The location of Lihuo Palace can be regarded as the strongest spirit vein area in Spirit Realm today, almost comparable to the unpolluted Old Feng City.

However, Lihuo Palace did not receive as widely as the other Two Great Sects, and there are not many cultivators in the huge sect realm. Almost Divine Transformation Stage dísciple can be divided into spirit vein cultivation within a radius of five hundred miles. This is how the cultivator of Lihuo Palace relies on the strongest cultivation technique and sufficient resources to be able to outsmart the dísciples of the other two factions of the same order.

Near the gate from the Fire Palace, only the cultivator above the Divided Spirit Stage can fly, and the gate is guarded by the Divided Spirit Stage cultivator. On the same day, a transport ship under the banner of Taiqing Pavilion flew towards the direction of the Huo Palace Mountain Gate.

A cultivator in charge of vigilance has long yelled from a distance: "who is the newcomer, stop quickly and accept the interrogation. You can't easily break into the fire palace."

But the transport ship seemed to have not said these words at all, and was still sailing at full speed moving towards the mountain gate.

For thousands of years, Lihuo Palace has always been in a dominant position in Spirit Realm. These mountain gates should all be equipped with Mountain Protecting Great Array. But there has not been a war for so long, so that the defense at the foot of the mountain immediately forgot that someone dared to trespass through the mountain gate, and did not open the Mountain Protecting Array in time.

Hua Yulin, who presided over the piloting in the cabin, was full of triumph at this time. He had never thought that he could come to the Inner Sect realm in Lihuo Palace so unscrupulously.

As for Xiang Donghui and Jian Shaoqing, there are also different colors on their faces. They have visited here. But every time I can only enter after passing the pass from the foot of the mountain, I have never felt as comfortable as this time.

The dísciple from the Palace of Fire soon came to stop, but the people who shot were all the dísciple of the Distracted Early-Stage. They escaped quickly and quickly caught up with the transport ship. After repeated warnings, they found that the enemy seemed to ignore the Spiritual Artifact in their hands and prepare to attack.

Suddenly more than a dozen people walked out of the deck of the transport ship, and the first one was just Deity Transformation Late Stage cultivator. After a crisp phoenix sound sounded, dozens of people on the ship maintained the transport ship and flew towards the forbidden area of ​​the Fire Palace.

Within ten thousand li, there was a continuous ringing of bells suddenly and ceaselessly. For thousands of years, it has only been ringed at the most critical moment of the last devastating disaster. The closed dísciple of the Lihuo Palace waked up from Ruding when they heard the bells, opened the door to move towards sect and flew towards the forbidden ground.

Soon there were hundreds of sparse spots in the space. I didn't expect that all the Inner Disciple from the Fire Palace came out with only a hundred people.

It’s no wonder that the black clothed Wuye Sect Founder only sent ten squad to help the two parties.

The layers of restrictions in the Palace of Lihuo looked like papers in front of this transport ship, and they were immediately broken and penetrated.

He didn't stop until he flew to the front gate of the forbidden area of ​​sect. At this time, two figures flew out of the cabin to stabilize in the air. Then I just listened to black clothed Wu Ye opened the mouth and said: "I'm back, Ji Xuanyuan, Huo Lian, Zeng Shun, and Hallyu are still not coming out to see you."

The voice is silent but Fangyuan ten Everyone in the thousand li sect can hear clearly, just like these words are speaking in their ears.

With a'swish', the restriction outside the forbidden area of ​​the Fire Palace was directly handed in, and Zeng Shun, Hallyu and Huo Lian flew out and confronted the two in the air.

I saw Huo Lian staring at the person in front of him with a surprised look and looked around and asked: "Old Ancestor, aren't you in the forbidden area to retreat, why did you suddenly say you return to sect?"


"Master is here, the discipline has not been seen for thousands of years, but how come you find that your breath is different from the last time you met," Zeng Shun also asked.

It was the Hallyu who looked at it and then turned his gaze to Yi Tian on one side. Suddenly, the pupils of his eyes condensed as if he had seen something incredible.

Yi Tian slowly bowed his hands and said: "Junior brother Yi Tian has seen three Senior Brothers."

"Aren't you a cultivator of Taiqing Pavilion, why would you be with Sect? Founder together?" Firelink browses slightly wrinkle asked.

It was the Hallyu Judge who said in a salute: "I have seen Little Junior Brother, didn't expect your cultivation base to be so diligent, it is many times stronger than it was in Monster Realm hundreds of years ago."

"Senior Brother Han still has eyesight, is it someone who has cultivated the 7th floor of Lihuo Jiuchang Lihuo, but your progress over the years has been a lot slower than I expected," Yi Tian is Faintly replied.

"What do you know about this cultivation technique?" Zeng Shun asked in surprise.

"More than knowing, Little Junior Brother cultivation is far above me from the cultivation base of the flame cultivation technique," said Hallyu.

Hearing what he said, Huo Lian and Zeng Shun suddenly looked terrified and didn't know what to say.

At this time, an aura of light flew out of the restriction, and it was Ji Xuanyuan. It's just that Yi Tian looked over and was surprised to find that it was the Avatar he had seen before. Slightly frowned frowned and asked: "Senior Brother Ji Monster Realm, I trust you have been well since we last met, but why does your life essence flow faster?"

The three people next to them looked shocked, but none of them noticed this. Huo Lian's face condensed and asked: "Little Junior Brother's statement is true?"

Zeng Shun also asked in a hurry: "Why did Eldest Senior Brother become like this? Is there something wrong with the cultivation technique? "

Only the Hallyu seemed to be aware of something flashing in his eyes and said, "Senior Brother taught me the cultivation technique thousands of years ago. Has it been foreseen one day?"


Ji Xuanyuan didn't answer directly, instead he turned around to face the black clothed Wuye Ji's first salute: "Master is here, Xuanyuan is polite."

lightly sighed, black clothed none Ye opened the mouth and said: "These years have really caused you to suffer. Wu Ye, are you still hiding in the ban and refuse to come out to meet? How long do you have to disciples to cover your shame?"

"Asshole, you shouldn't have been here," a sharp voice resounded directly between Heaven and Earth. Then two lights and shadows flew out of the restriction and fell in front of the six people.

When the light faded, a white clothed Wuye Sect Founder appeared in front of everyone, behind him was a pair of old man Ji Xuanyuan's body.

Later, Ji Xuanyuan’s Avatar only flew back to the body and disappeared without a trace. That deity was strong and energetic moved towards black clothed Wu Ye and Yi Tian, ​​the chief inspector said: "I have seen black clothed Sect Founder and Little Junior Brother."

In this way, Yi Tian's position is solid. The identities, the two elders from Huo and Huo Lian were all suspicious in their eyes, not knowing what was going on.

Just listen to the white clothed Wu Ye speaking: "I have imprisoned you in the lower realm Tianlan continent, didn't expect you to be able to get out of it. It is far beyond my expectation."

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