Facing the collaboration between Hallyu and Ji Xuanyuan, Yi Tian didn’t have any fear, even if he saw Ji Xuanyuan’s Li Yan strike, Yi Tian took out Space Divine Ability'so close, yet worlds apart'All this Liyan is sucked into the alien space.

Ji Xuanyuan is also an experienced and knowledgeable generation, and after passing his gaze, he directly explained the origin of the trick. After the two shot, Zeng Shun in the distance didn't seem to be outdone either. He took out two pieces of Leiyang Orders and attached the white ignorant fire to it and then let go.

Suddenly, two bright white blazing suns appeared above the forbidden area of ​​Lihuo Palace, mixed with the sound of the wind, smashing the head and covering the place where Yi Tian was. Putting away the Ziyan Wind-Lightning Fan, Yi Tian took out the Taiyuan Wooden Sword's fingertips and flashed a little white fire star to ignite the Spirit Sword. The hands were quickly knotted on the chest and then stretched out and waved: "Change."

The Taiyuan Wooden Sword decomposed into thousands of filaments in the air, and then carried an unexplained flame in front of you. Two flames greeted them.

"This is Feiyu Sword Sect's magical magic, didn't expect Little Junior Brother, you can gather the three specialties, and you can enter the Master's magical eyes," Ji Xuanyuan in the distance saw Such a situation admired.

The sound of'Ping Pong Pong' came from the air. It was the crisp sound of Ling Yaohua Qian's sword wire hitting the Leiyang Ling.

The tricks used by Zeng Shun's Life Source Spirit Treasure were extremely sharp, but this momentum was blocked by Ling Yaohua Qian's sword wire. It is not Spiritual Artifact that dominates, but Yi Tian takes advantage of the cultivation technique. The ignorant flames gathered on a large number of sword wires quickly assimilate the same flames on the flywheel. Zeng Shun couldn't help but hurriedly connected the seal to take back the Spiritual Artifact, but after a large number of ignorant flames were assimilated, his control over Lei Yang Ling continued to weaken.

In the end, it was Ji Xuanyuan who took the shot and took out Zi Xiaozhan through the aisle fire wall to forcibly intercept the two entangled flames.

Slowly listen to Ji Xuanyuan’s opened the mouth and said: "The two junior brothers must not keep their hands anymore, otherwise let Little Junior Brother look down on me. Isn’t it a loss of Master’s face."

Zeng Shun and the Korean Wave hearing this complexion slightly changed hurriedly said: "Listen to Eldest Senior Brother's instructions."

"Then let Little Junior Brother see our Sancai Li from the Fire Palace. Fire array," said that the figure flashed over to the hundred zhang in front of Yi Tian.

Also, both Hallyu and Zeng Shun flashed behind Yi Tian separately in a teleport, and the three of them took out the Spiritual Artifact and formed a horn of each other. Suddenly the three of them flew quickly in one direction, and at the same time gradually narrowed the encircling circle.

Yi Tian asked himself to be quite familiar with Formation, and the Three Talent Array law can be regarded as a more basic array. But the Three Talent Array method jointly deployed by three Integration Stage cultivators is different.

Don't look at the emptiness of the upper and lower directions, but Yi Tian knows that if he wants to break through from these two directions, he will surely usher in a joint blow by the three.

Furthermore, the decisive plan to get out of trouble is not simply to break through all the way. With the three people working together, they are equal to facing three Ji Xuanyuan's real bodies at the same time. Attacking any one of the two old men from the fire will be transferred to Ji Xuanyuan, and Ji Xuanyuan’s Divine Ability spell can also be used by the two old men from the fire. The speaking of which Formation is improved based on the most powerhouse Divine Ability spell. The offensive and defensive capabilities of the weak.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian didn't dare to keep his hands anymore. Under both hands forming seals, he called out "Xian," the four arms under the ribs, like white lotus roots, and the back of the head and neck. Two heads came out separately. This secret technique of Asura Transformation Divine Ability was also used publicly for the first time in Spirit Realm.

Six arms are in pairs. The hands on both sides hold the Purple Flame Wind-Lightning Fan, Taiyuan Wood Sword, Thunder Sun Order, and Dragon Tortoise armor shield. The front hands hold one A three-inch oil lamp, with a ray of green and purple flames on it.

"It seems that Little Junior Brother, you are also getting serious. I don’t know if your Asura Transformation can increase your skill to a few realm," Ji Xuanyuan’s words came from the fast approaching Three Talent Array. Soundtrack.

"Senior Brother, don't worry, my brother will never let you down," said Yi Tian one-handed printing the entire Three Heads Six Arms's Asura, really faintly glowing golden rays of light like skin It is plated with a layer of golden brilliance, and there is a corona on the back of the head rising up, but the soles of the feet are stepping on the white lotus illusory shadow.

"Little Junior Brother's cultivation technique is really complicated, and even the Buddhist Sect secret technique can be used. It seems that you have also spent a lot of hard work here," Hallyu said.

"Let the Senior Brother wait a long time," Yi Tian corner of mouth twitching said: "Let’s start the second round now."

Don’t wait for them to reply, Yi Tian will take the lead. , Ziyan Wind-Lightning Fan, Leiyang Ling and Taiyuan Wooden Sword moved towards Ji Xuanyuan after offering sacrifices, Zeng Shun and Hallyu greeted them.

Since attacking a certain point will be transferred to Ji Xuanyuan, if you attack three at the same time, Ji Xuanyuan must be too busy to spare time for a separate task.

Six Paths divine ability spells suddenly attacked each other within a short three-mile radius. The scene is determined to be the unheard-of of these low-level cultivators in the distance.

Many people stopped their Divine Ability spells one after another, and hurriedly turned their heads and fled towards the distance. Although it was far away from several hundred li, the spiritual pressure that appeared after the divine ability attack formed three tornadoes moved towards all directions. Wherever the gang wind went, it left one after another ten zhang deep ravine on the ground, which stretched hundreds of miles away before it ended.

This all around low-level cultivator hurriedly abandoned the opponent in front of him moved towards and flees away. This is no longer something they can participate in. Speaking of which has to wait for the high-rank cultivator to win After losing, let's deal with these trivial matters in front of you.

On the contrary, Jian Shaoqing alone, the pestle staring at the distance in the air, Yi Tian looked up from time to time in the position of an enemy and three fighting, and the corners of his mouth inadvertently flowed out traces of blood, completely forgetting that the teeth were tight. The pain of biting your lip.

The four people in the center of the storm were naturally uncomfortable. Zeng Shun and Hallyu were obviously inferior in strength. They were removed from the Formation and pushed to several li to adjust their interest rate first.

Only Ji Xuanyuan stopped in the air holding the Zixiao Zhan and stared at the front from time to time, but his forehead was deeply wrinkled, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Suddenly, a gap was opened in the void, and Yi Tian leaped out of it. He didn't seem to receive any damage, but the imposing manner was not as strong as before.

"My brother is good to plot against, but unfortunately your such a strong cultivation technique also has weaknesses. It is not easy to maintain it for a long time," Ji Xuanyuan said solemnly.

"Eldest Senior Brother is really powerful, and I can see the strangeness at a glance," Yi Tian also replied with a wry smile, speaking of which at the same time the spiritual power required to perform the three secret skills divine ability is also doubled The increase. Fortunately, my own background is still there, it should be no problem to consume a few times.

Before, Yi Tian was surrounded by three people's actual combat Formation for a while, and secretly thought must not let this happen again.

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