I met Yan Lei in Xishan City. Fortunately, he just came forward lightly without bringing the Mistress of the previous dark night. Yi Tian didn't cover up much after meeting with him, and at the same time revealed his identity indirectly.

During their happily conversation, they also mentioned the current situation of the Demon Race Imperial Family in the Flame Prison. The Concubine Yan assisted by Yi Tian in Demon Realm at this time has established the identity of the heir of the Imperial Family. . I learned from Yanlei's mouth that it seems that Concubine Yan is still obsessed with herself, but unfortunately fortune plays with people, she is always a spiritual practitioner, and the relationship with Concubine Yan can only go further.

Then Yi Tian mentioned that when he went to Demon Realm, he had another mission. Who knows that Yan Lei lay bare the truth with one remark. The purpose of his trip, for a time let Yi Tian There was embarrassment on his face.

Be less careful and just listen to Yan Lei’s opening and say: "Actually, don’t be surprised, since you insisted on entering the abyss of Demon Realm, I have doubts in my heart."

"The Imperial Why would Uncle still help me get things done?" Yi Tian asked in a puzzled way.

"Because of what you are and what you have done made me see the younger generations that are different from those of other races," Yan Lei solemnly replied: "It's the Demon Race of the Demon Race that lasted thousands of years. Years later, the entire Imperial Family will be reluctant to make progress, with a completely lifeless look. And your appearance is like a clear current that promotes the development of the Imperial Family."

"Imperial Uncle is polite "Yi Tian was embarrassingly replied. He didn't expect to go from the head to the Flame Prison. The Demon Race Imperial Family accidentally promoted the reform with the Imperial Family. It was really unintentional.

Yan Lei said cautiously: "Speaking of which Demon Realm Abyss and the party I gave you this convenience can be regarded as a kind of recognition for you. To put it bluntly, the Imperial Brother once let me I have investigated your details in secret, guess what I found?"

Yi Tian was startled, if he had entered the field of vision of Demon Sovereign in the Demon Sovereign early that year, it would definitely not be a good thing. . Being able to retreat in Demon Realm is also a maintenance by Yan Lei. Since he has said all this, he must naturally find something, but at the moment it is the question of face doesn't change. Said: "I don't know what the Imperial Uncle can find any clues about my whereabouts?"

"You returned to Demon Realm from the army of the corpse world into the Demon Race, and in the corpse world, the Crown of the Flame Prison Prince Yanlong wants to have an inseparable relationship with you," Yan Lei said with a smile.

Knowing that he couldn't hide it from him, Yi Tian clicked nodded, which is regarded as a default. Just listen to Yan Lei continuing to say: "In fact, Yanlong was just a side branch and wanted to get involved with Dabao. The Imperial Brother had been displeased with him early on. Had it not been for the unity of the Imperial Family, he would have killed him. Sending him to the corpse world is also to take the opportunity to let the Buddhist Sect cultivator take action against him, after all, like this, the second generation ancestor has never seen a real big battle. If you encounter a powerful Buddhist Sect cultivator, it must be won but never returned. "

Yi Tian took a breath of cold air in his mind and quickly turned around. Didn't expect the Demon Sovereign of the Demon Sovereign back then to have thought so far. I accidentally helped the Demon Sovereign in the Flame Prison, so they turned a blind eye to their identity.

"So what else?" Yi Tian asked.

"Next, you assisted Concubine Yan to seize power many times in Demon Realm, and opened up the situation in two battlefields to give the Demon Race a real benefit," Yan Lei said: "speaking of which Even if you know that your identity is different, what you have done is a great help to the Imperial Family. If you take action against you, it will definitely not be the Imperial Brother and Yan Fei."

"so that's how it is, it seems that Imperial Uncle has found out the details of my identity early in November," Yi Tian asked tentatively.

