Originally, it was to escort the monk Jie Ding back to the Buddha Spirit Realm from the gate. After the farewell, he didn't expect to see his whereabouts by the gate guard Song Li. Now that the other party opened his mouth to keep Yi Tian still unable to leave like this, then turned around and moved towards the mountain where Song Li was located and flew away quietly.

After he fell, Song Li opened his mouth again and directly pointed out that he had helped out in those days. Fortunately, Yi Tian has always been simple and simple. Even in Lihuo, there are very few people who know his existence, let alone in front of him. Song Li's now.

After sitting on the top of the mountain, Song Li first asked: "I think Fellow Daoist Yi has extraordinary strength and is definitely above me. People in Spirit Realm who can have this strength will only appear in Spirit Realm. Inside Three Great Sects."

"Fellow Daoist Song has good eyesight, I wonder if you can guess where I came from," Yi Tian replied with a light smile.

"Zheng Tingyun of Taiqing Pavilion and Lu Sword Spirit of Feiyu Sword Sect are both in the middle stage of the fit. They are slightly better than me in terms of strength," Song Li said resolutely: "These two factions have been around for nearly ten thousand years. There hasn’t been a cultivator in the post-fitting stage. As for the origin of Fellow Daoist Yi, it should come from the most mysterious Lihuo Palace."

Song Liyou's guess is quite reasonable, and Yi Tian is naturally silent and nodded. In response. I saw Song Li laughed and then said: "Many thanks Fellow Daoist Yi back then can help me to solve the danger of our door."

"Fellow Daoist Song is polite, you are better than alone in terms of strength. Slightly more than half the deal, coupled with Spirit Realm's home game and the right time and place, it is not difficult to defend the gate with the help of Three Great Sects," Yi Tian replied.

"Fellow Daoist Yi is polite, but you still have to thank you in time to disperse the reinforcements, otherwise the team of Po Junshan led by our disciple Xi Tianying will definitely fall into Fight hard," Song Li explained.

Speaking of Xi Tianying, Yi Tian's eyes flashed with brilliance. I remember the last time I met at Monster Realm hundreds of years ago. Back then, he specially left him a Spiritual Artifact sword and gave him directions for Chi Wuji.

When I want to come, he has also been to the Buddha Spirit Realm Great Lightning Zen Temple. As for whether the two of them competed after finding Chi Wuji, it is not known. But even if he didn't fight, his knot should be relieved.

Appearing to be aware of his own strangeness, Song Li's face doesn't change and then his lips moved slightly. It is estimated that the call was sent down. Not long after the Yi Tian divine sense felt the spiritual pressure fluctuations, which is not weak, is flying towards here, it goes without saying that it must be Xi Tianying himself.

Yao thinks that when the two met back then, he was slightly lower than him by half, but now he is a whole lot higher. He is in the late stage of distraction, but he has reached the late stage of integration.

Just as Cultivation World’s wise saying, “When one enters monasticism, it’s as deep as the sea. From then on, Senior Brother has become Martial Nephew. No one can say about the'cultivation. Sometimes the breakthrough will press forward after a certain limit, leaving the cultivator of the same level far behind.

Shao Qing's silhouette fell down in front of the two of them, and when the light faded, they appeared in the form of Tian Ying. After seeing the Master, Ji Shou Ding gave a salute, then turned around and glanced at the person in front of him and blurted out: "Who do I think it is, it turns out that it is Brother Yi you are here."

" Heaven should not be unreasonable, and I haven't seen Fellow Daoist Yi yet," Song Li hurriedly stopped while browsing slightly wrinkle.

Who knows that Xi Tianying was carefree, but he sat down and said replied: "Master does not need to see outsiders. I have known brother Yi for many years. Back then in Sunset City, Taiqing Pavilion, Langhuan Celestial Grotto There are also intersections in Monster Realm."

Song Li gave him a blank look, then turned around and said, "Fellow Daoist Yi, forgive me. The bad guys are so rude all day long if they don’t submit to discipline. Looks like."

Yi Tian replied indifferently: "Fellow Daoist Song does not need to explain. I have been with the big brother Xi for many years because of similar temperaments. Meeting the deceased today is also a great in life. Fortunately."

"That's right, even Brother Deyi said so, why should the Master see outsiders," Xi Tianying also said with disdain.

Song Li shook his head and said, "This is not what it used to be. Now the Fellow Daoist Yi cultivation base is still above me. How can you talk to the same generation."

"Really," Xi Tianying's complexion changed sharply and turned to look at Yi Tian in front of his lower body. Divine sense stretched out and then swept back and forth several times on his face, but his expression became more solemn.

Later sighed: "Brother Yi, your cultivation base is stronger than when you met in Monster Realm. I really don’t know how you cultivated. Compared with you, I’m really ashamed, I’m afraid of the future. The gap between your cultivation base and my cultivation base will become wider and wider."

"Big brother Xi does not need to be ashamed of himself. It is important to know that the right path to the path is to keep on striving for self-improvement," Yi Tian said resolutely: "Every time Individual opportunities are different, so the opportunities you can get are also different, but as long as you have an enterprising heart, you can continue along this road. The level of the cultivation base can be gradually compensated by Acquired, but the heart of the Tao The solidity is the most important thing."

"Fellow Daoist Yi said it was right. Tianying's aptitude is not bad. What you lack is only experience and opportunities," Song Li said: "This time the disaster is It’s a good time. If you can seize the opportunity during this period, you may soon find the opportunity to break through to the Integration Stage. Now, Qing Lianyun from the Taiqing Pavilion is already ahead of you among your peers. Her I have seen a lot of room for improvement in strength. I am afraid that the height that the cultivation base can reach in this life will definitely exceed that of Master."

This statement should be complexion slightly changed as soon as I attended, and I looked at it in a blink of an eye. Yi Tian before. He knew the relationship between the two very well in his heart, and then he said solemnly: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely seize the opportunity to move forward during this disaster."

"That's good, you first Go on, I have a few words to talk to Fellow Daoist Yi alone, "Song Li is a lightly saying."

Xi Tianying seemed to be persuaded after thinking of something that could be seen in the Master's eyes. Later, I just bowed my head and said: "Yes, Master."

When I left, I heard private sound transmission and Yi Tian: "Don't rush to go in a while, how many do we have? I haven't seen him in a hundred years, and I have time to sit down and relive the past."

Naturally, Xi Tianying's actions can't be concealed from Song Li, but he seems to have acquiesced and did not stop him. Yi Tian knew that the next conversation between the two was the most important thing, and Song Li could guess what he wanted to say.

After waiting for people to leave, Song Li opened the sound-proof Formation, and then he bowed his hand and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi, forgive me, the kid is carefree and ignorant for this temperament."

"Fellow Daoist Song is polite, I think what you want to say next is also related to Xi Tianying, I will listen to it," Yi Tian replied faintly.

"Okay," Song Li nodded and said: "Fellow Daoist Yi has ever seen the life essence and geometry underneath?"

"With the strength of Fellow Daoist Song for at least a thousand years Above, but for the mid-integrated cultivator, there is not much time," Yi Tian said.

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