The dísciple left by Taiqing Pavilion in Xishan Castle is just the Divine Transformation Stage Cultivator. Normally, there is no sect great character here. After all, the geographical location of Xishan Castle is calculated there. Get up in the peripheral zone controlled by the sect sphere of influence.

And now the Divine Transformation Stage dísciple left behind by Inside the City Lord Mansion stand respectfully and wait on the side. If the loose cultivator from outside sees that Sir City Lord still looks like this, it would be really shocking.

Sitting in the upright position is Qinglianyun, the newly promoted Integration Stage cultivator of Taiqing Pavilion. This master is the original Inner Sect Big Senior Sister. The sect disciple speaking of which of the City Lord of Xishan hasn't been seen for a hundred years, but now I can see Fangzong coming with my own eyes, but I dare not even think of it in my heart.

Qing Lianyun searched through the files of Xishan Castle in his hand, but frowned from time to time during the period. With this appearance, the doorman underneath saw that it was natural that he did not even dare to gasp, for fear of picking bones in the egg to find something to take the opportunity to make trouble.

Later, I only heard Qing Lianyun say softly: "Yes, you are still working hard while you are in Xishan Castle. At the time when the evil disaster is erupting, even though Xishan Castle is not the hardest-hit area, you should always be vigilant. Prevent the Demon Race from deepening."

As she said, the sadness between her brows stretched out, Qing Lianyun hurriedly instructed: "You wait and get out."

Hearing this If these dísciples were re-released, they would go forward and worship and then retreat. After Shao Qing and the others left, a vague illusory shadow from virtual became real on the seat in front of Qing Lianyun, and finally Yi Tian's true body became real.

Just listen to Qing Lianyun opening and asking: "How about, Husband, but I have seen that Demon Race cultivator."

"Lianyun, you don't have to be so nervous," Yi Tian is replied: "I'm just looking for an old friend to recount that's all."

"The Demon Race cultivator can be your old friend, no Do you know what the Mistress has to do with you?" Qing Lianyun still said in an angry voice.

Yi Tian looked slightly stunned after hearing this, and had to smile wryly and took out a jade slip and handed it over: "Look at it. I have all the Demon Race cultivators that intersect with me. One after another. Listed. Some of them can be made, some are to be dealt with. If possible, I will take advantage of the outbreak of the evil disaster to keep a group of people in Spirit Realm forever."

Qing Lianyun After taking the jade slip, he looked carefully, but later on his face showed a little thought. After watching it, he relaxed and said: "It's not difficult for Husband to deal with the Mistress of the Dark Night, but she often hides in the Demon Race army and wants to take advantage of her to make a single chance, but there are not many opportunities."

"It's human, not to mention that she is not the main candidate for me to deal with," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "The key is the lonely and lonely Avatar or the arrival of the Demon Saint's Avatar is the most troublesome thing."

"But now there is still Song Li, a great sword, speaking of which I really didn't expect that he would reveal my whereabouts to the Demon Race side," Qing Lianyun said here but his eyes flashed. An angry look said: "I have to discuss this matter with Sect Master Senior Sister. Such a matter must not make him cheaper."

"Lianyun, you must not directly deal with Song Li," Yi Tian hurriedly stopped and said: "Song Li has received the approval from three Mahayana Stage cultivators more than a thousand years ago, and even I can't easily deal with him."

"But he is already there now. Falling to the side of Demon Race, how can Husband turn a blind eye?" Qing Lianyun said righteously here.

Knowing that she is angry in her heart, Yi Tian explained it well: "In fact, Song Li had asked me to discuss a trip to Bowanghai before, but it was a pity that I turned it down. I guess there is not enough. In the case of backup, he and Dugu Chenglong will have to show some sincerity to cooperate."

"So he revealed the news about Buddhist Sect secret treasure," Qing Lianyun said with an unkind expression.

"This is inevitable. If he wants to cooperate with Dugu Jackie Chan to get the certificate, it is necessary," Yi Tian explained: "Fortunately, we now know the specific situation and can adopt him according to local conditions. Send the message to the other party."

"Is what Husband said in the opposite direction?" Qing Lianyun's complexion eased slightly when he heard this, and his brow jumped slightly.

"That's the case. I was worried about the conditions before, but now that the line between Song Li and Dugu Jackie Chan can be used to set the Demon Race army," Yi Tian said at the corner of his mouth. With a slight smile, he said: "You tell Zheng Tingyun what I mean, she will definitely agree with my opinion. As for how to use such advantages, she needs to think carefully before making a decision."

Qing Lianyun hearing this is a complexion slightly changed, but he lowered his head and thought before sighed replied: "Husband said, in this case, I can fix a book and send it to Sect Master Senior Sister to ask her to decide."


Later, she took out the subpoena, jade talisman, wrote the message on it, and then activated it and sent it out. After finishing these Qinglianyuns, he turned his head and asked: "Is the Husband going to Bowanghai with these Demon Race cultivators this time?"

"That's right, this trip won't allow me to shirk, "Yi Tian facial expression grave: "You must know that since the outbreak of the Demon Scourge, these invading Demon Race high-rank cultivators have been grouped in the Demon Race camp. If you want to deal with them, you need to have a large enough bait, and the Demon Sage Crown Prince Qiu Yu’s secret possession is extremely tempting for them, and it seems that there is only such a good opportunity in the near future."

"The Husband must be careful, know you and these demonic cultivators There are always two people. Besides, even the demonic cultivators in their camp are all conceived," Qing Lianyun said worriedly.

The spiritual pressure on the body fluctuates slowly, and the Yi Tian raised hand opened the prohibition Formation and sealed all around rooms. Then he stretched out his hands and quickly formed the seal on his chest. Suddenly, a black evil spirit appeared to replace the original Spiritual Qi, filling the surroundings.

Now Yi Tian has transformed himself into a ten out of ten Demon Race cultivator by using the cultivation technique of genie and demon integration. At the same time, he also used the cultivation technique of the Demon Race to fill the surrounding demons.

Qing Lianyun looked at the facial expression grave, and then said: "Husband is really so powerful that you can disguise to such an extent, I'm afraid you are so much better than the Yan of Demon Race in Demon Race. Lei is more like his clansman."

Put away the cultivation technique. After replying to the deity of spiritual cultivation, Yi Tian said with a smile: "Actually, I am stronger than Yan Lei. He cannot easily disguise himself as spiritual cultivation. Cast divine ability spells. Otherwise, the demon of the Demon Race cultivator will be exposed, and I don’t use the Demon Race cultivation technique exactly similar to the normal Demon Race, so we are essentially different."

"But Husband, will you have any disadvantages in cultivating the cultivation technique of the genie and demons at the same time?" Qing Lianyun asked with some worry.

"I have a deeper understanding of the good and evil meditation taught by the Master of Fruit Jie Ding, so I have a deeper understanding of the demonic cultivator. In the final analysis, it is still a matter of mind. The center of spiritual practice is Evil Thought. If there is kindness in the demonic cultivator's heart, it is no longer a demon," Yi Tian explained.

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