Originally, it sneaked back to Spirit Realm from the top secret transport ship between the boundary gates, but I didn’t expect that I encountered a big trouble just after leaving the boundary gate.

The hand of the Demon Race army has stretched far enough. After the Azure Dragon Fort, the nearest loose cultivator town, has been captured, directly pointed finger towards the gate guard who wants to in a spurt of energy to pass the two circles. The break of the interdiction led the Demon Race army to Spirit Realm.

In addition to the Heavenly Demon Clan Integration Stage cultivator, a group of Demon General Experts are now starting from Azure Dragon Fort and heading to the gate to assist in the battle.

Although a single Divided Spirit Stage cultivator cannot pose a threat to the mid-phase cultivator, if it is a team of ten, its deterrence is not small. It is estimated that the Taiqing Pavilion has also received a summons from Song Li, and decent people are quick to reinforce this place. It’s just that the mountains are high and the roads are far away.

Under the orders of Yi Tian, ​​the entire transport ship began to mobilize among the ten breaths. After receiving the news, many alien cultivators or monster cultivators broke away from the opened hatch. They can't wait to leave this battlefield early, knowing that facing ten Demon Race Divided Spirit Stage cultivators is definitely ten deaths without life.

As people continue to flee the transport ship, Yi Tian divine sense finds that soon there are only a few people left on the entire ship. And Hua Yuxin didn't seem to leave yet. At this time, she was rushing towards the first-class cabin. As for the task of driving the transport ship, it fell to Hua Yulin. Yi Tian divine sense swept through the control room of the cabin and saw that the old man was angry, but there was resentment between his brows.

Who told him that he was not the person in charge? This matter also pinned all hopes on the younger sister and couldn't bear to leave alone that's all.

Expand the divine sense again and find that the transport ship is flying towards the demonic cultivator rushing to the gate, and the other party seems to have noticed the location of the transport ship. Probably it is estimated that their strength can crush the opponent, and they will not avoid flying directly here.

Suddenly the restriction outside the cabin door was opened, and Hua Yuxin hurried over and shouted: "Husband, I have dismissed the loose cultivator and sect disciple. Now Apart from you and me, there are only big brothers on the boat. I don't know how you want to fight?"

"How else can you fight, just go straight to it," Yi Tian lightly said: "You won't regret following me? "

Hua Yuxin's eyes flashed with tears, and then she clasped her fingers in her hands and paused before saying: "Back then, Husband suddenly left in a disaster, and I regret it. Today today. It’s unwilling to reunite and leave in a hurry. If I can face the catastrophe with Husband, I won’t regret it even if I die."

"Is it true, if I have to face a stronger one in the future Opponents, like Palace Lord Ji Xuanyuan, will you stand beside me?" Yi Tian asked jokingly.

"That's for sure," Hua Yuxin not even think directly replied: "No matter how difficult it is, I will face it with you."

hearing this Yi Tian was overjoyed, and his face overflowed with a little joy. Forgive me, there is a voice coming from behind: "You brat is a good fate. There is such a soulmate who is willing to go through water and tread on fire for you."

There is no direct secret voice in this voice. transmission, but a stately speaking. When the voice just fell, the jade core was complexion slightly changed. I followed the voice and saw Youdao silhouette appearing in the corner of the first-class cabin in a blink of an eye.

"Who are you and when did you come," Hua Yuxin said suddenly, Huarong paled.

"From the very beginning I am here, but with your strength, I can't detect my existence that's all," Wu Ye was replied with a playful look: "I also want to see the future What a woman who can live in the Lihuo Palace."

Hua Yuxin has a gloomy and uncertain look on her face. It is obvious that all the conversations between the three have been heard. And the person in front of him and his Husband seem to know each other. Seeing that he doesn't have the slightest fluctuation of spiritual pressure, he should be a strong person. Hua Yuxin's brain is much better than her big brother. Seeing that Yi Tian is a Divided Spirit Stage cultivator, and the person in front of him is stronger, maybe an Integration Stage expert.

These Integration Stage cultivators are all weird-tempered, so they don't like others to watch when they take action, so she is asked to dismiss the people on the boat. It is very easy to deal with ten Divided Spirit Stage cultivators with the strength of this person. After that, Hua Yuxin straightened up his face and asked, "Dare to ask where the senior is expert?"

"This is my Master Wuye Sect Founder," Yi Tian introduced.

"so that's how it is, thanks to senior for taking care of my Husband, Yuxin is so polite," Hua Yuxin said with a slow and respectful expression: "Please also senior take action to solve the danger of the boundary."

"Let Yi Tian take care of some trivial matters. You, the person who will settle in the Lihuo Palace in the future, are very courageous, and affectionate and true are indeed the best candidates," Wu Ye said with a smile.

Listening to what he said, it seems that this will really be an issue in the future, but Yi Tian asked in a puzzled manner: "Yuxin's poor cultivation base seems to be difficult to convince her to come forward. Everyone."

"It’s okay, after this catastrophe, I’m afraid that your power in sect is growing, but the lack of affinity just allows this woman to make up for your shortcomings. This is also God’s will," Wu Ye said Then the silhouette slowly disappeared in place.

Although Hua Yuxin heard the call, there are still many unbelieving expressions on her face. Turning his head and asking: "Who is Husband your Master, and why is it involved in sect."

Yi Tian gave a wry smile and waved his hand: "You will know this after all, but for the time being Let me take care of the outside affairs."

"Be careful, Husband, that's a Divided Spirit Stage demon. Do you want to be besieged by Formation?" Hua Yuxin is worried. Tao.

"Why is it so troublesome, when have you seen me fight an unsure battle?" Yi Tian said extend the hand to caress Hua Yuxin's waist, the two of them teleported to the transportation Above the deck of the ship.

Yi Tian eyebrows slightly frowned after the divine sense disperses and locks in the incoming people. Among these people, there is even their old knowledge from Demon Realm. Heavenly Demon Clan's Dugu Yaoxiang is also among them, but his cultivation base is just like that of the late stage of distraction, which seems to be the head of these people.

Those demonic cultivators had long locked onto the transport ship not far in front of them, and when they were scattered around, they surrounded the center. The leading demonic cultivator was Heavenly Demon Clan’s Dugu Yaoxiang. He flew up and looked at it and said, “The loose cultivator you brought here dare to stop me from waiting. I’ll order you to be obediently surrender or kill him directly. Go."

"In a big tone, I will leave you a way out for Dugu Yaoxiangnian in the love we have been with for many years," a sound transmission sounded in his ear. The next moment the transportation ship in front of me, there was a sudden surge of spiritual pressure, and then moved towards the top ten Divided Spirit Stage cultivator in front of me with an overwhelming momentum of hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Such an intensity has clearly surpassed their knowledge, and at the same time the speechless that stunned them straight. Suddenly Nine Cyan's light appeared in the eyes of these demonic cultivators. As the azure light infinitely expanded in their pupils, they seemed to forget to avoid being directly penetrated by the blue silk light.

After three breaths, only Dugu Yaoxiang was left in the air, standing there blankly, but from time to time he muttered: "Impossible is him. Isn't he dead?"

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