Hearing Qing Lianyun’s words of concern for him, Yi Tian felt warm in his heart and explained the situation of returning to Lihuo Palace with the black clothed Wuye Sect Founder last time. . This kind of situation is naturally more exciting to the person’s mouth than the hearsay.

Qing Lianyun listened calmly when he talked about being under siege, browse slightly wrinkle, and his face was also worried, waiting for the mention of breaking the Three Talent Array of the Senior Brothers and breaking it. His brows eased slightly.

After finishing the whole thing, Qing Lianyun asked: "Is Husband reached the late stage of integration after leaving the customs?"

I clicked nodded Yi Tian and replied with a smile:" Now my cultivation base has made great progress compared with the time when I was away from the Fire Palace, and it is in the stable stage of the late integration."

"The Husband can be said to be the Number One under the Mahayana Stage cultivator in the Spirit Realm. Person is gone," Qing Lianyun asked.

"Why should I care about a little fame," Yi Tian said disapprovingly: "I have met with the one-eyed Scarlet Demon who invaded this time, Demon Race cultivator. This is a strong power and I need to do my best. Suppress him. In the future, when you meet this dog on the battlefield, don't be careless, especially be careful of his one-eyed divine ability, "Desperate Demon Eye", which is not something your realm can handle now."

"Is it really that powerful?" Qing Lianyun said in surprise.

"Of course, such a divine ability, even the demon sage Crown Prince Qiu Yu's demon pet, six-eyed demon wolf, can hold it for a moment or three. How about formidable power?" Yi Tian said on his face It was also full of solemnity, and then opened the mouth and said: "If you have a chance, you have to remind Zheng Tingyun, I think she has a very high chance of meeting the Scarlet Demon in the Ming place."

"That's that Yes, the Demon Race army overbearing, especially the one-eyed monster with his own army has to take action by Senior Sister himself to resist their invasion," Qinglianyun is also worriedly said: "I will definitely inform the Senior Sister about this afterwards. She pays attention to this."

"Don’t worry about this one-eyed Demon Race, I’ll take care of it myself. I guess 30 years from now, I’ll go to Spirit Realm with him to explore the Demon Sage together. Crown Prince Qiu Yu’s secret hideout, this time I will let him won but never returned," Yi Tian said a trace of bright light flashed in his eyes, but Qing Lianyun on one side was full of worry.

She knows that what Yi Tian decides cannot be changed, and this one-eyed monster is indeed the strongest person in the Spirit Realm invaded by the Demon Race army. In order to quell the devastation, it must be cut off. Even if it is placed in the spiritual practice headquarters, it is listed as the first major event. Although Zheng Tingyun never mentions it, she has already made a judgment about a few leading figures.

Later Qinglianyun came back to his senses and saw the four beams of light rising into the sky, and then hurriedly took out the base of the formation in his hand to the nearest node spirit vein and set it down. Yi Tian took out the formation plate in his hand, sacrificed the spiritual light and hit it up. I saw the five pillars of light directly laid down the five-spirited array after being pulled by the array.

Sending the array plate in hand to Qinglianyun's hands, Yi Tian opened the sound transmission and said: "I'll go in and stop the demonic beast first, and you will control the array plate. Wait later. After the meditation monk of the Great Lightning Zen Temple comes, you open the gate and let him in."

"Who is the meditation monk of the Great Lightning Zen Temple?" Qinglianyun asked.

"It is Chi Wuji, Zheng Tingyun will escort him to come by then," Yi Tian said, turning around and flew towards the deep valley in front of him, leaving a surprised Qing Lianyun behind.

After having the blessing of the big formation, Yi Tian's heart is determined, and now he has found this six-eyed demon wolf. What he fears most is that the opponent forces a breakthrough and escapes.

Convergence of the spiritual pressure on the body. After the fluctuation, Yi Tian slowly flew forward and used the divine sense to protrude and sweep across the mountain col in front of him, and quickly locked the position of the six-eyed demon wolf. . I saw it seemed to be full now, sleeping soundly among the trees.

