's mind was clouded, and he hurriedly took a step back, looking down at him as if he had stepped on the stone tablet before. After reaching out to lift the stone tablet up, Yi Tian said in a hurry, "senior where are you?"

"There is a secret grid in the middle of the stone tablet and you open it. My body is in it." Beastmaster said.

Yi Tian looked along the lines of the stone tablet and found that there was a palm-size area in the middle of the stone tablet, which was slightly different from the all around stone.

extend the hand to inject the spiritual power and press it gently in. The stone from there pops out with a sound of'ka-cha', revealing a half-foot-sized stone drawer.

A golden aura from within flew out and hovered happily in the air, and then slowly fell into the air in front of him to stabilize it. Yi Tian took a closer look at it turned out to be a fist sized stone tiger statue, with the word Beast Monarch written in Golden Seal Script on his forehead. I think this is the body of the sound, and the sound comes from it.

next moment The aura of the stone tiger statue shines again and the figure instantly changes into a normal cultivator. After the halo faded, a cultivator with a three-year-old appearance slowly fell to the ground, turned his head and looked at himself and said: "I am the deity of the beast monarch, you junior broke into Luo Heavenly Immortal Palace Sect Founder for no reason. Punishment, but now Immortal Palace has fallen apart a long time ago, Direct Disciple has long been missing, and I will not pursue it anymore. Go ahead."

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