After solving Qinglianyun’s besieged siege, Yi Tian found that Yingou Ridge was not simple. Although it was said that the entire Demon Race army was besieged and suppressed here, it turned out to be after ten thousand years. Here is the breeding of fusion corpses.

Seeing the monster that appeared from the cultivator patchwork in front of me, my heart trembled. The Lingyao Huaqian that was displayed before is already an improved Divine Ability trick. Speaking of which is more than three points better than Sword Sect's Lu Sword Spirit who personally displays formidable power. But even so, it could only slightly block the momentum of this corpse monster, and did not completely restrain him.

Looking at his appearance, Yi Tian aimed at his own position, deep in his left hand, holding Qing Lianyun with his left hand, and the two of them teleported directly to another place. The divine sense swept through the monster breakthrough sword rain storm and opened his mouth to protrude several red and green light bullets moved towards the four people.

Where the red light bomb went, there was a strong stench of wind, while the green one took the ground out of the ravines, and the remaining green sap directly corroded the ground. .

"It's blood evil spirit and corpse poison, what kind of monster is this?" Yan Lei shouted coldly, but his movements were not slow, and he just stepped away from hunted zhang.

The dim ming beside him also flashed quickly, and the two of them always kept a considerable distance and formed horns to defend each other.

Yi Tian controls the Taiyuan sword silk on his hand to interweave into a green sword net, and blocks all the red and green light balls that are attacking him from the front twenty. But the gaze swept over Yi Tian and his face sank slightly, Taiyuan Wooden Sword was directly stained by blood evil spirit and corpse poison after such a trick. Fortunately, the background still exists, but to restore the previous formidable power, it needs to be practiced again.

"Really strong corrosiveness. Since this monster has such a strong corpse cultivation technique, it must be targeted with corresponding restraint methods," Yi Tian analyzed.

"Then how to deal with it?" Qing Lianyun asked.

"The corpse path is Yin, you only need to use the Extreme Yang cultivation technique to restrain it," Yi Tian said, turning his head and moved towards the distant Yan Lei and shouted: "Demon Realm's Fellow Daoist or us Join forces to deal with this corpse monster, your flames should be the nemesis of this hag."

Before, Yan Lei was still a little skeptical of his own judgment, but after hearing Yi Tian's words, it was More certainty. However, this is not a good opportunity for negotiations. There is a burden of overshadowing because if the two sides directly recognize each other, I am afraid that they will be marked as collaborators.

I wanted to stop Yan Lei but he coldly shouted, "I don’t need Fellow Daoist to teach me how to do it. Let’s deal with this corpse demon together for the time being. Then I don’t know what restraint measures Fellow Daoist can use. "

Yi Tian smiled without saying a word and quickly formed the seal with both hands, flicking with ten fingers and lasing several Ghost Face Flower seeds directly into the soil on the ground. After three breaths, there was a slight vibration from the whole underground, the sound of'puff puff puff' was endless, and green fine vines kept coming out all around the hundred zhang.

The veins of the vines grow from the thickness of the thumb to the arm at the speed that the naked eye can see as soon as they are facing the wind. The vine veins moved frantically towards the corpse monster, locking it firmly on the ground.

Yan Lei took out the Dualbladed Halberd after he came to his hand to make the seal, and pointed to the upper finger, and said in his mouth: "Get up." A cluster of black Demon Sovereign appeared on the weapon. Wrapped it up.

Then Yan Lei controlled the weapon to dart through an arc in the air and then smashed down the top of the corpse monster's head.

A scarlet light flashed quickly and set a protective cover on the forehead of the corpse monster. After the Dualbladed Halberd pierced three inches, it couldn't go any further.

Two black magic lights appeared in the air for no reason, smashing the two ribs of the corpse, so after two blows on the protective cover, the time was dizzy. The Dualbladed Halberd, which was stuck on the protective cover, immediately stabbed another five points.

At this time, Yi Tian's mouth slightly curled Mistress Mistress finally took a shot, then he has to add more weight. He took out the Brahma Golden Bell in his hand, and then it shook quickly. The mutter incantations in the mouth are under the golden light moved towards the corpse monster. After being swept by the Buddhist Sect sky thunder and eight-tone power, bursts of black gas were released from the corpse monster.

Yi Tian's eye corners swept across the dark night Mistress and dimmed, and then the aftermath of the golden thunder eight-tone power flicked across her body with a flick of fingers. Suddenly, his body trembled slightly, then he drew back and left ten zhang after a white glance.

Such subtle movements can't be concealed from Yan Lei who is on the side, but he doesn't seem to have any reaction to it. He just swept his eyes and turned his head to continue to control the Spiritual Artifact.

After the three people joined forces, the corpse gradually couldn't support it, and finally the defensive cover was broken open and it was chopped in half from the head to the bottom. Then a gray light flew out from it, Yi Tian knew that this was the corpse infant in the Niwan Palace of the corpse monster.

I stretched out my hand to take out a large green net and directly covered it under the gray aura. The silkworm net made of green scale silk was stained with the gray aura and directly stuck it. Yi Tian took it back quickly, took out the blocked jade bottle, and threw the baby corpse into it together with the silk net.

Yi Tian put his hand away after closing the lid and affixed the ban talisman, and turned to look at Yan Lei and the dark harboring malicious intentions said with a smile: "The two are chasing all the way. My wife is here, I’m afraid it’s not that I want to learn about the cultivation technique. It’s so simple. I’m not only fortunate enough to meet two Demon Race cultivators today. It’s just seeing others do what one loves to do, one is inspired to try it again. So hesitate to ask for advice I hope you two will not be disappointed."

Yi Tian did not let go of the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure on his body, in their opinion, it was almost the same level as Qing Lianyun. It's just that he said that he wanted to fight against the two at the same time, so it's not wrong to say so.

Dimming, but browses slightly wrinkle. After looking at it, the corners of his mouth moved, as if he was discussing something with Yan Lei. After all, among the two, Yan Lei is a cultivator in the middle stage of the fit, of course he is the main one.

After the fight just now, Yan Lei has realized that the strength of the person in front of him is almost the same even if he is not as strong as him. Coupled with the cultivation technique attribute, the chance of winning is naturally much higher.

Just listen to him replied in a deep voice: "Since Fellow Daoist is so boasting about going to Haikou, then deference is no substitute for obedience. Come on, let's do it quickly. We do it quickly and try a trick. I know the strength of the Fellow Daoist in front of me."

In this way, I drove the duck to the shelf, and Duan Ming was also roasted on the shelf. Since Yan Lei had said so, she couldn't justify it if she didn't make a move.

After that, Mistress waved his hands around her to sacrifice the black halo, and at the same time formed a square meter of space around her. As for Yan Lei reached out and beckoned after taking the Dualbladed Halberd back and holding his hands tightly behind him, there was a cluster of black Hellfire demon fire ignited. Dualbladed Halberd waving his hands coldly shouted in Yan Lei's mouth: "Try my flame demon dragon."

A black pillar of fire flew out of Dualbladed Halberd's head and hovered in the air into a black flame. Dragon attacked according to Yi Tian.

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