Judging from the fluctuation of the spiritual pressure on it, it seems to be a bit stronger than when it just got out of the Kuisha Cave. Needless to say, it must have been the consequence of the previous raid on the Demon Race stronghold and devouring a lot of demonic cultivators to replenish itself.

Yi Tian slowly fell into his figure, took out a green large net of spiritual power that had been refined in his hand, and moved towards the six-eyed demon wolf body to cover it after injecting it.

This net is woven with the silk of'Bilin silkworm'. After the sacrifice, it belongs to the Heavenly Grade Spiritual Artifact. After the shot was thrown, the one-foot-sized silk net was unfolded in the air and turned into three feet in the wind, covering the body of the six-eyed demon wolf. Before falling down, suddenly I saw the six-eyed demon wolf lying on the ground napping, suddenly opened his eyes, and jumped from the ground with all his four legs, which could barely escape the net bag under his head.

Then he turned his head to stare at Yi Tian with a grin, and opened his mouth to speak human's words and said: "It's you again, although you have changed your appearance, I know it's you. That's right. "Is."

"Niezha, your Spirit Pet, as the master of the precepts, fell from the demonic path and you should have been broken up by the Wuye Sect Founder. Why did you still mutilate the innocent after your resurrection?"Yi Tian coldly shouted .

"It turns out that you are Wuye's dísciple," the six-eyed demon wolf raised his head and screamed: "He thought he would shake my Spiritual God away, but he didn't expect me to You have cultivated into the body of Divine Soul Inextinguishable, even if only a trace remains, you can restore the deity's appearance with tens of thousands of years of cultivation."

"I'm afraid your deity should be the Buddha's favorite of the Great Lightning Zen Temple of the Buddha Spirit Realm. Look like it," Yi Tian said disdainfully: "Although you fall down the demonic path, your heart still exists, but it is buried in the deep in one's heart and sealed."

"Don't make any guesses Yes, I am no longer a Buddha pet of the Great Lightning Zen Temple after the demonic energy infusion. Don't be hypocritical. If you want to subdue me, I have to have this ability," Jie Demon Wolf cried.

Yi Tian still had some scruples before, after all, this matter still has to wait for the monk Jie Ding to come personally to solve it. However, since this demon wolf uttered wild words, he should be able to teach him a lesson, otherwise he would not be able to bear the prestige of falling into the palace of fire.

I want to put out my hand and take out two seeds to sacrifice in my hand. After gently popping out, they directly sink into the depth of the spirit vein on the cliff.

Jie demon wolf said with a smile disdainfully: "Is this your Divine Ability spell? It doesn't look very good."

Until the end, I suddenly felt that There was a slight vibration at his feet, and the demon wolf hurriedly jumped into the air and looked back to see where it was originally standing. I don't know when a few green branches have grown out of it. As Yi Tian both hands forming seals continue to maintain the divine ability spell, the branches on the ground grow faster.

The demon wolf tumbling in the air suddenly found that all around a mile were all these vine veins growing frantically to securely surround it.

If this goes on, I am afraid that waiting a while will become the trend of catching a turtle in a jar, and flying upwards, I saw Yi Tian holding a silk net on its head to seal the retreat.

"This is what you forced me," the six-eyed demon wolf once again heard a low roar, and then soar into the clouds and mount the mists moved towards a wall. When the two front claws fiercely moved towards the vine wall in the depths nearby, the sound of'ka-cha' sounded and opened a hole in the vine wall in front of him. With a'swish' sound, the demon wolf turned into a light and shadow and was passing through it, and it was about to rush out of the siege.

Suddenly the body sank, and a cane with the thickness of a thumb was wrapped around the hind legs firmly. That rattan is also tough enough, no matter how hard the demon wolf struggles, it can't be broken.

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