Sitting in the flagship of the Taiqing Pavilion, Yi Tian had a conversation with Zheng Tingyun and Qing Lianyun, and explained in detail the situation of his previous encounter with Yellow Springs guard Second Elder and Ruilin. Again.

The stern look on the face of the second girl relaxed after listening. After all, the assistance of the Yellow Springs guards should not be underestimated. If you handle it well, you can save the Spiritual Cultivation Alliance. With the strength of Yellow Springs guarding the second character, Luo Ruilin, I am afraid that only Yi Tian in the entire Spirit Realm can match it.

It is naturally better to have one more friend than one less opponent. Zheng Tingyun can now realize how foresight it is for Yi Tian to give a recommendation letter from Yu Ruilin to make him convenient.

Since he has said that he is going to the Taiqing Pavilion to find Qin Huaige, it is better to push the boat along the water to give him personal affection. There are many indirect benefits.

Feizhou continued to move towards the spiritual alliance station and flew for one hour, Yi Tian in the cabin suddenly frowned slightly, and in the divine sense it was found that ten thousand li opened, there is a way to escape the light moving towards Feizhou forward Galloping in the direction of. Its speed is about the same as when he was flying at full speed. Needless to say, there must be a Demon Race late cultivator coming here.

The purpose of speaking of which the other party is also very clear, Yi Tian secretly said in one's heart: "It is regularly directed at the battallion people. Since the other party is singlehanded, he will not be afraid of spiritual cultivation. There are many people on the side. Judging from the frequency of the spiritual pressure fluctuation, it is not like the one-eyed Demon Race but someone else."

Thinking of this, Yi Tian's face also showed a stern color, in Qing Lianyun immediately noticed something was wrong and hurriedly asked: "Why is Husband this way? Is there something wrong?"

Zheng Tingyun also noticed the strangeness and then opened the mouth and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi Shi Did you find anything?"

sighed Yi Tian replied: "It seems that this desolation has caused the Demon Race cultivator's attention. A very powerful opponent is coming here. You guys first Let me stay and deal with it."

Qing Lianyun heard this face with a look of reluctance and said: "Or I will stay and face the people with Husband."

laughed Yi Tian replied: "The strength of the silly girl is far above you, and you can't help much if you leave it."

Zheng Tingyun also hurriedly echoed: "Fellow Daoist Yi said That's right, in the face of someone who has reached such a level of strength, we will only increase his burden if we stay. The younger sister still has to focus on the overall situation and slow down Fellow Daoist Yi."

"Fellow Daoist Zheng said It's not bad, and if you stay, it will make me distracted and unable to fully expand," Yi Tian explained.

So Qing Lianyun's face showed reluctance, and then nodded helplessly signaled.

After a while, the flying boat crossed the sky and did not seem to lower its speed, but during the period, the hatch slightly shook. Then there is a silhouette slowly appearing above the high altitude, it is the Yi Tian deity that escaped from the flying boat.

In the blink of an eye, he looked at the distance and greeted him with enlightenment.

Half a moment later, the two galloping lights met distantly in the air, and both sides stabilized after half a mile apart. Standing in the air, Yi Tian divine sense let go and looked at the people carefully, only to see that it was a demonic cultivator with the appearance of a boy, wearing a very unfit robe to block the lower body.

The spiritual pressure fluctuations on the incoming person are extremely strong. Compared with the one-eyed monster, Yi Tian wonders when such a powerful character appeared in the Demon Race army, but it didn’t seem to have happened before. This person appeared on the battlefield.

The two sides looked at each other for a while, and suddenly the boy opposite opened the mouth and said: "Didn't expect it is you kid who has gained a lot of benefits in the abyss of Demon Realm."

"Will the Avatar of the Demon Sacred Storm look like this unexpectedly?" Yi Tian replied in surprise.

"You are the fourth cultivator in this world who has seen this deity," the Avatar shouted.

"Then should I feel honored?" Yi Tian joked.

"Boy, you actually made an effort to disrupt the invitation of the genie and demons, and you also killed Desolate," the Demon Sage Avatar called.

"Senior seems to be admired," Yi Tian said: "The Fall of Desolation was planted in the hands of the Taiqing Pavilion cultivator. This matter has nothing to do with me."

"glib The tongue guy, do you think this seat is clumsy and invisible," Mosheng Baotian said disdainfully: "The Space Secret Technique divine ability you cast in the Taiqing Pavilion needs to be targeted, so the Taiqing Pavilion cultivator must have The mark you left."

Heart startled didn't expect Demon Sage Stormer said his own tricks, but Yi Tian pretended to be calm and said: "What the senior said is also in the next. Don't deny it."

"That's acknowledgment?" Demon Saint said.

"Zai Xia neither admits nor denies," Yi Tian replied as if a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

"Boy, if you say that, you are not afraid to face this seat," Mosheng Baotian asked in that immature voice.

"Senior I am also very afraid of this, but in Spirit Realm, you and several Mahayana Stage cultivators have agreed that you will not interfere in the following developments," Yi Tian replied:" What's more, the senior who provoked this catastrophe is also well known. After a catastrophe, the power of the great races of Demon Realm will definitely be rewashed again. Isn't this what An and senior wanted?"

The young child in front of him is hearing this and said with a smile on his face: "It seems that you are also a sensible person. When the cultivation base reaches such a realm, it is natural to see through many things."

"Senior overpraised, Junior can't afford it," Yi Tian hurriedly replied.

"Affordable, the dísciple trained by Wuye is really a giant amongst men," Mosheng Baotian said, "I almost took it away and mistaken you for the doorman of the Taiqing Pavilion. , It seems that Wuye is ready to let you take over Lihuo Palace. In this way, I don’t want to talk with you anymore. As long as you can promise not to take action during the disaster, I will let you go."

"Senior is wrong. I think there are cultivators of the same strength in Demon Race. If I don't make a move, I am afraid that no one but the three Mahayana Stage cultivators in the entire Spirit Realm can stop him," Yi Tian hurriedly distinguished.

"It seems that you also had a face-to-face encounter with the Scarlet Eye Demon," Demon Saint Baotian shouted.

"Not only that, but also the Second Elder guarded by Yellow Springs. The strength of Ruilin is also extremely powerful. It is inevitable that the senior invited me to accept such a suspicion," Yi Tian said again.

"Well, in Wuye's face, as long as you accept the disaster, you will only take action on the two of them," said Demon Sage.

"This is okay, but apart from these two people, if there is something provocative by the Demon Race who does not have eyesight, my shot is definitely not against the agreement," Yi Tian teased.

"That's why they have only oneself to blame, it's no wonder you don't have long eyes to see clearly," Mosheng Baotian said in an angry voice.

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