When Yi Tian’s silhouette fell into the passage of the light gate, the Scarlet Demon’s face suddenly loosened for no apparent reason. Then he opened his mouth and sound transmission with Dugu Jackie: "Fellow Daoist Du Gu, you came in time. , I really don’t know how you hooked up with Song Li."

Dugu Jackie Chan showed a sneer on his face and said: "How did I get in touch with Song Li? There is no need to worry about Fellow Daoist, but this time Lord Demon God's order let me be a testimony. If you want to establish the sect in Demon Realm to continue the clan power, then you must get the approval of Lord Demon. I won’t intervene in killing this Yi Tian, ​​everything depends on your own abilities."

Mentioned that the one-eyed pupil on the face of the Demon Saint Stormy Scarlet Demon condensed, he was in harmony Mosheng Baotian had a private agreement. In order to achieve the goal, he must pay something, and this time the Demon Sage Stormer informed him the content of the mission early in the morning, and ordered him to eradicate Yi Tian from the secret storage of the Demon Sage Crown Prince Qiu Yu.

Originally, the Scarlet Demon still had some thoughts in his mind, even if he couldn't beat him, it might not be impossible to retreat. But now that the Demon Saint Violent even sent someone to supervise the battle, it would not tolerate him to commit rape and slip.

It is absolutely impossible to know that even if the lone Jackie Chan in front of him is not as strong as him, he would want a move to kill him. Moreover, he was still under the demon saint's violent secret order, and he would naturally have a certain defensive method in his hand.

If you want to stop the one-eyed Scarlet Demon, you will pay said with a smile on your face: "Since Fellow Daoist Du Gu is the special envoy of the Demon Saint, I should treat it with courtesy. Please stop after you enter. The Absolute Blade Song Li, otherwise, if he interrupts on the side, I’m afraid it will be difficult for me."

"Don’t worry, Absolute Blade Song Li has already discussed with me and is willing to accept the demonic energy tank. I became a member of my Demon Race, and after this matter, I will cast spells for it. Then I will return to the door to open the passage to Demon Realm and attract millions of troops to Spirit Realm. That is, "Luo Cheng Long solemnly replied.

"so that's how it is, it seems that Lord Demon Sage is already done plot against," Scarlet Demon took a cold breath and said, "So please ask the special envoy of Dugu to take the lead. Let me break it. Yes."

Dugu Jackie Chan, hearing this, I clicked nodded and then selected the stone gate with the Vermilion Bird mark and flew into it. When Dugu Jackie walked behind, there was only one light door in front of him, and the Scarlet Demon didn't leave directly, but looked around with his spirits.

After all around, there are no traces of people. The Scarlet Demon didn’t mean to leave. Instead, he moved towards the east and looked at it for a while, and suddenly took out with a slight finger on his hand. The magic light shot into the unremarkable void again and again.

After the magic light flickered, a stone statue of a one-eyed Demon Race appeared there. At a glance, it was exactly what Yi Tian had encountered before. I saw the face of the Scarlet Demon with joy. The sound transmission shouted: "The one-eyed Demon Race descendant Scarlet Demon has seen Old Ancestor face to face."

The stone statue's eyes flashed a trace of bright light and then opened its mouth. speak human's words sound transmission said: "You are finally here. It seems that you have found the information I left in the clan."

"Junior is the only remaining Miza jade slip in the clan Knowing this, that's why I followed the information recorded in it. "The Scarlet Demon is not as arrogant as before, and he replied like a junior in front of this stone statue.

"Well, you did good, this seat is the one-eyed Demon Race Great Elder ten thousand years ago. It seems that you brought a lot of people this time, depending on whether the two of us can handle these three People?" The stone statue sound transmission said.

"It should be okay. In terms of strength, only Trigram Fire Sect Sect Master Yi Tian and I want to be. As for Dugu Chenglong and that perfect sword Song Li are far from my opponents, we should be two to one. It can be caught in one net," the Scarlet Eye Demon said.

"That's how it is said, but the body of the Heavenly Demon Clan cultivator is somewhat similar to my one-eyed Demon Race. If the body possession is also twice the results for half the effort," Dark Eye said.

"Reporting back to Great Elder, this lone Jackie Chan is the special envoy of the Demon Sage, and there should be some special self-protection on his body. It is definitely not easy to deal with him," Fei The pupil demon said.

"The Demon Sage is nothing but a coward. His body has never left Demon Realm. He is afraid of falling outside," Dark Eye said with disdain, "On the contrary, it is Qiu Yu Crown Prince. A giant amongst men, I feel personally involved in the danger and come to Spirit Realm."

"Dare to ask Great Elder, is there really the good thing recorded in jade slip in this secret store?" The Scarlet Demon asked. Tao.

"That's natural. Back then, I saw His Highness the Crown Prince abandon my chest and took out the half of the glass Buddha heart and sealed it in the deepest part of the secret hiding." Dark pupil mentioned this The tone has also become particularly rushed. "At that time, the heart of the Liuli Buddha was almost assimilated by the evil spirit, only a trace of Buddha's radiance was left in it. Originally, Qiu Yu Crown Prince was planning to use this face to gather demons. Dazhen completely wiped out the Buddha's spiritual rhyme in it. Unfortunately, he didn’t wait until the day when he was successfully accomplished. That’s why I waited."

"Half of the heart of the Mahayana Stage cultivator contains The spiritual power is so huge, it seems that if I can absorb the power of the Evil Spirit after being completely demonized, it will definitely help me advance to the Mahayana Stage," the Scarlet Demon licked his lips and said.

"It is this truth that is why I will set up this ten thousand year game." Dark pupil said solemnly: "If you fail to become a Great Ascension, you will always become someone else's pawn that's all, just like you and me. Those chess pieces that are more valuable to use that's all. If you want to revive my one-eyed Demon Race, this secret hidden ruin is our last chance."

After the two said something, they saw the stone statue with a dark pupil face. The one-eyed eye flashed out of the mysterious rays of light, and a red blood light inside shot out the only remaining rays of light. Suddenly the light gate marked with the Black Tortoise Seal became more and more condensed, and the dark pupil then shouted: "Let’s go, I will activate the Concealment Array of the teleport light gate. We can arrive at Qionghua Pavilion sooner than them. The place where the heart of the space is buried."

The Scarlet Demon clicked nodded, and then the two turned into two escape lights, passing through the light gate in turn to enter the Qionghua Pavilion space opened by the demon sage Crown Prince Qiu Yu Inside.

After the two left, there was a sudden violent vibration inside the temple on the seabed island outside here. The all around array rock mass seemed to be unable to withstand the huge spatial stress after being activated again after ten thousand years and collapsed in an instant. The original underwater islands were also split from it, and after a loud noise, the entire temple fell directly into the depths of the trench along with the landslide rock.

After entering the gate, Yi Tian found that all around the sea had been isolated. I am exactly similar now and on land. Continue to fly forward and pass through the entrance of the light gate in front of you. What you see is the endless mountains and plains. The spiritual power inside is like an independent virtual space opened up.

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