"That's nature. A Divided Spirit Stage cultivator suddenly appeared in the flame prison Demon Race army, and walking so close to Concubine Yan is naturally unable to escape the imperial brother's eyes," Yan Lei explained Said: "Later, I found out that you had sent out investigations several times to look for clues left by Qiu Yu, the demon sage Crown Prince. I guessed your general identity."

"Then why are you not right? Where shall I start?" Yi Tian asked puzzledly.

"Well said, in all fairness, your existence makes the Imperial Family of Flame Prison take on a completely new look, so why remove you?" Yan Lei said with a smile: "We only need to control Surveillance allows you to continue to guide Concubine Yan to the position of the crown prince. In fact, there are not many people in the entire Imperial Family who can truly consider the interests of Concubine Yan. You are the only one who can remove those old people who are unable to attempt nothing and accomplish nothing. If you can do it, why do you want to expose your identity if the Imperial Brother wants you to be of great use."

so that's how it is, fortunately, back then, I made suggestions for Concubine Yan and helped him to ascend to the crown prince step by step. Therefore, in exchange for a smooth transition, there is an alien cultivator next to the Imperial Family Crown Prince in Flame Prison, and Demon Sovereign must have taken a shot long ago.

"Then why did Imperial Uncle conclude that I am looking for clues to the demon sage Crown Prince Qiu Yu?" Yi Tian said.

"At first, I only doubted that's all, until you insist on going to the Demon Realm abyss, I can't be sure of it," Yan Lei replied: "I also discussed this matter with the Imperial Brother for a long time, he It means I want you to continue to work for the Imperial Family."

"If this is the case, I'm afraid I will soon reach the point where the birds are over, the bow is put away," Yi Tian Sighed for a while.

"I insisted on letting you go back then, and it can be regarded as a compliment to your past in Demon Realm," Yan Lei explained: "Moreover, entering the Integration Stage with your strength is an ironclad. It’s better to befriend a cultivator of the same level than to forge an inscrutable enemy."

"Is this also the meaning of Demon Sovereign?" Yi Tian said.

"This is what I mean," Yan Lei said with a smile: "It seems that my decision back then was not wrong, you really are stronger than I expected."

Listen Here Yi Tian feels relieved, speaking of which he and Yan Lei have also had some intersection, although most of them are based on interests, but everyone is also very happy to cooperate, at least it is mutual benefit. After thinking about it, opened the mouth and said: "Actually, I am a person of a bit of identity in this world. I will naturally not bear to meet the Imperial Uncle on the battlefield of the disaster."

" I guess your identity," Yan Lei blinked and said with deep meaning: "Your strength is still above me, I'm afraid it is already the realm of the late stage of integration."

Clicked nodded Yi Tian motioned for him to continue, and Yan Lei said: "I have both met Zheng Tingyun from Taiqing Pavilion and Lu Sword Spirit from Feiyu Sword Sect. I have almost the same strength as mine. But I can see what you used in the previous fights. The tricks are not considered special skills, putting it that way you should not belong to Taiqing Pavilion and Feiyu Sword Sect."

"It is true," Yi Tian lightly said.

"Since this is the case, you can obtain the Taiqing Pavilion Integration Stage female cultivator Qinglianyun as Dao Companion, then you can only be the most mysterious gatekeeper of the Lihuo Palace," Yan Lei analyzed: "I heard that the life essence of Lihuo Palace Sect Master Ji Xuanyuan was exhausted several decades ago, and the soldiers were released into reincarnation, and now Lihuo Palace generation Sect Master Hallyu is just a combined Early-Stage cultivator, I heard that the new successor Sect Master It’s still closed in sect."

"Imperial Uncle seems to know the inner conditions of Spirit Realm three sects very well," Yi Tian said indifferently.

"Sect Master who is able to call "Imperial Uncle", this is also due to the great fate," Yan Lei once again took the jug and filled the wine and toasted, "Come on, let's A toast."

Yi Tian shook his head helplessly, and had to smile wryly: "Imperial Uncle please."

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